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Everything posted by Fitz666

  1. Sorry but anyone speaking like that to me, especially when I am doing them the favour, would be left in a snotty heap.
  2. I would come for a chat and to watch. Really not very good so wouldnt like to embaress myself.
  3. Welcome to the fourm. From the right side of the wall and the age......
  4. As it is for home use you are hardly likley to crank it right up are you? If kept to a fairly quiet level I canot what damage would be done, we use an electric kit hooked up to the hifi at home and have done for years now.
  5. Well done for not hitting the roof, not sure I could have been to calm to be honest. As for the repeat gig... I would just let them know that you would have loved to do it but then explain about what happenend, their loss m8.
  6. Have a Metal friday bump from me for the most gorgeous of basses, good luck with the sale (I wish I could justify another black pointy bass)
  7. As we change tuning on about half of our songs and I really cannot get on with a 5 string, I take two basses to gigs...
  8. Welcome to the most helpful and least judgemental forum around.
  9. You northeners are taking over..... Welcome to the forum from just down the road.....
  10. Welcome to the forum. We have Nazareth and Big Counrty from here. Oh and Shackled (but were are only famous in our town!!!)
  11. [sub]Welcome to the forum, plenty metal heads on here. [/sub] [sub]Probably the single most knowlegable, helpful and supportive forum I have ever been part of.[/sub]
  12. Welcome to the can of worms I opened up with a similar question [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/161735-cabinet-config-query/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/161735-cabinet-config-query/page__fromsearch__1[/url] To be honest I had some excellent replies and all of the helpful.
  13. My thoughts are I am in a metal band, I'm not actually that good and dont spend as much time as I should practising, therefore I couldnt really justify spending a lot of money on a bass. I have three basses, a BC Rich Warlock which the band bought me for my birthday, a Stagg version of the Rich and a Wesley Flying V, I love all of them and would never part with any of them. They do exactly what I need them to do, they sound really good in my opinion and if anything happenend to them they wouldnt cost the eartht o replace.
  14. Hello from just across the water.
  15. Black, always black. Everything black. I am thinking of spraying the grills on the rig white though........
  16. Our first gig was at a youth club, still got it on video somewhere. Highlight of the evening? A 10 year old tried to crowd surf, landed on his head and was knocked out cold. Rest of it went OK though,
  17. Location, location, location
  18. I often impart some of the stories I have heard here to my better half and she is always amazed at the helpfulness and generosity of people on this forum, especially as she know that all you guys, like me, value their equipment so much.
  19. Better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it.....
  20. This is the link to the Laney site for the manual if it helps http://www.laney.co.uk/manuals/TH9600S-TH9360S%20Manual%20-%201988%20-%20Issue%201.pdf
  21. I appreciate all your comments folks. It is a Laney rig and the 410 does have a horn. The main reason I asked is that when I unboxed it and set it up in the garage to have a wee play I opened the 410 first so that went on the bottom. Our guitarist (also an excellent bass player buy a bit OCD) said I had it the wrong ay round, I thought I would ask the experts before allowing him to gloat. Thanks again folks.
  22. Hoping for some guidance folks. For the first time in my bass career I now have a full rig with a 4x10 and a 1x15. So which way do you stack them? The 15 on the top or the bottom? I have seen setups with both but am not sure on the benefits of each, or the negative effects of them. Looking forward to your replies. Cheers
  23. Oh where can I buy them?
  24. Welcome to the forum, plenty Scots in here
  25. I had my "left handedness" tested when I was at school and I am only 10% left handed. I write and draw with my left hand. For everything else I am right handed, right eyed, right footed and right eared. I have tried to play left handed but it just feels so wrong (and not in a good way)
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