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Everything posted by bassbora

  1. I have a Chap guitar in the same colour. If this was reverse headstock and 5 string I would have been all over this. GLWTS
  2. Have you checked on the Hamer forum? You might have some luck there.
  3. All joking aside I just assumed you played 5 and 6 string basses. I started playing 5 strings in 1997 and I have never looked back. I found it an easy transition. I was also playing a lot of jazz at the time and I just got the same bass just fretless and no lines and my fingers already had the muscle memory so it was a lot easier than you think to take that plunge. It was a six string actually so playing the G and C string was a bit strange just because your eye is not used to it. It all just comes down to put in the practice time and you are good to gig.
  4. Why go five when you can go six? Brave the elements and go 6 unlined fretless. That’s what separates the men from the boys
  5. I have been through 7 Hamers, Charvel and Ibanez. I would really like to find an ESP and life is good lol. I love Hamer guitars and to find 5 string Hamer Chap bass with boomerangs would make my life complete. Sad really.
  6. Justice is my all time favourite Metallica album. It was my first and of course i digested every note on puppets and lighting. I thought black album was great and i enjoyed the following album. But like most have said they just lost their way and when Jason was gone it was over. i saw them on the St Anger tour and they were good but last tour, I think it was roughly a year ago, they were not good. James delivers but Kirk was so off it was not funny. I totally love them and I actually really like Kirk but it just felt like he did not want to be there. I really like Rob. I really liked his playing in Suicidal T. And I bought the first two infectious grooves albums. He fits in Metallica but they are just not the same they were in 91 and prior which most of us want them to be. Things just move on even Metallica
  7. There has been some great recommendations here. What I would say make sure you are comfortable with wide space if you decide to go that way. I never thought it would matter but I do have a wide spaced bass which I do gig very regularly, I rotate all my basses, but it did feel very different which never thought I would say. So you might find it uncomfortable. But you might love it.
  8. I would love to get my hands on a 5 string one of these Jacksons. And blast through Rust in Peace
  9. I have been doing the same thing for the last two years but with guitars. There is nothing like these pointy super strats from the 80s and 90s in crazy finishes. I can’t get enough of these.
  10. Common sense is boring. You should have gone for it.
  11. Totally love it. That Jackson is brilliant looking.
  12. Well, that's a good question. I have had the Thumb for 21 years and I have put some serious hours on that bass when I was a student. I felt I could play anything on it. I was playing jazz, classical music, Motown, rock and metal and I felt the Thumb could do it all. I have always thought it responded really well to right hand technique, position attack etc. This was my main bass up to maybe 2013 or so. Then I mostly gigged the FNA Jazzman for 2 years but traded that for the Stage 2. And since then I have mostly just played that bass. I think all 3 basses could cover all styles. What I like about the Stage 2 is that the original 2 band MEC preamp had been changed to Bartolini 3 band and I mostly boost the mids. I feel like I could play anything with this bass. I my current band we go from Adale and Frozen to Black Sabbath and Foo Fighters and just adjusting right hand and I quite often add more of the neck pickup to get more aggressive and thats enough. I have only had the Stage 1 for less than a year. To get the right setup has taken me a bit of time and something I never really expected but the broad neck takes a bit of getting used to. But its a lovely bass and has a really full sound and that Warwick growl. It pains me to actually say this but I prefer the Stage basses over the Thumb. After having played that bass so much but almost being replaced. I love the look, feel and sound of Warwicks but I guess I could really be playing anything. There are so many basses to try but I prefer to play music rather than try out gear so I have settled for Warwick.
  13. Inspired to add a picture. Leaving out the Thumb fretless. Stage 2 1991 Stage 1 1991 Thumb 1989
  14. ‘91 5st with upgraded barts. Stage1 is BN with barts Thumb 5 is ‘89 with emg Thumb 6 is ‘89 fretless with barts. I will never need another bass. This bass is perfect
  15. Its a though call. After I got my Stage 1 last year the Thumb is not getting the love it deserves. The Stage 2 is my main bass I hate to say since I have had the Thumb for 21 years. These old Warwicks are just monster basses. And why has @warwickhunt not replied??? That man has had more Warwicks than the rest of us put together lol
  16. Loving this thread. I did not realise that people still liked Warwicks apart from handful of us. Nothing sounds like a Warwick and this thread has made me want to gig my Thumb next weekend.
