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Total Watts

  1. Should have him under the Trade Description Act!! - described and listed as New but he says that he has "used" it
  2. Bought a combo amp from Wayne about three weeks ago. Was quickly delivered, and he kept me up to date with when it was being posted, and when it should arrive. Also very helpful in answering all my questions while I was deciding which amp to buy. Very happy with the amp, and would buy from Wayne again.
  3. Removed the strings from my recently purchased used bass and gave them a 20 hour soak in meths. Dried them and replaced them on the guitar, and now noticed that at least a couple of the strings have a few shiny marks where they meet up with the frets. Assume that when I replaced the strings, they got rotated around a bit, so the lower side of the string has now moved around to the side/top. Does this suggest heavy wear, or does this happen quite early in a string's life? Should I replace the strings, and if so how do I find out what gauge strings I have at the moment?
  4. Have a PDF of a short version of Gimme for keyboard which I can email you, if you PM me an email address, it's only 27kb. Shows main tune on treble clef, lyrics, but only chord names.
  5. Looks like they were carefully removed using a scrapyard claw crane!
  6. I've just left the strings to soak in some (purple) methylated spirits. Didn't have any pipes, so coiled them up in the bottom of an empty large 5 litre water bottle. Took a bit of persusion to get the strings to lie flat at the bottom, but will cut them the bottle up if I can't get them out later. Did try using a large biscuit tin, but it wasn't quite water tight, and the meths leaked out!! Edit: 24 hours later, don't use a bottle unless you can cut it up afterwards, the strings didn't want to leave by the normal entrance and had to be cut out of the bottle. As I had only partly straightened the ends, they managed to get completely tangled up. Dried them with paper towel, and re-fitted them - they do feel a lot cleaner, but not sure whether they sound any different. PS - meths probably would ruin the biscuits, but biscuits don't last long in my house!!
  7. Again, thanks for the earlier advice. Ended up buying a used Yamaha BB604 in natural finish for a fair price, which I'm happy with, and fairly certain will last me for quite a few years. Had to give it a dust and also cleaned the frets and rosewod neck following the cleaning tips on here - used masking tape to protect the neck while cleaning the frets with a cloth dippsed in Brasso, and they're now nice and shiny.
  8. Does soaking strings in the purple coloured methylated spirits leave any residue on the strings? Do I need to get clear methylated spirits or is the purple stuff fine?
  9. Autosol is good for polishing most bare metal parts, readily available from Halfords and some supermarkets (tho probably cheaper from online retailers). Might be worth checking out whether this would be suitable for your speaker, though I'd suggest testing it first.
  10. Hello and welcome from another Suffolk dweller, though I'm not even a newbie/novice yet as still to get my first bass!
  11. It can be a struggle at Tescos to win some petrol when there's a shortage due to strikes and to win the last Bernard Matthews turkey LOL I guess we feel we win things as we manged to enter a winning bid and beat all the other bidders
  12. Where did you get the cushioned stool from?
  13. Thanks for all the replies - wasn't expecting so many!! I'll keep watching the for sale section here, and other sites like Ebay, and see what I find. Will let you know when I purchase one
  14. Thank you for the welcomes and advice. I will look into getting some lessons as my musical talents are pretty limited at the moment; I can play a few tunes on a keyboard and read a few notes! Might also try getting a DVD tutorial and seeing if that will fill in the gaps between real lessons. Think I'll go look on Youtube now to see if there's any videos of the Deltasonic Blues Club
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