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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. [quote name='Winny Pooh' timestamp='1464270803' post='3058083'] The isoacoustic stands are also really good for having on a desk and do have a slight improvement in clarity [/quote] i am planning on getting some of these once ive settled into my new space
  2. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1464270405' post='3058073'] Tried that... even tried tempting with a pretty mic too Singers eh? [/quote] i know right, ego maniacs the lot of them
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1464254551' post='3057875'] Budget is ideally for the whole system rather than just the mic. I figured it would probably be a balancing act between mic and transmitter which is why I'm asking here. If only we could go wired... so many awesome mics in that budget then [/quote] tell her to stop being a diva and use a wired mic then
  4. i remember being like that, now i'm more picky... my spelling was also better.
  5. I did a quick look, and these could be quite good? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Halsall-Echo-Mike/dp/B002FB4OLI
  6. each to their own i guess. i just use what's given
  7. if its in the rehearsal room why not just use one with a lead? i can see why you would use a wireless on stage, but if you are only having issues in the rehearsal room just get a decent '58 and plug it in. wireless rigs play havoc in rehearsal spaces.
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1464175206' post='3057178'] Just join the band I started in 1996. There are now no original members. [/quote] is it an established working band doing 4 hours gigs? if not, it is probably going to fold.... the majority of bands do
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1464115386' post='3056701'] Most bands fold, especially start ups. Most are not together long enough to see their first gig. It's not always an option but I always reccomend going with working established bands. Blue [/quote] joining an established band is fine if you are happy to take direction and not have an opinion. for those of us who do like to have a say in the band and have a little bit of an adventure start up bands whether they work or not are the answer. yes a high proportion will fold, but how do you have an established working band if it didn't start somewhere? they don't just magically appear.
  10. if i'm honest, if i joined a band and one member didn't show for 6 weeks, no matter the situation i would be out. this could drag on and on for you so you are best off out of it
  11. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1464020071' post='3055806'] You book gigs two years in advance?! [/quote] if he did, at least they gave him enough notice
  12. not surprising really, the bands that headline these days are the legends that have been round donkeys or bands that have been round long enough to have a catalogue of stuff to fill up to 2 hours of set time.
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1463626185' post='3052913'] Savoy Brown, Peter Green, Robin Trower, Hendrix, Cream, Joplin. If your under 60 years old, I doubt those names would mean anything to you. [/quote] because under 60's don't listen to music any further back than the 80's... what a daft comment.
  14. looking forward to getting stuck in with them, hopefully as a result of my house move on the verge of falling through i can find time to use them
  15. So an update on this. Eventually I ran with the Mackie MR5's. Set them up this evening, first impressions in my space are that they are nicely rounded with a good solid bottom end, something my previous speakers lacked. Still need to play around with placing and getting used to them, but they certainly are a step up and make me excited about some tracks I'd dumped for not sounding right.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1463571027' post='3052398'] To the OP why do you want to keep your plug-ins off the main drive? I can understand having the recorded audio files on an separate drive (in fact this is the recommended procedure) but why do you want the plug-ins there too? [/quote] agreed, the plug-ins themselves won't take a huge amount of space, the recorded audio however will. the easiest way would be to leave the vsts on the main drive and just record the project to a secondary one
  17. i don't know how it works on mac, but on windows it saves the VST file in a file called VST's. i just move these to which ever location i want, and then in the DAW just point it to search for VST's in that folder. only issue ive had with that is that sometimes the pc will reassign the external hdd a new ID (eg K drive instead of L drive) when i reconnect it.
  18. i play in originals bands, so the thought of doing a 4 hour gig is something i just would not entertain. i can see why some bands do it, but i wouldn't, even if i was in a function band. I find bands who go hell for leather for a shorter period of time infinitely more entertaining than those that go on for hours, so i play the way i would want to see bands. each to their own i guess.
  19. i was sacked for "trying to turn the band into a prog rock band".......... all i did was add fills and not play root notes......
  20. i like things. if i can afford to buy things, i buy things.
  21. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1462753439' post='3045477'] Again, you guys have to research these bands more before you join as well as define what your looking for. I think anyone who just wants to be in a band and joins without research or much thought is asking to be disappointed. You guys won't like this but I stand by it. Generally speaking, because there will always be exceptions. Joining a start up band when you have defined that you want to gig, more than likely will be a waste of time. [/quote] point 1 - i don't know what it is like state side, but bands don't produce literature or a manual on how they operate in the uk. often you can't find all the information out, you can ask questions of course, but no band is going to tell you if their drummer is (in your opinion) a bell end. you can't tell how a group of 4 or 5 people will gel until you spend time together regularly. I have joined bands who have gigs lined up, sh*t hot musicians who are all nice guys but left because it just doesn't click. some times you just have to take a shot and sometimes it doesn't work out. point 2 - the beatles were a start up band, as where the rolling stones, the who, U2....bands have to start up, regardless of whether they are original or covers. you don't join start up bands, that's your choice, but don't go on about it as if people who join start up bands are by some how wasting their time and won't go anywhere. we all know the implications of starting a project and some times the rewards outweigh the sh*t. if we were to focus on every little thing in a band, or refuse to join start ups we wouldn't join bands. you have to take a chance when it comes to playing music, a band may fizzle out, but you might find lightning in a bottle. i'd much rather take a chance and spend a couple of months finding out a band isn't right, than spend a couple of months analysing their facebook, emails and adverts to see if they are 100% perfect. you are lucky enough that you have joined a band with good musicians that works for you, and kudos for that, but they had to start at one point, and they no doubt had people come and go before you for various reasons and you know what, that's how music works.
  22. for me 20 songs is taking the piss... that said, i wouldn't be expected to paid for an audition
  23. do you need kontakt for them to work?
  24. [quote name='Waddycall' timestamp='1462304982' post='3042021'] Well, thanks very much for all the advice. I don't really want to tinker around with the laptop too much as its my partners and she likes to have everything up to date etc. I've just spent an hour trying different asio settings in cubase and I'm getting nowhere. I started picking up foreign radio again and decided to forget about it for now. I have a very short fuse with all things I.T. related. Thankfully this iPad seems pretty stable. If my ironic funk project continues I'll have to buy the tascam! Cheers, Pete [/quote] just a thought, could you not buy an Ipad interface and garageband?
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