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Grand Wazoo

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Everything posted by Grand Wazoo

  1. I am liking these basses a lot... very pricey though, has anyone tried one of these, what are they like? [size=3][b][url="http://www.gusguitars.com/product.php?model_id=9"]Gus Basses[/url][/b][/size]
  2. Thanks to all for the nice comments and the wacky ones too, one thing we must all remember that beneath the "crazy" looks still lies a great player of a bass, with a very nice neck and perfect action and specially now with the Duncan Vintage stacked pickups and period correct pots and wiring loom, this bass is right up there with your average vintage Jazz, which is why I love it in many ways: for looks, sound and playability and it's not just a "project" this is a worthy keeper, eventually when I am tired of the bovine look, I have kept the original duncan pickp covers and spare knobs, the pickguard too, and the black patches can all be peeled off in a matter of minutes.
  3. [size=3][b]NOW IT'S FULLY MOOO'ED!! My work is done here, this is the final touch. Enjoy[/b][/size] [url="http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt660/?action=view&current=DSC02956.jpg"][/url] [url="http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt660/?action=view&current=DSC02957.jpg"][/url] [url="http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt660/?action=view&current=DSC02958.jpg"][/url] [url="http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt660/?action=view&current=DSC02959.jpg"][/url] [url="http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt660/?action=view&current=DSC02960.jpg"][/url] [url="http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r200/xt660/?action=view&current=DSC02961.jpg"][/url]
  4. Then along came Mark King with his rickety tickety slap sound and stuck an "aura" of tackyness to the whole genre, and as we all know, when something is done to overkill it looses appeal and most of all TASTE. A bilt like every rock band in the late 80's had to have a Van Halen'esque tapping solo in the middle of the chorus. bah!
  5. I've put a Quarter Pound SDuncan in mine and I am estatic about the sound [size=3][b]Here is a sound clip of it ==>> [url="http://www.captnmoto.co.uk/videos/51Precision.mp3"]Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound 51 RI Precision[/url][/b][/size]
  6. My first bass was a fretless and the first whole song I learnt was the Beatles Come together great fretless sound and then I learnt Pino Palladino line on Everywhere I Lay My Hat.
  7. [quote name='deathpanda' post='784076' date='Mar 23 2010, 10:21 PM']Did a search but nothing came up so I'm gonna make a thread about it. I apologise for another advice thread, but I would like some help choosing a gig bag for my bass. For the past year I have been carrying my bass around in my guitar bag, which is obviously too small so I've had to have a drawstring bag cover the headstock. I really could care less about the horrible aesthetics and the distress it causes when you look at it, but I think it's time I got something that protect the bass properly. My price range is £50 max and I want something that fits my Geddy Lee sig perfectly. I have searched and searched for them online, but to be honest I'm not really sure what's big enough and what isn't... Aesthetically, I don't really want any bright colours or crazy designs, just a simple, durable gig bag for my bass. Any suggestions would be appreciated, cheers.[/quote] Fender does a lovely tweed one [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Deluxe-Tweed-gig-bag-P-Jazz-bass-New_W0QQitemZ280483072823QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item414e180b37"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Deluxe-Tweed-...=item414e180b37[/url]
  8. [quote name='Duarte' post='784073' date='Mar 23 2010, 10:20 PM']Stick that in your pipe and smoke it![/quote] wooooo I'd stick her on my face and then smoke it.
  9. I don't think an active bass is the answer, to be honest, slap tone its mostly due to your approach to it, i.e. your technique, the part of flesh you attack the string with, even. Active or passive I've seen real talented players getting a quacky slap sound out of the most unsuspecting bass, see the examples below... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMSq__vg7Gs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMSq__vg7Gs[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uryk_gs39n0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uryk_gs39n0...feature=related[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47PYoNEd4tk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47PYoNEd4tk[/url] Get yourself a copy of this DVD and you'll be more than halfway there available here: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ed-Friedland-Slap-Ultimate-Guide/dp/B00008G90O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1269380727&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ed-Friedland-Slap-...0727&sr=1-1[/url]
  10. [quote name='gary mac' post='783653' date='Mar 23 2010, 04:43 PM']Yes, another thumbs up for The Bass Merchant.[/quote] wow what a lovey bass you got there in your avatar, I'd like to see a full pic of it. thanks
  11. As a London based man myself (even though I am a bloody foreigner ) I am going to give you the facts: I've lived here from '85 so I have a my fair share of cabby knowledge of where to go for the right gear. First of all, I have to share the feelings of all those who posted above. The answer is sadly: Nowhere on Denmark St. The problem first and foremost is that you DON'T get a lot of choice, never mind the service and the good deals that the store assistants might give you, believe me you can haggle and really get a decent price but... there is just not enough livestock worth hagglig about! You get some stores who are trying to push vintage gear at an unacceptable and unaccessible price, there is this boutique shop in there, I can't remember the name, nice sofa, fireplace and leather furniture in there, you walk in you see a lovely 70's Jazz and the price tag says Bargain £9999!! Bargain? Bollox me think. Then you get places like Bass Cellar and Macari's who are just pushing wishy-washy Korean copies, together with the odd names Fender and Gibson, and Jackson's (far east ones) all at prices that are well above what you can buy on line from GAK, Nevada and others. London is a very expensive place to live, shop and even pay for a bus fare, but that's because our stores are afflicted by a very high cost for the rent for their premises, licenses etc, all these overheads are items which an internet outlet is not subject to. Hence internet killed the shop star! Back in the late 90' to beginning 00's the London's flagship store for anything Bass, was in fact the Bass Center in Wapping High St. behind Tower Bridge. They were the avant-guard of the London bass scene however their business was killed by the internet too, and since then the Bass Center closed to the public and don't have a showroom anymore, only selling online, yes you get good deals there too but, as the original poster said he'd rather try before buying and this is why the few stores that can afford to have a high street outlet unfortunately are not in Central London. The Gallery in Camdem is the closest to central London, and still one of the best at the moment. However the Gallery is still a small shop and crammed with stuff, just not enough space for you to try something in peace and quiet. If you really want to have the uiltimate bass experience I would, from personal experience, recommend you to stretch out a bit more to the South East and go to Essex to visit Colechester where you will find another very nice [b]and most of all LARGE store [/b]with tons of gear in the Bass Merchant where Darren works, Darren is a member in this forum and will give you a discount just for being a member of Basschat. His store is really ample and is situated in a quiet industrial estate with [b]plenty of parking space[/b], whereas parking in Central London is near impossible. He stocks a variety of nice basses, MusicMan, Fender, Lakland, and other, has loads of excellent amps, Mark Bass, Aguilar, Genz-Benz and other, so you will be definately spoilt for choice. Hope to have been of help.
