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Everything posted by Fionn

  1. Aye, I would agree that £450 is about right. It's a gorgeous bass, it will sound great, and set up well it will be lovely to play. I'd have loved something like that when I was starting out If I was going to inspect this (or any) bass, I'd check the following ... [list] [*]Lift the truss-rod cover with a flat headed screwdriver and check that the truss rod nut hasn't been chewed [*]look up and down the fretboard checking to see if theres a twist in the neck [*]knock on the back of the neck. If you hear a rattle tighten the truss rod. If it still rattles, walk away. [*]check that three control knobs actually control something, and that both pickups work [*]lift the back cover and check for obvious signs of modification [/list] Good luck man.
  2. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1404752548' post='2495422'] Head? Heart? says you. Ears, says I. [/quote] This
  3. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1404732993' post='2495113'] I am GASing for a Stingray. Another bass player I know is GASing for a Jazz. I have a Jazz, he has a Stingray. So we are going to lend to each other, hopefully cure the GAS, and not lose any money doing it. Time to set up a BC GAS-aholics lending service I think... [/quote] Fantastic idea!!! Moderators, would it be possible to have a place on the forum for such a thing?
  4. GAS can be an ephemeral creature. Or rather, the subject of GAS can be an ephemeral creature. I've observed myself heavily intoxicated by the GAS, over things that I wouldn't sniff at just weeks later. Then there are things that build the GAS over a longer duration, and to a greater pressure. In my case it was Jazz basses, I had continuous Jazz GAS for years, but that seems to have evaporated into the ether too. I've been surprised by GAS, GASsing over things that I traditionally had a strong aversion to. Sometimes I'll just get a whiff of GAS. Sometimes there's no GAS whatsoever. Then there's recurring GAS. I'm currently suffering from recurring GAS. I'm GASsing for a bass that I've GASsed over and subsequently owned 4 times in the past ... and got rid of 4 times for good reason. Einstein said [i]"The definition of insanity is doing something over and over, and expecting a different result",[/i] yet I wont let go of the idea of this thing. Since I last owned the bass in question my playing circumstances are more conducive. My experience and knowledge are greater, so I know what to tweak. I'm more aware of the limitations of the instrument, so my expectations are more accurate, etc ... That's the kinda stuff I'm telling myself, at least. Maybe it's a case of the chase being better than the kill? Maybe the statistics prove something and the result will be disappointment? Maybe I'll have cracked the code with this bass. It's an expensive trip, but once again I'll gladly take a notional plunge into uncertainty and risk. Yeahhhh!!!!! GAS!!!! Droooooool!!!
  5. Cool! I'll watch this after the football
  6. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1404237851' post='2490713'] I spent a lot of time looking for my perfect Jazz bass but, in the end, decided my Precision Lyte did the job for me. P/J pups, stupidly light (7.5lbs) shallow Jazz width neck, active eq. P pickup isolated sounds a lot darker than a Jazz neck pickup, nearer to (but not exactly like) a Precision. J pickup at bridge isolated sounds (to me) like a Jazz bridge pup. Both blended sound near enough to that same sweet burpy blended Jazz tone but a bit darker. Icing on cake for me was fitting a U Retro. [/quote] Ha! I just read this after posting my last response there. Great minds and all that. I've had a P-bass Lyte in the past, and I'll sing their praises enthusiastically. I believe this bass could neatly solve the OP's problems
  7. Sell the BB and the Jazz, and get yourself this ... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239523-sold-fender-precision-lyte-1993-immaculate-condition-sold/page__p__2484464__hl__lyte__fromsearch__1#entry2484464
  8. I think that somebody is having a laugh here. It has got to be a joke
  9. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1403989057' post='2488390'] One more from me... [url="http://s741.photobucket.com/user/Bassmankev/media/DSC_1388_zpsre4nzuyt.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Thing of beauty, Kev. I may have another Warwick on the way. Watch this space!
  10. [quote name='thefyst' timestamp='1403897857' post='2487589'] whats the distance between the mounting holes? [/quote] 208mm exactly
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1403775388' post='2486120'] It's all about Chemistry!! [/quote] Yeahhhhhh!!!! ... the necessary voodoo
  12. I'm really excited about band practice tonight. That's always the case. Sure, I enjoy the practical process of developing and refining music, but it's so much more than that. Our band practices are happy occasions, filled with laughter, creativity, and general good vibes. First and foremost, my band-mates are friends. Some of the funniest, wittiest, and most pleasant guys that I know, and they are a pleasure to spend time with. None of us are virtuoso players, we don't take ourselves too seriously, and we're not afraid to phuk up ... but the necessary voodoo is in order, and subsequently the music works. The open-mindedness and mutual respect is prime for the free-flow of ideas. It's inspiring, elevating to the mind, and something that keeps the creative juices bubbling all through the week ... By the time Thursday arrives I'm frothing at the bung. This hasn't always been the case. I've been in bands whereby band-time was a slog, things didn't connect, tw@t band-mates, etc. It's good to appreciate things when they're good though. If you're happy in your band, connecting with your band-mates, and you're getting excited about band practice ... then celebrate that $hit!!! It's a wonderful thing
  13. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1403717786' post='2485620'] It's a 800 series ESP btw - like the custom shop version of the 400 series [/quote] You sound like you need this thing in your life!
  14. I'll be driving through Invergordon this weekend, if anyone wants a bite at this and needs a trusty eye.
  15. Absolute classic Warwick goodness!!! Superb bass. I'll bet that thing is oooooooozing mojo
  16. You're looking for an amp that you wonder why people are using?! I would be wary of buying kit on the premise that you've seen a few bands using it at a festival.
  17. Wow ... a really great price for a beautiful bass.
  18. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1399850691' post='2448403'] That is absolutely gorgeous. I'd give up my bed for that ❤️ [/quote] Well, it's for sale now man ... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/239564-aria-sb-900-fretless/
  19. Fionn


    Delete The
  20. ooooops!
  21. Could the eq controls (Bass, mid-shape contour, and treble) be tampered with to increase the bottom end?
  22. Thanks guys. I don't want to add anymore pedals though. I just want to mod this one, if possible.
  23. I've got a Marshall Shredmaster, it's a classic old high-gain distortion, made for guitar. It's a great pedal and I very much like the scope and functionality of what it does. However, it wasn't designed for bass, and the inevitable loss of low-end (at most settings) is why I don't use it ... although I would really like to. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a modification that would give me the required bass fat out of this thing? Any help would be most appreciated, although I'm an electronics numpty, so I'll be baffled by talk of capacitor values, etc Marshall Shredmaster Overview... http://www.blamepro.com/marshred.htm Marshall Shredmaster, schematic diagram ... [attachment=165393:zshred.gif]
  24. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1402646364' post='2475545'] She's a beauty! The finish on the neck feels so good in the hand and she is punchy as hell. Cheers to Nick at Warwick for setting this up for me [url="http://s741.photobucket.com/user/Bassmankev/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG0195_zpsrnucgz1c.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] That's more like it!!! What were you thinking with all those fanned frets and $h1t?
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