  17. I have been playing Warwicks only since '97 (I had a fretless Stingray I did not like) and my preference has always been old neck through models. I did have a '04 FNA Jazzman 5 string and I really liked it. It had the baseball bat neck but it did not bother me at all. I gigged it for few years. The build quality was great and it was a very solid bass. I traded it for a Streamer Stage 2 '91 which I have to say I prefer a lot more and sounds way better. I have '89 Thumb 5 and 6 and a '91 Stage 1 and all these basses cut through a band mix a lot better than the FNA. I have no idea why. The B string on all five basses has been rock solid and nothing has ever failed on these basses on a gig. I gig around 2 - 4 times a month and I rotate all basses and I could not consider any other bass. I have no experience of the newer models but I would think they are very good. I just happen to prefer the older ones.
  18. For me the holy trinity is Thumb, Stage 1 and Stage 2. Funny how we all have different ideas. New bass looks great. Hope you will be in love with it for a long time
  19. I have 6 electric guitars currently and totally love them. Build quality is up there with the best. Have you looked at the Hamer Fan Club for basses? I see there are few currently for sale but they are in the USA.
  20. Same combination I use and have been using last two years. Its brilliant and as I said earlier in this thread I continue to get compliments on my sound. You won’t be disappointed
  21. Have you played a Warwick? They get quite a mixed reaction. If you have read up on them you will probably know what I mean. Stramer Stage 1 will most likely be the easiest to like of the classic Warwicks. I personally only play Warwicks (ss1, SS2 and Thumb) and I much prefer the older models because of the neck profile. Depending on the price I would go for that bass but that’s just me because I like them. I personally prefer Stage 2 but that’s just a matter of opinion. But remember it’s ok to ask about this on a forum and you will probably get as many different opinions as you get answers. Only you can really answer the question after trying.
  22. I had read the full thread and wasn’t going to reply but then thought you might find it interesting me having a Streamliner and AE cabs as well. I was looking for a new amp and options I thought about was Mesa, Glockenklang or Demeter. I thought the Demeter was too expensive and I thought the Mesa was just such a good deal when I saw it here. It has been a brilliant amp. I will be keeping it for a long time. I have been playing for close to 30 years and I have played through few amps in my time. This might not be the best sounding amp but it’s not far off. So I do recommend it. I personally don’t think the D800+ offers that much more that I feel I need to upgrade. I had seen the Warwick in your sig so mentioned it but I also saw that you didn’t mentioned it as a bass you play so that was just a wee joke. I also have a ‘89 Thumb 5 with EMGs. I gig it ever so often but I prefer the ‘91 SS2
  23. I don’t know if I am really adding anything to which has already been said but I have gone through similar gear as you by accident. I was looking for good but compact and light gear few years ago and ended up with Bergantino AE212 and a Streamliner 600. I think this was around 2012 or 2013. I am not much for changing settings and this sounded really good to me. I think it was over 2 years ago I fancied a change and bought D800. I had known Mesa as a brand for number of years and this amp was getting good reviews. I never wanted the weight or possibly reliability issues with valves so to me this amp was the right one for me. I got it second hand on here £600 or so and it looked brand new. Now how does it sound? Everything about that sound is how I want from mellow to agressive. I can cover range of styles with it from jazz, rock and metal to easy singer songwriter type stuff. Then again I am a big believer in technique and the sound is in your hands. The basses I use are only Warwicks (I just happen to like them rather than they are the best thing to happen to humanity) and through this rig the sound is heaven. I have had few sound guys come after gigs and complimenting my sound and few bass players asking about it. So yes I think the amp has a great tone that is not hard to dial in. You have the cab to try it out with and the Warwick to complete the package.
  24. I used to do quite a lot of jazz and I loved your playing, reminded me of good times. I bought a ‘91 Streamer Stage 1 couple of months back and was curious what your thoughts on it was. Mine is BN with Barts and it sounds great. But I played it at a gig for the first time last weekend. It was only two sets but over an hour each. It did not sit as well in the mix as my Stage 2. That bass is just unreal so I swapped in the break. I will try again but it will need some rethinking how to make it sound great. My Thumb is taking the back seat. I hate to admit it but the Streamers do sound better.
  25. Hey @Bill I had a quick look at few of your videos. Great playing and fantastic phrasing. I noticed you were playing a Streamer Stage 1. In some of them. What year was it made and what pickups does it have? How did it compare to the custom you are selling? Cheers
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