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Everything posted by RockfordStone
[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1361897435' post='1992679'] Milty you are overcomplicating this I think. You dont need a room mic, its going to add a world of hurt for you regarding phase issues. If you dont already know about how to go abou tsolving this sort of thing, or even know how to recognise it, then you need not to be worrying about a third source. You need a decent two channel USB audio interface. Get a decent DI, ignore the amp, DI the bass. I've recorded albums without a mic on the bass cab, its not a necessity unless you are using an overdriven sound (nothing deliberately overdriven in the samples you have put up), and at your stage I would recommend simple first and foremost. Mic the cab with one mic, get it in phase with the DI. If you are going for some amp derived growl though mic the 115, a 57 would be fine, use the DI for everything below about 200Hz, and the mic above that. Sort that out at mixdown though, not when tracking, you havent got the set up to allow you to make that kind of critical decision during tracking. However if you arent using an overdriven bass sound then dont even bother with the mic. [/quote] this. unless you are recording a band, you need no more than 2 inputs. i record everything at home, bass, vocals, etc and only use my 2 input interface, i use a bigger one for live recording, but if you are doing some bass stuff at home, just di the bass then get some free cab emulators. if you are only trying to learn, don't over complicate it, you can easily pick up a line 6 device for about 60 quid, and it will come with a free version of podfarm usually which will let you come up with amp and cab sounds on the pc. if you over complicate it at this stage, you'll spend more time fighting with it than recording with it.
i think pound for pound, value wise when looking to get a daw for home recording, getting reaper is always the best bet, i got my license for 37 quid i think, and its worth the money my only issue with it are its plug ins, i find them a bit overly simplistic, and it isn't compatible with all of my guitar sim vst's which makes using it a chore for my home use
pick up a cheap line 6 pod, an interface, and run straight through that, no need to even use the amp. i don't use my amp at all for recording at home
again sounds like drivers. unless you get a dedicated onboard card, an external interface will be better option also, asio for all i find often doesn't help at all, the best bet is to get the latest drivers relevant to the interface/card if he is only looking to improve playback, then increase the buffer sizes, this will help a bit, but it will put a delay on if you are trying to monitor back
i have some studio spares mics, given what im recording with them, for the money they are pretty good. obviously not as good as expensive mics but they do a job
some strong entries this month, as usual, i went for the one that struck a chord for me most, well done guys
going to have a good listen through these when the voting is up, heard good ideas so far
I hate you paul for being so good.... i don't want to play anymore
[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1361440117' post='1985877'] Good morning. I see that things carried on thought the night long after I succumbed to my slumber. I have to say, though, that I'm rather disappointed that, amongst all the moral wrangling, no one picked up on my point about file sharers being the ones that spend around 10x more on music than non-sharers. Perhaps this muddying of the clear moral waters is too much of an inconvenient truth to bear, but it does suggest that trying to prevent file sharing is a classic example of babies being thrown out with the bath water. [/quote] i can see the point in this. ive downloaded albums in the past, then gone out and brought the back catalogue and seen the shows. its an easy access to new music, and ive spent sh*t loads on bands as a result of downloading
milty, if you don't like what they are saying, don't respond... you have said 4 times you are not arguing anymore, but then come back. don't do it. this whole thread could run and run and run. lets just agree to disagree and let it end before it all ends in tears people download music, end of. the music industry is still worth millions, it will evolve it always has
I think a lot of the concern for people is that for every good, careful organised bassist, there are loads that are not. I've had stuff damaged in the past, and with my current rig, if it got damaged I can't afford to fix or replace it in this financial environment and I'm sure others can't either. Most of us are reasonable people who help where we can. But would anyone lend their car or other valuable items to a random person? Course not
[quote name='AnalogBomb' timestamp='1361276461' post='1983672'] So she turns up, doesn't even ask to use the amp, but just plugs in (which annoyed me no end), then has the cheek to say, 'I don't like it, it's not my tone'. I know that, because it's my tone. So she fiddles around with the EQ and then I come to plug in - nothing. Nada. Zilch. Turns out, she'd turned the input level up to max and completely blown the speaker, which cost me £100 to replace. Not good. [/quote] This what enfuriates me most. A lot of times i get contacted pre show and asked by either the promoter or the band in question, But at times people seem to think that because there is an amp there they have the right to use it no questions asked. the EQ one also bugs me, if you won't bring your own amp, then don't fiddle with mine. nowadays i walk other bassists to the stage and plug them in and turn them on etc so that all they have to do is play
Ambitious (Or Mental) Recording Project!
