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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1373845271' post='2142283']

    Thing is my favourite basses are Jaydees and status' but I like to have a 'normal' bass too

    Doesn't your Stingray fall into the "normal" category?
    [*]If yes, then you already have the "normal" bass to compliment your preferable Jaydee. Take no further action.
    [*]If no, sell the Stingray and use the money to buy both a Squier Jazz and Precision. Fire a set of flatwounds on the Precision.

  2. The signal from my Thumb Bass was too hot for the Compulator (perhaps the 18v preamp?). Even with the trim dialed all the way back there was unwanted distortion. I had to sell it for this reason, which was a shame as I loved the clear, quiet, functional compression which it gave to my passive Aria SB.

    Perhaps this isn't a problem for most folk, but a more easily adjustable input gain control with a greater range (to account for uber hot basses) would drastically improve the functionality of this pedal.

  3. i can here the basses on telly in the videos and this is wot i want. wot is the bestest bass for playing the music? 6 strings are better than a 4 strings becoz more strings is like more bling. status innit. i like the red basses but is that better than a black basses? the ones that are wooden ones with no paint on look like they never got made proper. why is all the complicated frets? fretless is for cheatz becoz there is only 1 note on a string. easy innit. the baases that looks like hippy guitars are for skankz but wot will make me sound like patitucci?

  4. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1372931931' post='2131711']
    I'll just say that if you can't afford to get a jazz right now then there is no way you'll be able to afford a SS2, they're easily one of the more expensive Warwicks.

    And having had an SS2 all I can say is that if you want a Jazz bass sound then you're better off getting a Jazz. SS2 sound amazing but they will never be able to give that passive single coil tone, I'm one who thinks Warwicks sound nasty when switched to passive as there is no tone control.

    Aye, I know the price of SS2's. It would be instead of my SS1, definitely not in addition to it.

    ... and that's a fair point regaring the lack of tone control in passive mode.

  5. This is a question to Warwick Streamer Stage 2 players, or those that know that bass well.

    Do any of you know in which year the switchable active/passive preamp started to be used in the Stage 2? And how much of an approximation to the general "Jazz Bass" tone do you feel can be realistically acheived when the bass is played in passive mode?

    I would go into a shop and play one, except I live in the most remote corner of the earth.

  6. Thank you for your responses folks. I suppose I'm thinking out loud here, but it's good to have the perspective of others. Aye, a cheap Jazz to gradually upgrade, alongside my SS1 might be the way.

    Another thought. The Streamer Stage 2 has the Jazz Bass JJ pickup configuration, and the newer models have a switchable pre-amp (by way of a push-pull knob which switches from active to passive modes). I know that it wont sound like a Jazz but it might get me a bit closer. Perhaps that's a compromise.

    Does anyone know what year Warwick changed to the switchable preamp in the Stage 2 particularly?

    And if any Stage 2 players have any thoughts on this I'd be glad to hear them.

    Moran taing!

  7. For many many years I've played stereotypically classic active Warwick basses (dolphin/ thumb/ and presently a steamer stage1). So much so that they have influenced my approach to bass playing over the long haul ... but I find myself teetering on the brink of change. A crisis of "bass identity". I'm just not 100% sure about taking the plunge.

    The thing that screwed my head up was playing a Jazz bass (American Standard) in a shop last year. I loved it; The sound, the feel of the neck, the playing position ([i]not so much the aesthetics or the feel of the big slabby body though[/i]). The thing that really got me is that mellow rolled-off passive vibe that sounds so good in the old school funk and disco that I love, yet it could still be tight, poky, and defined. The bass felt so "forgiving" to the touch and really suited my style.

    Thing is though, I love my Streamer for all its punch, prescence, growly groovliciousness, woody goodness, and sexy good looks. They are so different. I can't justify nor afford both. AAAAArrrghhhh!!! I'm gassing like hell for a Jazz, but it's a leap of faith and regret is a terrible thing.

    Jazz Bass players! Streamer players! Help! convince me, one way or the other.

  8. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1372809201' post='2130341']
    Get Lucky is a really good song, but where are all the rest? [/quote]

    Awwww, c'mon! ... Lose yourself to dance!!!


    It's sooooooo good!

  9. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1371725037' post='2117337']
    This looks identical to mine, and was made in the same year! Nice! Great bass, im so happy with it

    you are a lucky man ... but we want photos! :)

  10. As the mighty George Clinton says ... [color=#ff8c00]Free [/color][color=#ee82ee]your[/color][color=#ff8c00] [/color][color=#0000ff]mind[/color][color=#ff8c00] [/color][color=#daa520]and[/color][color=#ff8c00] [/color][color=#800080]your[/color][color=#ff8c00] [/color][color=#ff0000]ass[/color][color=#ff8c00] [/color][color=#40e0d0]will[/color][color=#ff8c00] [/color][color=#00ff00]follow[/color]

  11. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1371487144' post='2114463']
    is the split shaft that important? If it is, what's you stop you sawing a split into it yourself?

    Aye, the split shaft is necessary to accomodate the type of knob which is specific to the old SB's. The split shaft pots have a larger diameter of shaft, and are knurled to provide a key within the knob. The knob is held on by a small measure of tension (not a grub screw), hence the necessity for the shaft to be split.

  12. This, for less than £500!

    Thin bodied electro acoustic ... [url="http://www.musicjunkie.co.uk/product/Epiphone-Zenith-Acoustic-Bass-Guitar-in-Antique-Natural?gclid=CPOo9tfy6rcCFTHJtAodgh8AnA"]http://www.musicjunkie.co.uk/product/Epiphone-Zenith-Acoustic-Bass-Guitar-in-Antique-Natural?gclid=CPOo9tfy6rcCFTHJtAodgh8AnA[/url]

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