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Everything posted by TorturedSaints

  1. So here's the update. I managed to restrain my GAS urge until December and I ended up getting a Β£700 Stentor Andreas Zeller from a local bass teacher that had taken him through the Glasgow Conservatoire. It plays very nicely and my NS Wav EUB is now firmly back in its case! It was delivered in March - the earliest we could do it legally in lockdown so I didn't get the chance to play before purchase, but I took the view that a bass teacher's personal instrument would be reasonably well set up and playable, as it indeed is. I'm glad I didn't go down the Bass Bags route for a first bass, just because of the ratio of delivery cost to instrument cost. I'm well into the Beginner's course on Discover Double Bass now, and getting some sounds that are nearly musical out of the bass.
  2. I didn't buy anything in 2020. However, I will be picking up a Double Bass (not purchased through BC) as soon as the lockdown rules are eased in Scotland.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. I've now checked my Super Twin and it doesn't have any sharp edges.
  4. @Lozz196 quite a few - 12 others according to Wikipedia including 'Animal Magic' and a lot of film scores including 'Dr Strangelove'. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Johnson PS. What's headlining? πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  5. I spoke to Mark (?) at BassBags - a thoroughly nice chap although @NickA's comment about talking you into spending more than you planned seemed 'on the money'! The hire would be a good way to go except that where I live, the delivery charge and collection charge (based on mileage) would probably come to more than a 'beginner' mail order bass. I think I'll sit tight for a while, although they do have a list of people possibly wanting instruments near Glasgow, so they could possibly do a 'cost-sharing' delivery run which might make it more economic. Thanks everyone for your help.
  6. Thanks for all your thoughts. I hadn't seen that BassBags did rental, so I might well investigate their hire and delivery charges. Failing that I think it would be sensible to bide my time - but that's no fun is it? πŸ˜‚ I'll keep you updated.
  7. I am really enjoying playing my NS Wav 4 (with German bow, for those of you that contributed to my previous thread). I've never played a proper double bass and I am wondering about it. Although Scotland isn't technically in lockdown yet, most of the Central Belt is restricted, such that the only local bass I can find on gumtree (a Β£700 Stentor Sudent 1) isn't accessible to me under the current rules, either travelling there or trying it out. Would I be totally completely off my head barking stupid to buy a 'mail order' bass such as one of the Bass Bags Eastman luthier-set up models or similar from Thomann or Carswells? Should I just be patient and hold on to my money until happier times? Any advice welcome. πŸ˜€ Although now I've re-read my post, I think I know what advice I would give myself. πŸ™ Ralph
  8. I have a NS Wav 4 with NS standard strings (to the best of my knowledge - it was bought on here). If you'll excuse the composition, playing etc, here's one of my recordings of it (a composition that didn't go anywhere and my collaborators didn't find much inspiration from it either), DI out from a Quilter BB800 amp, and I don't think there was too much processing of the bass, though I will check. Please skip to 1:30 to avoid ambient noodling. I hope this helps you. It is my first EUB (first upright bass of any sort actually) and collaborators have said how nice it sounds (through Quilter and Barefaced One10). Unfortunately I'm at the other end of the UK from you, so letting you have a go on it isn't practicable. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tjnavsbjyygo0pj/TransitionToReality.mp3?dl=0
  9. Mrs Saints bought me an early birthday present, a cheap 3/4 size German bow just to see how I got on. It's like night and day. Previously I was struggling to finish Ex 2 in the Simandl tutor without pain with the French bow. With the German bow, it's much more musical and there's a lot less tension in my hand. It's not perfect, but at least I can practice to make it perfect now. Thanks for all the advice.
  10. I bought one to see what the all the fuss was about P basses, having only played Jazz basses before. I still have it, it comes out occasionally, it records quite nicely and plays well enough without much tweaking, but I haven't felt the need to buy another P bass. Would I get rid of it? Probably not unless it was a local sale as packaging costs/courier costs would make it uneconomic for the buyer.
  11. Agreed. My bass teacher had already recommended that series of videos. Probably this!!!! Thanks all for the suggestions and help.
