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Everything posted by TorturedSaints

  1. IQ. http://www.iq-hq.co.uk A chance invitation to a gig (after I'd photographed them for a article in the student newspaper) made me realise that there was some music other than classical that spoke to me. I have subsequently liked other bands like Rush and Genesis, but still I return to IQ time and time again. A great band who are still going from strength to strength - I know that the original and current bass player Tim Esau is an occasional poster here, he plays some cracking lines, as did John Jowitt when he was in the band.
  2. The new Retro B model from Alan at ACG perhaps? http://www.acguitars.co.uk/retrob-basses/
  3. Mature bass player (50s), professional gear, living in the Glasgow area seeks musical recreation opportunities i.e. songwriting/jamming/recording. I was recently in a gigging originals rock/prog band - I'm not overly keen on playing covers though for a short term fun thing it's better than not playing. I write songs, play some keyboards and reed instruments, and read music. Musical interests range from rock to classical and musical theatre, not including Country & Western nor Britpop. I have access to recording equipment as well. Willing to travel Ayr/Paisley/Glasgow for rehearsals, but it probably won't suit me to rehearse on the same night every week. Previously http://www.soundcloud.com/darkskyband and personal stuff (including BassChat Composition Challenge entries) http://www.soundcloud.com/torturedsaints cheers Ralph
  4. I haven't (well, not on bass anyway). However, this [url="https://www.reddit.com/r/MusicalTheatreScores/"]https://www.reddit.com/r/MusicalTheatreScores/[/url] is a great resource and has made a great difference to my sight-reading. I've spent quite a few hours recently playing along to cast recordings. Yesterday I went back to some other music books and instead of my eyes straying to the tab lines, they stayed fixed on the notation. I've always been a confident sight reader in treble clef for the clarinet/sax, but doing this was just the ticket for improving my bass clef sight-reading and not looking at fret markers/fingering while playing.
  5. Outrageously cheap. GLWTS. Sorry I'm not in a buying position - as I don't play with a band any more, I can't justify the number of basses I have at the moment. I love my Finn 4. Could I suggest you change your car instead rather than sell your bass? :-)
  6. A very difficult choice. Kudos to all.
  7. Yes I know Douglas, and have done so on a number of occasions . . . let's just say that circumstances are not conducive to spending time writing music right now. Although I suppose it's a bit like falling off a horse (yes, done that as well on a similar number of occasions) and the longer I leave it, the more difficult it is to get back in to it.
  8. If I'd voted on time, it wouldn't have changed the results. The consistently high standard makes me envious (in a nice way of course). Well done all.
  9. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1499697630' post='3332986'] Nothing's changed has it?!!? [/quote] +1. I've listened to the samples of all the tracks and reluctantly agree. More RW angst and rage against the machine (not the band lol).
  10. Mine: [url="https://soundcloud.com/torturedsaints/"]https://soundcloud.com/torturedsaints/[/url] and a new Alto Sax instrumental piece up today, called 'Lenny H'. Nothing at all to do with Kenny G honest . . .
  11. I'd be annoyed with a band member sitting on any cab!
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1499378516' post='3331234'] Oh stop tempting us all Or rather- someone buy this [/quote] +1
  13. Thanks for posting! Many happy hours spent playing his marches in my formative years with a symphonic/marching band Some cracking themes and counterpoint/descant parts. Not always easy to play.
  14. Voted. Great photo and great compositions.
  15. I see you've posted it on stickist.com as well, however you might want to think about putting your location (UK) in the title of your listing there as it's quite a US-centric website and it may well attract more interest that way. GLWTS
  16. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1496332866' post='3310638'] Oh great pic! [/quote] +2 An interesting 'prepared piano'! Half the keys missing and strings damped with plaster.
  17. Or there's this: https://m.daltonsbusiness.com/other-entertainment-leisure-businesses-for-sale/retailer-of-bespoke-guitars-manchester-lancashire-uk/398812
  18. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1495904472' post='3307495'] Me too! Bringing up the rear like a fat Womble at the London Marathon... [/quote] Probably a bit unkind to you and a bit unkind to Wombles!
  19. Hi Roman, I looked at that very same amp on eBay. I sent the sellers a message about the lack of serial number and they replied: [color=#231F20][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All items are fully tested by our engineers prior to listing. Regarding any serial no. or its absence, that's how this stock item came in to us.[/font][/color] [font="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"][color="#231f20"]​I decided not to buy because their reply suggested that they might be turning a blind eye, but I think you've done all you can.[/color][/font]
  20. I'm in! (Late again though . . . have PM'd Skol to ask him to add me to the list for voting purposes! Enjoy (or not)! https://soundcloud.com/torturedsaints/rainmaker
  21. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1495714776' post='3306080'] If the weather stays like this, it may just consist of birdsong and slurping sounds! [/quote] Or Torrential rain! Skol, I've pm'd you about my late entry, if you could please add it to the list! If it's too late then no worries.
  22. Shift work (or in my case a continuously variable roster known only 6 weeks in advance) is the bane of my life as far as playing in bands is concerned. I have to have really sympathetic band-mates who appreciate that not working is not an option and that I'll do my best. It has certainly caused me grief with a number of previous bands regarding availability (for example no block booking of rehearsal room slots as I don't get the same days off every week) etc etc. As for gigs, it has certainly limited the number of gigs we have been able to do, and also I've never been able to join a function/wedding band as there's no way I can commit to being available for a gig in 18 months time - I can't even manage 18 weeks. Good luck to all those who manage it. It's hard. R
  23. Good luck with that! Our EP has 'earned' us $2.29 on Spotify in over 2 years. I say 'earned' because we've paid a lot more than that in having our music 'out there' on digital platforms. I'm sure your EP will do better!
  24. Alan's changed his ACG website. Here's a revised link: http://archive.acguitars.co.uk/portfolio/0193-finn-5/ Lovely bass, sorry I'm not in the market at the moment.
  25. Tough call. All top-notch stuff, but there were 3 that 'clicked' with me. Well done all.
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