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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1397952869' post='2429027'] Thankfully in Cambridge PMT have recently arrived. The other music shop Ken Stevens is useless for stock of bass' and the guys on the guitar desk don't have a clue about any of the gear, and one chap in particular seems like a complete tool (The supervisor i think) as the lady in front of me was asking for some help with a repair and he came across like an A**hole towards her by patronising her and not actually helping her at all. If it wasn't for my girlfriend taking ages trying on 14 different bits of clothes in one shop I would of left and not paid for my item. Last bit of business they're getting from me anyway. I always try to buy all my stuff through PMT as they are always extremely helpful in the stores I've been to. [/quote] I tend to go through PMT for a lot of my stuff now, all the guys there are helpful, it helps also that i am in a band with 2 of them
  2. nice work dude, enjoy it
  3. i've played venues like this in the past, but when we have done tours we have made sure that we have agreements in place with the venues and only played venues for free if the lineup was decent. I don't ever expect to get paid anything for gigs, but i don't do it for the money... if i got offered 3 quid id tell them to keep it, that's more insulting than not getting paid at all
  4. if they have more than half down an album and now want to change the genre, my impression is they don't really know what they want. in terms of the bass line comments, ska basslines can be as simple or as complex as they like, often times they are on or the other in the same band, but it comes down to the music... if it suits the music but the comment is their opinion, they are just being twats. my advice in this case would be that they have their own view on things, and you will only ever be "the bass player". ditch them mate, the more time wasted with them the less time you get with a project worth doing
  5. Finally, after 18 months of working out the kinks and getting a settled line up and sound, my band Envy Waits has finally released its first track Check it out at [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbfOj4CSHSE"]youtube[/url] or s[url="https://soundcloud.com/envy-waits/redwood-24-bit-master"]oundcloud[/url] let me know what you think
  6. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1397747670' post='2427067'] OK I'm in , well after getting some half decent ones done recently , this one is back to earth with a bump , apologies to any West midlanders around , Hope you enjoy [url="https://soundcloud.com/lurksalot/funky-cow"]https://soundcloud.c...salot/funky-cow[/url] [/quote] genuinely love this, great work
  7. I turn my bass volume all the way up, the amp loud enough that I can hear it on stage, any other volume is from the sound guy on the pa
  8. we don't wear the same, but tend to have a loose relaxed blues/country vibe going on, we do all wear hats
  9. I used to use Pod farm a lot, its quite handy, but now I use a blackstar modelling amp, just sounds so much better
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1396880690' post='2418292'] But if you got to such a standard whereby other archers got paid... would you not be wanting to be paid yourself ..? [/quote]if I got to such standard, and I was asking to be paid then it wouldn't be a hobby anymore, it would be a job. That's my point, if I was doing music as a career, then id only do paid gigs, so venues that don't pay bands wouldbt be on my radar. As a hobby musician like a lot of us here, I care not how much the venue makes, just as I wouldn't care how much the burger van took if I went to an archery competition this weekend. my point is simple... if you are doing a gig for financial gain, don't take the unpaid gigs and don't worry about it, there are plenty of bands who are happy to play for free
  11. I never saw what the issue is with venues not paying bands, if you aren't getting paid, and want to be paid, don't play the gig, its that simple surely?. it's different If you are a career musician, or make your earnings by playing, in which case you wouldn't play a venue that isn't paying anyway would you?. For a lot of us on here, music is a hobby, and the cost of gear/travel etc is part of that in the same way that any other hobby would be. If I took up archery, I'd have to pay for the bow, the arrows, the transport etc, but wouldn't expect to rock up to an event and be paid for it.. why should music be different? or am I missing something completely
  12. I love easy drummer and superior drummer, great bits of kit, if you spend the time in the DAW you can get some fairly convincing sounding drums out of them
  13. I live for the buzz of being on stage, I play bass to play live... if I wasn't in a position to gig anymore I probably wouldn't play bass anymore
  14. [quote name='Kempy535' timestamp='1396506087' post='2414333'] Haha I do have to agree. But someone else singing guns songs just isnt the same. [/quote] Axl can't even sing GnR songs anymore, Myles Kennedy really does them justice tho
  15. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1396440594' post='2413622'] ...and tuck in the 'elephant'..? [/quote] can we have a picture of a tucked in elephant reading a bed time story?
  16. [quote name='AL-the-Bassman' timestamp='1396435677' post='2413476'] i am surprised by the amount of bassists on here that don't like funk?? ( flamenco, country, detroit, a strange elephant creature, ) lol [/quote]Its not a matter of people not liking, the only responses ive seen are people who don't play funk. I don't dislike funk, but I'm not a funk bassist, I don't have any desire to be... funk is not the only way to be a bassist
  17. [quote name='AL-the-Bassman' timestamp='1396348677' post='2412468'] don't be closed minded , doesn't have to be that literal. you could write an anti funk song ... or Do funk and realise that it was made for bass.. personally theres music i don't like ( or rather don't understand) but once you start to learn it, i bet you'll like it More . or at least appreciate it As george Clinton said " free your mind , and the Rest will follow" [/quote] Lol, I don't think I have a funky bone in my body, so anything I do produce will be anti funk. I will have a go and see how we get on
  18. I don't do funk, so that will be me out I think
  19. ive got my svt 3 running through the 410 hlf and it packs more than enough grunt and low end for me, even on big stages
  20. So as I am currently putting together some new solo material/songs I will be deleting the songs from my soundcloud in order to clear space. if anyone is interested in listening to the demo's etc I've done previously, check it out at [url="https://soundcloud.com/robslusarmusic"]https://soundcloud.com/robslusarmusic[/url] whilst its still there, cheers
  21. all the entries were great, but one for me captured the vibe of the picture and the region, so I went with that
  22. there was I believe an article in a sound on sound issue a month or so ago on online collaboration etc, i'll see if I can dig it out for you
  23. ive used ernie balls for the past 5 or so years and ive never had any issues with them. tempted to try others but they do everything I ask
  24. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1393788308' post='2384389'] Not gonna enter again this month. No disrespect i just can't get into these 'Still' pictures that are being used. Just doesn't do anything for me. But best of luck to everyone. I will listen and vote at the end! [/quote] normally the still pictures get my mind working, but i can't get any inspiration from anything at the moment, i want to enter, but i just hate writing at the moment
  25. could be something dumb like the power sockets you are plugged into, or the lighting in your room even. i used to get a lot of signal hum, changed my power arrangement and hum was gone
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