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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. I just bought a bass from Ian.

    Great transaction. He acted on faith, holding the bass over a complicated holiday period, and delivered an exquisite instrument, at a very fair price.

    Top Basschatter :)

  2. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1470389792' post='3105637']
    So much to enjoy there, but I particularly liked the sentence that makes it sound like an unwise decision at ten to two in a nightclub:

    "[color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]Moreover, this bass guitar adopts superb wood and synthetic material, so you can trustingly take it back home for entertaining!"[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3] :D[/size][/font][/color]

    Hahahahaha! Quite :)

  3. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1469171108' post='3096229']
    That's exactly how i run my SS1!!
    Don't use compression though, so i might be tempted to give that a try....

    Me too bud. My SS1 is from 1987, so it has the 2 way electronics. Always on the J pickup, with the bass fully up. I keep the treble in the middle for that Zender-type sound. Yeahhh, get into the loaded compression though man. It really compliments that sound from the bass. Tightens the natural punch in things even more.

  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1469035709' post='3095294']
    I've heard that Zenders killer Warwick tone came from a pink Stingray 5 on loads of recordings and live shows.

    Shame you don't have a Streamer Stage 1. All on the bridge pickup, with the onboard bass boosted to compensate, and you're getting as close as an instrument will get you too the sound you want. Burpy, tight, and fat, all at once. Mega compression too. "Too young to die" was recorded straight into the desk using a 1990 SS1.

    Glad Horizontalste got satisfying results though. I've never had the opportunity to try a Stingray. Didn't suspect they were so versatile.

  5. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1469047697' post='3095432']
    I've got mine set at 18mm and could possibly go another 1mm to 17mm. Any narrower than that and the side-to-side adjustable part of the 1st and 4th string saddle would be outside of the main saddle.

    Thanks man, that's helpful. So, you reckon 17mm minimum spacing, before the screws get too close to the edge of the saddle mount, then?

  6. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1469039304' post='3095334']
    I guess technically they will allow spacing as close as the saddles touch each other, which at a guess would be around 16.5mm. I'd check for you but I am Warwickless again, but this time with no plans to return :(

    Thanks, Kev. You left Warwicksville then? Damn. Never say never! :D

  7. I've got an older Warwick with the 1-piece 3D bridge so I don't know the answer to this ...

    On the standard 2-piece Warwick bridge (4 string), the string spacing is adjustable, right? I understand that the spacing is 19mm when the saddles are all set in the middle, but how close is it possible to get them. You can bring it as close as 16mm on the old Schaller 3D bridge. I'm wondering about the newer type.

  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1468912845' post='3094187']
    Until this morning I had lived in blissful ignorance that such a silly, pointless word even existed.

    Think of it as being enriched :)

  9. Sometimes it's just better to do your own thing, given how cheap, easy, and of a high standard home production can be, these days.

    No creative compromise, no travel, no personality clashes, no being let down by the failings of others, no being held to doing anything at inconvenient times, etc, etc, etc ...

  10. Whenever I've heard the word "Stank" (always relating to octave pedals) it's used in a positive sense. "[i]That octaver has stank[/i]" ... like stank is a good thing :/

  11. The urban dictionary doesn't help ...


    [color=#2C353C]1. (adj.) The quality of being whorish and/or trashy or the appearance of bearing said quality. [/color]
    [color=#2C353C]2. (adv.) Any instance where the aforementioned quality is displayed to the Nth degree. [/color]
    [color=#2C353C]3. (n.) A ghetto-fabulous greeting of sorts used by the intellectually and creatively impaired. [/color]
    [color=#2C353C]4. (adj.) Having an attitude that is particulary not cared for by the general population. [/color]
    [color=#2C353C]5. (adv.) Displaying the previously stated attitude.[/color][color=#2C353C][i]
    1. Christina Aguilera is such a nasty stank ho' lately. What is her problem??
    2. Did you see Christina Aguilera's new video? Ugh! It was rather stank...I almost hurled!
    3. Wazzup Stank? What ya'll gettin' into today?
    4. That stank bidge just cussed my mama out!
    5. I can't stand that gum-smackin' trick. She is so stank sometimes I just can't even believe it![/i][/color]

  12. What is this indefinite quality, known as "stank"? I've heard that some octavers possess it.

    What does "stank" mean?

    Is it one of those words that doesn't translate (you just instinctively know what it means)? If so, I might be onto something, but just asking to make sure.

    I know it's going to be tempting to tell me that it's the past-tense of stink. Don't, it's too obvious.

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