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Posts posted by Fionn

  1. The one bass that I sold, that I should never have let go of, and that I regretted most was my 1981 [b]Aria SB-900 fretless[/b].

    The story ends well though ...

    Ten years ago I traded it in on a whim for something I shouldn't have. It bugged me for a decade.

    Last month though, whilst in a random part of Scotland, by chance, I went to see a guy who had advertised an old SB on Gumtree. I couldn't tell from the grainy wee photo exactly which model it was, the guy didn't know either. I went along and had a look anyway ... Lo' and behold, it was my old bass!!! complete with the ding in the laquer where I dropped a plate on it whilst clumsily eating peanut butter on toast an age ago! I was similtaneously in a state of shock and delight. One of the switches is broken but other than that it's in much the same condition as when I let it go. The fella was asking for less money than I traded it in for ... a mere £230!

    Needless to say, It is now very happily re-united with its rightful owner I'm loving to play its solid silky mwahness again. The nicest fretless that I've ever played. I'm soooooo happy about it!

    [b]Does anyone have a bass that they particularly lament parting with, or a similar story to mine about winning it back?[/b]

    [b]Please tell ....[/b]

  2. Hi there.

    Can anyone reccomend me a decent quality and reliable PSU that is compatible with Jim Dunlop MXR pedals.

    I can't find a Dunlop ECB-003 anywhere ... they seem to be impossible to source. It's a 9v ac adapter with negative pin polarity. Google has revealed a few which say they are compatible replacements but I know that theres a lot of crap out there.

    What are other owners of MXR pedals using?

  3. I'm looking to replace a broken two-way dual sound switch on my Aria SB-900, but not being the most technically minded bassist I just want to check that I'm not barking up the wrong tree before I go and buy something.

    This is what I think I need ([b]please[/b] [b]correct me if I'm wrong[/b]) ... [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/online-shop/guitar-bass-parts/electronics/switches/mini-switch-dpdt-on-on-2-p-4055.html"]http://www.allparts.uk.com/online-shop/guitar-bass-parts/electronics/switches/mini-switch-dpdt-on-on-2-p-4055.html[/url]

    Obviously, I need a switch that works, but also, I'm keen on retaining the original aesthetic of the bass, so the switch has to look the same as the one that's coming out. The photo's on that allparts page are a bit blurry and I can't tell whether the visible part of the switch has the square profile of the original (if it isn't, where can I get one?).

    Attached are photos of a switch like the one that I need to replace. it has 6 pins on the back.

    Advice is appreciated




  4. Looking for an answer here as to what would be the best sequence in which to link my pedals, and why?

    I'll be using ...

    Trace Elliot SMX dual compressor
    MXR M82 bass envelope filter
    Marshall shredmaster distortion

    I haven't used effects before, so I'm pretty clueless on the subject. Any of your gems of wisdom would be gratefully appreciated.


  5. Hmmmm, trying to figure out which model it is. It looks like a pro 2 in the guys profile photo.

    Does it have a maple neck? What wood is the body made from?

  6. Days chasing days, by The Congos

    Total pressure hook ... pushes air like a warm storm ... the notes swell so much that they sound almost latent ...


  7. As everyone has pointed out, acoustic bass has limitations in band, live, jamming, situations.

    However, use it for what it's great for and you'll love it. Solo practice, or just twiddling around aimlessly, I find that having an acoustic bass inspires me to play more. No faff, and you can play it anywhere.

    I've always had fretless acoustics with flat-wounds, so the experience very different to my thumb bass. I love them.

  8. It's a good thing ... to have a bass that you can't set your eyes on without picking it up to play. It's kind of like having an uber-foxy woman that you've got the horn for ... erm, kinda.

    I've got a Warwick Thumb NT4. I love everything about it ... the beauty of the woods, their colour, texture, and tone. At once classy, refined and perfectly balanced. Bubinga, ovankol and wenge contrasted by the black hardware and brass of the frets, complimenting the form of the bass; smooth, amorphous, and tactile. Reassuringly solid. Aye, not a twig which snaps in the wind, is the Thumb bass ... then the sound ... growly, punchy, and compact, yet will sing in many another voice ... if you want it to.


  9. Hi there.

    I play a Warwick Thumb Bass NT, upon which there is evidence of some shrinkage between the bubinga and ovankol woods of the neck-through-body construction. I've owned the bass since 2006, this was the case when I bought it and it hasn't worsened any since then.

    The shrinkage is minimal. It can only just be felt so it's not big deal. I was wondering though, in the interests of being fussy ... If I was to attempt to remedy the situation and sand this smooth, how best would I regain the finish that is natural to a thumb bass?

    Has anyone else had this problem and attemted to sort it?



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