  12. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='781724' date='Mar 21 2010, 04:01 PM']are you gonna relay some of the body patches to better line up with those at the edges of the pickguard?[/quote] Oh bollox!! Now you've made me do it!!
  13. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='781759' date='Mar 21 2010, 04:29 PM']Really nice neck - One of the thinner Precision necks, just a little thicker than a Jazz. Glossed and properly finished, so all in all really nice. Huge output for a passive bass. Much better than the MIM's & Classics. Bargain Pino clones for everyone! [/quote] He's right! Lovely neck and loud enough sound
  14. Great price for them here: [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/Bass_Guitars/Bass/sc1114/p9118.aspx"]http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/...1114/p9118.aspx[/url]
  15. [quote name='bh2' post='781528' date='Mar 21 2010, 11:34 AM']AFAIK the cv J and P have vintage spec pickguards.[/quote] I make you right there bud!
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='781674' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:37 PM']Thats pretty steep. GAK have the CV P basses for around £260[/quote] Right! Which is exactly how I managed to get mine down to £234 when I told them a few shop were selling them for under £250 they said ok I'll do it for you for £234 I said oh yeah, I'll have some of that. Phone Nevada they are soft!
  17. [quote name='cameltoe' post='781651' date='Mar 21 2010, 01:48 PM']True that may be, but my local music shop sells the CV Squiers at £389 now, so they're hardly a budget line anymore.[/quote] Depends where you shop, I've got mine from Nevada as a phone deal (best way to shop in my views) and I haggled it down to £234 bear in mind their retail price was and still is now £299 incl free next day delivery [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/Bass_Guitars/Bass/sc1114/p7144.aspx"]http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/...1114/p7144.aspx[/url]
  18. [quote name='arsenic' post='781595' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:45 PM']I really am tempted by that Honey Blonde one.[/quote] Yes she is gorgeous, I was tempted too, I was very peed off that it didn't feel or sound better than my Squier.
  19. show us a link of the basses you are talking about, except the CV Precision '51, I know that one already, as I have said before I tried the Jap reissue 51 as in the pic below and a Sting one too (pic further down) and I still preferred the CV and money was not a problem. It was the quality of the CV that prevailed. [size=3][b]The Classic '51 Reissue (JAP) £639[/b][/size] [size=3][b]The Stink £619 [/b][/size]
  20. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='753648' date='Feb 22 2010, 12:02 PM']Roland Cube RX bass.[/quote] I agree with the Roland Cube RX, it comes with packed with stuff: 1. Stereo effects: autowah, reverb, Chorus, Flanger, Delay 2. Cab simulators, hartke / Fender Bassman, Ampeg, Trace and other 3. Drum Machine!! 4. Auxiliar input for an mp3 player tp play along with real music. 5. Works on batteries as well as mains (ac adaptor included) 6. Chromatic tuner 7. Carrying straps 8. On board EQ 9. Headphone output for quiet practicing But the best thing about it is that it actually sounds great and can give a surprisingly big sound for such a small package. What more do you want [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/roland-micro-cube-bass-rx-bass-guitar-practice-amp-combo--48568"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/roland-micro-...mp-combo--48568[/url]
  21. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='781285' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:22 AM']Strange because when I look at the Jazz pickguards on the website it says: "This will only fit USA and Mexican made Fenders (not Squier or Japanese). If you have a Squier or Japanese or non-Fender copy we'll need you to mail us a tracing or the original part and we'll duplicate the shape for a small (max. $20) set-up fee."[/quote] Well what can I say, I emailed them, told them it was a Squier, they've said no problem, they didn't charge me extra and as you've seen in the pics, it fitted bang on. I guess they must have changed their templates or something. This is the first time I've ordered something from them. Be prepared for a 3 weeks wait, they send them like.... 3rd class or lower. Cheapskates. Mine took fffing ages!
  22. They even asked me if I wanted the holes drilled for the ashtray covers, which I obviously declined.
  23. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='781281' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:13 AM']Did you send a tracing or what model was it?[/quote] errr.... I assumed it would fit because they assured me it would fit all standard Jazz / Mexican / American and Jap basses.
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='781275' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:02 AM']Hey, bass5, did that new pickguard match up with all the screwholes, neck, and pickup?[/quote] Yes 100% there is only one thing that is there that I didn't need, and that it's the scallopped indent for the trussrod adjustment at the base of the neck, which as you know on these Squiers is not there but at the top of the headstock. as you can see in this pic
  25. The people in Canada, that made the pickguard (www.greasygroove.com), published it on their website! [url="http://www.greasygroove.com/customertestimonials.php"]http://www.greasygroove.com/customertestimonials.php[/url]
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