  12. Thanks. As I see it, I'm unlikely ever to be auditioning for an orchestra. Thanks, I'm doing some more research, some useful videos out there. The hand issue is tension/cramp/thumb joint discomfort, and the musicality issue is probably just beginner's bad playing, although I do seem to sound the first harmonic (+1 octave) rather than the fundamental on the open strings with a bow. I'll also ask my previous teacher if he teaches German - I guess he assumed that seeing as I turned up with a French bow, he might as well teach what I had.
  13. According to Raab (?) that's kneeling, isn't it? πŸ˜€ Yes, I thought the thread title was humorously replete with homonyms.
  14. I bought a used NS Wav 4 on BC last year and have got on well with pizzicato, mostly playing jazz/big band style music. I had some lessons with a pro as the advice here was to do so, which were really useful. The lessons (which were curtailed by redundancy and lockdown) included tuition on bowing with the included French style bow (probably more like a cello bow in size). Despite my best efforts, I'm not really getting to grips with it, even after my teacher's hints and tips, I still find it difficult to hold without cramp, and it's not very musical. Does the hive mind think I should stick with the French bow or, given I'm really at the start of my EUB journey, cut my losses and try to learn with a German bow? How difficult is it to change from one to the other? I don't think I'll ever be playing orchestral DB, but who knows?
  15. Yes, I watched this as clarinet is my main instrument (the one which I'm most competent playing), and Mrs S plays the flute/oboe. Top-notch musicianship displayed by all, although to return to the theme of recorders I wasn't too impressed with the piece of recorder music that required playing 2 recorders at the same time. Shades of 'Hit me with your rhythm stick" sax playing I suppose. I did play alongside a YMotY finalist when I was at school and was hugely impressed by his ability - in quite a difficult piece (for me) he changed to his A clarinet and proceeded to transpose on-the-fly just for fun. I think the oboe player was a worthy winner of the group.
  16. Thanks Bilbo. I had totally missed seeing your transcriptions!
  17. Hi Rob, having been reminded by notifications that this thread exists, I've just ordered a copy. Having expressed my opinion about mixed tab/notation books years ago above, because I've been playing so much notation (and EUB), I find that I can now ignore the tab! Looking forward to playing it.
  18. I laughed. No, definitely not me!
  19. Aeronautical Engineering degree and then RAF pilot for 12 years. 20 years flying (19 years as Captain) for in-house airline for large vertically-integrated travel agent that went bust last September. Currently flying as Captain on smaller aircraft in a smaller airline until Coronavirus destroys the industry. Unfortunately I cannot recommend being a pilot as a job that's suitable for playing in bands on the side, due to the scheduling and lifestyle issues. That's not to say I haven't had fun trying, it just takes a lot of organising and understanding/flexible bandmates.
  20. Although I did buy the NS Wav 4 and a Fishman preamp, I did give a 5 string bass away today to a friend's son. Does that get me back in? πŸ˜€
  21. This time I bought a Fishman Platinum preamp from Lorenz, he sent it by post, well packaged and quick delivery. Once again, thoroughly top bloke and easy transaction.
  22. To resurrect this topic, I wish to register a personal 'FAIL'. At the beginning of the year, nothing really was happening musically with DarkSky and I wasn't feeling the love for making music. However, I happened to see an ad on local Gumtree and have joined up with a cracking piano player who wants to play scandinavian jazz, stuff like EsbjΓΆrn Svensson Trio and Lars Daniellson pieces. I have been really enjoying trying to learn how to play jazz and also use my fretless (which prompted my thread asking about brighter flatwounds through my BB800 and One100). However, I have to confess to a greater fail than just buying a new set of Chromes, but I have bought (via BC) a NS Wav 4 EUB. So that's an epic fail for the GAS Challenge for me, however on the plus side, I've got my musical mojo back. No doubt those of you on the EUB forum here will tire of my questions as I've never played one before . . . sorry in advance . . . and retiring from the GAS challenge πŸ™‚
  23. I didn't save any cash Frank! I tried what you suggested and it wasn't bright enough. Unfortunately I saved even less cash when I bought a EUB, so I will have to go and confess that in the GAS Challenge thread . . .
  24. I have actually bought some Chromes, but haven't fitted them yet. I'll let you know what I think. Thanks for all the advice.
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