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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. i use a tascam dr-2d and it records the practices pretty well. i find its all about the location
  2. i subscribe to him on youtube and find his stuff to be very informative, sadly i just don't have time to dedicate to it anymore but i'm sure i would get a lot more out of it if i was able to find time.
  3. I think John Lennon's vocals are excellent and we'll rounded, but for me, roger dawltry's raw power still hits me like a hammer.
  4. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449618095' post='2925351'] Saying you don't recognize one of the world's top bass player as a bass player is either trolling or straight up ignorance . If you can't feel Paul or recognize him as a bass player, you really should consider dropping bass and trying another instrument. Just my honest opinion. Blue [/quote] i don't recognise him as a bass player. i recognise him as a multi instrumentalist and one of the most successful song writers ever who happened to be a solid player of the instrument i love playing. his career has spanned decades and not all of them as a bass player, so to only identify him as a only bass player is somewhat unfair to him. just my honest opinion tho. maybe ill drop bass and take up one of the many other instruments i recognise him with.
  5. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1449666482' post='2925733'] Your opinion is fine, no need to apologise. Some just need to get over themselves. For easier listening of JP, check out Joni Mitchell's ' HEJIRA ' album on yootoob. Its the only JP i like myself [/quote] Agreed. There was no trolling in the OP, just an opinion. I think the reactions from some people show exactly why this is a conversation that isn't had all that much.
  6. so the moral of this thread is, it's ok not to like jaco, but don't say that you don't like jaco... based on some of the advice on this thread, after listening to some of his stuff, i just did not get or enjoy it, as such i have put all my basses and gear up for sale cos clearly i am not bass enough.
  7. he's a pretty good singer and dancer, and has hit songs written for/with him. i can't stand him personally, but compared to a lot of the other stuff out there he is fairly talented.
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1449497447' post='2924024'] I still haven't got round to listening to anything he did [/quote] I've tried in the past but he's just not someone i can listen to, but that's my tastes, just as i can't listen to the likes or victor wooten in big doses or mark king at all. this is an interesting debate, in some places you will be crucified for saying you don't like him.
  9. my excuse is that i gave up playing completely at the start of this year and have only recently started to consider doing it again
  10. i wrote songs before for space based photo's... maybe this one will make me pick up my bass again
  11. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1448457458' post='2915566'] See, PMT in Cambridge are generally lacking in the customer services dept, so interesting to hear. I heard through ex staff the owner of PMT is a bit of a scumbag and treats the staff badly but how much of that is bitter ex staff, I dont know. Glad you are all sorted! [/quote] I can't say i've found that at all. i've never had a negative experience there. I generally find the staff enthusiastic and helpful. i had an amp from them that had a faulty socket and it was sorted rapidly. I also had them ringing around locating me a fender sandblasted which in the end came from europe.
  12. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1448218846' post='2913782'] And regarding the seller not many people would touch or even know about a truss rod so likely didn't know. It's up to a buyer to fully inspect and be satisfied [/quote] "people" wouldnt, i would wager most musicians, especially ones selling a bass that was £500 quid new would know what a truss rod is.
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1448296198' post='2914230'] We`ve chosen the studio for our next album based upon what they`ve done for others on the same scene as us. I really like the production, and having spoken to the bands that have recorded there it also seems that they work in the same manner as us all well, so fingers crossed, all should be good. [/quote] My bands have always done this in the past. We've also chosen places based on whether they record to tape and record live. I tend to do much of it myself now, but generally it's based on experiences and results of bands similar to our sound.
  14. Wheatus. not only did they sound outdated and like they were going through motions, they just sounded awful. the guitars felt out of tune, the singing was awful. I had to leave the room in the end. Lucky they were only supporting.
  15. mine is an A.R.T one and it has served me well for a number of years now
  16. ive got a powered headphone splitter similar to the one below, hey are about 20-30 quid and well worth the money imo. you can vary the volume between the two of them to whatever level works best.
  17. i use it in the studio, not live tho, just because i have never felt the need for it
  18. Try and level with the seller. I had an experience recently where by i spoke to the guy and said what he had sold me in good faith was faulty and he refunded me. Failing that, but a new one and chalk it up to experience. You could even sell if on with the knowledge the truss rod could do with replacing, someone may pick it up for a project.
  19. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1446734675' post='2901862'] Guns n Roses (Axl). [/quote] Guns n Roses for me, Axl really is a grade A prick And Metallica to an extent. I like Metallica, but Lars Ulrich just gets on my tits, every interview with him the 2nd or 3rd sentance is usually complete and utter bullshit...
  20. Where we are it is not uncommon for bills to be made of bands of differing genres, especially on a local level. I've seen hard rock bands supported by indie acoustic acts. When you mix up bands like that, it's hardly surprising that people don't stay for all the bands. We also get a lot of local support acts support bigger acts, normally the people who come to see the bigger bands have no love the scene so won't bother to watch the support. there are also a lot of "go to" bands around here, who will get on bills because of their ease and availability, so often will some play that the interest in them wanes due to being on so much. just some observations
  21. i never used to like them, then got into them. i think part of their appeal is that they just seem like genuine guys who are making music because of the fun of it. there is no bullshit buzz words, concept albums or gimmicks like playing Antarctica, they just play. musical purists will never love them, because they are formulaic stadium rock, but for some of us that's ok. i'd much rather listen to foo fighters than dream theater for example. dave grohl has openly admitted they are not the greatest most technically gifted band in the world, but they just go out to make simple rock music for the fun of it, and that's ok with me. i mean look at their videos... is that a band that takes itself seriously. dave sets out to make people happy, and he does. yes a lot of the hype comes from his nirvana days, but that can only last so long. to keep going for more than 20 years and sell out stadiums in minutes, you have to be doing something right.
  22. i did enjoy death magnetic, was more akin to their style than st anger. historically lars and james were the driving force behind the writing so would be interesting to see them do that. i'm all for bands doing something different... not sure what the lou reed album was about...
  23. cast my vote. some really different styles in there this month. well done guys.
  24. i'd second groove monkey. i use them.
  25. i've just hooked up with a band who have come from bands with interpersonal issues. all on the same wave length so it's going lovely thus far. either everyone else was the problem... or we were.....
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