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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1434626923' post='2801286'] But have you actually tried to install it? The vast majority of Windows 7 drivers work on Windows 8 even if the manufacturer doesn't state support for it (unless they have specifically said it does not work). If it contains an OS version check, right click on the installer, go to properties, compatibility settings and set it to Windows 7 mode - this will fool the installer into thinking you have 7 installed and can help in some cases. [/quote] this. i've had things running on out of date drivers just fine. with plug and play these days it may install a working driver automatically
  2. Since my band called it quits over easter, the guitarist and i have spent some time working on recording all the songs we wrote in a semi decent demo form for people to hear. The results of this "My Name In Lights" and "She's Gone" have been uploaded to our soundcloud account. Much of the recordings were done on my home setup, only the drums coming from an external source... mainly our ex drummer in the guitarists music shop. I cover the bass as would be expected and vocals, also did all production an engineering on them. Check [url="https://soundcloud.com/envy-waits"]this link[/url] and let me know what you think.
  3. [quote name='urbanx' timestamp='1434025860' post='2796050'] Gasp! Be gone with ye! That's my stripped down camera bag! Besides the studio is in a rough area, there's bound to be something derelict local! [/quote] yes but you are meant to be recording bass lines and advising others on how to best perform their parts... not climbing the roof of said studio in the buff with a camera..
  4. when we were faced with not having a drummer, unless we could cancel the practice we would do it acoustic.. it allows you to hear clearer what everyone is playing which is a good thing to do from time to time.
  5. [quote name='urbanx' timestamp='1434021749' post='2795987'] Lol, true! Although I was hoping that the documenting would fill some of my 'down time' A lot of emphasis on fruit and bog roll! [/quote] bog roll definate. i wouldn't bother taking your camera, just use your phone given the space you are in it will more than do the job and just saves less space and faffing around
  6. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1433994867' post='2795725'] Oooh, whatcha got!?? [/quote] one of the fender sandblasted jazz basses
  7. i'm holding off for my new bass to arrive, then i am going to have another crack
  8. there must be something missing here..... even a village fete would be more organised than to expect all bands to provide their own PA... if you are asking multiple bands to perform, then surely you should be providing the PA not expecting each band to set up and take down one... id be telling them no
  9. ive got a 2004 (i think) MIM '57 reissue and apart from seeming to have back to front tuning pegs (a funny quirk) it sounds and feels as good as any american jazz i have played. mexican fenders really have caught up in quality of workmanship
  10. i started trying last night, and failed so hard.... 3 months away from music doesnt help haha
  11. i went through something similar recently, by band of 3 years broke up over easter after our drummer was unable to carry on for various reasons. its amazing how much wind can be knocked out of your sails when you realise how much time and effort you put into something and it can just end in moments. none of us fell out and we are all still good friends, but i've hardly picked up an instrument since the easter bank holiday, so nearly 3 months.
  12. given that something heavy may work for this month, i might actually be able to get down on it for a change
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432280101' post='2779895'] Don't understand where this 'thin sound' criticism is coming from! A Jazz can be hefty as feck if you want it to be. [/quote] This, i've used my jazz bass for metal bands and it has out hammered it's pointy alternatives.
  14. as said, your sound blaster won't be designed to take an instrument signal. also take into account that once you put an amp into the mix there is much more in a signal chain to cause a noise than if you go direct. electrics for example, even light fittings can cause it. I use an interface and still get some humm off amps. unless you are in a perfectly formed studio, often it is something that you have to cope with at home. a bit of humm doesn't hurt in the overall scheme
  15. [quote name='Noisyjon' timestamp='1431684021' post='2773905'] I only recently found out how supportive and encouraging he was with young up and coming guitarists over the years and that's a rare quality in itself in the topsy turvy music world. [/quote] He gave a 12 year old Joe Bonamassa a slot at one of his shows and helped him become the musician he is now.
  16. [quote name='Old_Ben' timestamp='1431622501' post='2773351'] use all the mics and see which sounds best on the day! there is no rule saying a 57 has to record a guitar! [/quote] this. there are no rules to microphones and mic placement. put them all up and see which sounds best.
  17. a true legend of the blues, i read his autobiography a couple of years back, truly inspiring. RIP
  18. i don't think the OP has anything to answer. the reason the bass wasn't damaged was the packaging from thomann. the fact that it wasn't damaged is irrelevant as when you pay postage the minimum you should expect for the service is for the product to arrive undamaged. looking at the photo if the bass hadn't landed the way it did on the other side of the fence, wasn't so well packed, or the rain poured it would have been damaged. the driver has a contract, as part of the contract he has to deliver to a set standard, clearly the item needed to be signed for, and as such it should have been left with a neighbour or returned to the depot, neither of which happened and a signature was faked. it seems odd that the driver was sacked because of this one incident, but maybe he has previous, or as suggested the OP was told this to make him feel better and the guy is still out on his rounds. the OP has every right to be upset and followed the appropriate channels, it is not his fault the driver for whatever reason has not done his job correctly.
  19. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1431606927' post='2773096'] I've had a very quick skim-listen to the entries so far and they're sounding great Well done all. I'm hoping to get something done this month - keen not to break my run of having never missed a challenge - but the pending arrival of Skol Jnr The Second [i](working title)[/i] may put the kibosh on that. We'll see. [/quote] it's ok, i gave up my run of being in every one some time ago haha
  20. great contributions as usual
  21. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1431012603' post='2766912'] I'd probably go with a Mac (MacBook or Mac Pro), using Reaper, Logic or Pro Tools (Reaper if you're on a Budget......i.e. free). I would personally stay clear of PCs (nightmare for Firewire/Thunderbolt cards), especially if you're looking to use Pro Tools (nightmare), and if I had to use PC, I'd stick with Cubase. Si [/quote] i used to be a die hard cubase user, but since moving over to reaper i have found it a lot less frustrating and cpu hungry.
  22. if i can't do it then i like to take some time off. it gives me a rest mentally and im more up for it when i can do it again.
  23. [quote name='BirchTree' timestamp='1430726111' post='2763931'] Haha! I doubt i'll cause any time rips in space continuum, but thanks all for the advice! [/quote] it might. the recording section is controlled by some wibbly wobbly timey wimey.... stuff
  24. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1430494865' post='2762060'] Hi Rob. We've starting pinning the voting threads in General Discussion to help give the challenge a little more 'exposure'. Here's a link to April's: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/260678-april-composition-challenge-voting/"]http://basschat.co.u...allenge-voting/[/url] [/quote] that would be why... i'm a little bit out of the scene
  25. i didn't even see a voting page for the last one. or was that relocated?
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