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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. im going to have a go at something tonight, if it don't work, im done for the month
  2. i tried to write something for this last night.... i think i broke my brain in the process
  3. i get nervous in rehearsals, its natural.. i overcome it by remembering im auditioning them too
  4. im just burnt out in general away from music too, so that isn't helping.
  5. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1368103518' post='2073217'] That's a shame Rob. Are the pictures not sparking your creative fires this month? There's still plenty of opportunity to get something done. I'm guessing the deadline will be Friday 24th. But heh, no pressure - if you ain't got time, don't do the crime! Or something like that. [/quote] its not the pictures as such... ive just lost my mojo
  6. i really want to do something this month... but i can't find the time or motivation
  7. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1367420217' post='2065424'] You know... I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one on here who LIKES rehearsing! The reason, I get to hang out with people I like and play music and have a laugh. Having done that we can go play some gigs too [/quote] i like practicing, the whole reason i play in bands is to enjoy playing with like minded people.. obvs i prefer being on stage, but a good group of people means fun times
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367606972' post='2067585'] It's a book I could do with [/quote] ive got a couple of good book titles worth looking at if you are interested. drop me a pm if you want some names
  9. just listening to this..... interesting... gonna be different to mix
  10. might just kidnapp you and get you to do it
  11. i might do "anti jazz" but i am yet to work out what that is yet
  12. you might find there is a seperate channel which is actually the midi audio track, with the bottom one being like an instrument track? it looks like that in cubase, ive not tried midi in reaper just yet
  13. can i just steal your idea and pass it off as my own.... would really improve my chances
  14. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367425027' post='2065519'] Of course. I think the mix I have sounds ok, but there's too much going on, so I'm going to do a bit of a cull. [/quote] yeah man do it, its about making the mix sound the best it can, and if they means removing parts for the good of the track then do it
  15. thing is, it won't sound perfect first off. don't let it get you down, but take in the advice from others on here, and listen to what others have done, and it really will aid your development
  16. looking at these and at the moment............. i got nuffin'
  17. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367421909' post='2065451'] Quick question - Can we mute certain instruments at certain points in the song or do we have to use the full recordings? [/quote] i think that is part of the mix challenge. if you feel it would sound better go for it
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1367409405' post='2065219'] Hopefully I'll be up and running soon now that I've got my new computer Unfortunately Win8 and Protools don't want to play nice so some gentle persuasion is going to be necessary [/quote] you mean you brought a fancy new computer and got windows 8 put on it?.... silly boy
  19. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367408171' post='2065200'] It doesn't bode well for me that I can't even get the files to open in Logic, does it? [/quote] search google and youtube, loads of tutorials for various DAW's around its always the same, i was rubbish at getting round cubase for a couple of years, its only the last 2 years ive really got to grips with DAW's and can work through them quickly. Reaper is fast become my DAW of choice tho
  20. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1367361573' post='2064830'] but I never really intended on mixing and mastering my own recordings, just recording them and farming off the recordings for somebody else to work their magic on. I reckon that would be worth whatever it costs, rather than trying to fluff my way through it. [/quote] word of advice, learn to mix as well as record. i know you don't plan to mix your own stuff, but unless you know how to mix, you won't learn how important it is to get things right when recording. mixing stuff you haven't recorded can be a real mission, especially if it isn't recorded properly. i know its not your goal, but recording and mixing go hand in hand....if you wan't a good mix back, you need to understand the process to ensure what you put into the system is the best it can be... its not as simple as just whacking a di and mic on a rig and letting someone else sort it out. simple terms if you know what the mixer is going to struggle with and eliminate it at source, you will save their time and your money
  21. can we get the next several months of skol please... give us some forward planning and chance to beat him?
  22. i assume this is for a covers band doing functions? if you are doing originals most likely you will be using a house pa. also worth noting, as you have said the guitar amps need to be small and miced, the PA is not the sole responsibility of the singer if like you have... if everyone is using the PA surely its a joint thing to consider. also by telling guitarists they can only have small amps, you are going to be pushing potential people away. most guitarists i know at a good level have at least an amp and 2x12 set up, others 4x12's.. if the gear does the job, and they can transport it and know how to use it, then size isn't the issue.. its a bit axl rose to say what they can't and can use. agree with the transport one, ive had so much issue with people and transport just by 2 pence
  23. ive heard from a source that they are the next one to go bust, not sure how imminently tho
  24. recording with a guitar is certainly easier i guess it comes down to how comfortable you are with the song. i can play along to drums alone on songs i write, as i know them inside out, but if i was dropped into a situation where songs were thrown at me id like either a scratch guitar track or at the very least a bit of warning
  25. im gonna try this now i have a bit of time one question on k metering i set voxengo span to k-14, as said... now... when making sure it don't go above 0db, is there a way to set a ceiling, or is it just a matter of watching the meter and adapting the mix level to suit?
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