RockfordStone replied to RockfordStone's topic in Share Your Music
i know the feeling mate, im totally snowed under at work, left me with like 2 hours to write and record this weeks song. its getting easier to write songs, but i have bigger visions for each song sometimes that i have to pull back a bit at the moment -
but now you are making out that recording is the only element a band uses to make money, which just isn't the case. the real money makers for bands are touring and performances and then the merch to go with it, which has been the case for a long long time you have to have the songs to offer something to perform, otherwise 4 blokes standing around for a while isn't much fun. if i was a plumber, my paid performance would be fixing a sink, but i have to invest time and effort into buying my tools, which i will get no direct income from ever again. after i've fixed the sink i wouldn't expect to earn money every time people drank from it.
[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361168457' post='1982054'] Not a bad life, but you wouldn't waste time in the recording studio to make a recording to not make money from it. [/quote] sorry mate but that comment is bollocks. musicians write and record for themselves, cos they wan't to. money isn't the driver behind it. how many of us here spend time and money in the studio with the intention of making money from it? i spend hours writing and recording, and have spent a lot of money in studio's and tours with no expectation of making money, if people have thought my music good enough to pay me for then fair play. but i as many muso's do it cos i love music and not money. if you are going into a studio to make music for the soul intention of making money... then you are in the wrong game
Ambitious (Or Mental) Recording Project!
RockfordStone replied to RockfordStone's topic in Share Your Music
So i'm still going with this, its getting easier to write a new song every week i think. check out the progress if you are interested http://robslusarmusic.wordpress.com/the-blog/ -
Has 24 Hour Drinking Affected the Live Music Scene?
RockfordStone replied to D.I. Joe's topic in General Discussion
both of the above, drinking is more expensive than it used to be, and people have less money, so people are staying away from pubs and venues in general. the smoking ban has had a massive impact imo -
i didnt used to download music, i used to go to my local music shop.... that closed down[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361101404' post='1980969'] I didn't write this on the value of music, that's subjective, and if you are willing to pay nothing for an album, well then you shouldn't own it, because it clearly shows that you don't really want it. I value a burst tyre at nothing, because i don't value a burst tyre, because i don't need a burst tyre. Somebody might value it at something, but not me. But i think the attitude of the general public is "I can have it for free, so why wouldn't i have it for free?". They completely disregard that it is actually illegal, purely because the likelihood of them getting done for it is incredibly slim. I suppose that stands to reason really, most people will do things when they think they won't get caught. But that is not the point, just because you can get away with something does not mean that you should, and to argue that you should be allowed to continue to keep doing something illegal is idiotic. It's a illegal for a reason- It looses the artists and label so much money. Copying a CD onto your computer, i don't see an issue with that. While i'm defending people getting their music legitimately, i'm not going to buy hundreds of songs again so i can have them on my iPod. That doesn't make me bad, i've downloaded plenty of other music that i didn't own. [/quote] if i copy my own cd to my computer, then its ok, as i have paid and purchased a physical copy. if however i borrow a friends cd, and copy it to the computer then i haven't paid for it, so is this not the same as illegally downloading from pirate bay or otherwise downloading music is illegal, but its made out to be a bigger issue than i think it really is. how is me downloading an mp3 any different form me recording a song from the radio onto my cassette deck... which we wall used to do in the olden days. i try to avoid downloading where i can, but all my local music shops are gone. i never downloaded when i had a local music shop, now the nearest is an hour away. they should introduce a system where all music is downloadable. pay a base fee of i dunno say 3 or 4 quid an album, with the option to donate additional if you feel so inclined. that way the band/record company could make some money back, as i believe more people would consider buying if the prices were more reasonable (please note i haven't thought this out a great deal, and is probably full of holes, but there a number of sites for music/podcasts etc that operate on donation basis)
ive had good and bad experiences. ive had gear broken and stolen by other bands, so i'm quite precious about my gear now i did one show where a band had walked on stage and just gone through my amp and he was pushing it to its limit. i wasn't even told it was going to be used, i only found out cos i popped in to the see their set and my amp was being cranked. if people approach me before hand, more often than not ill lend my cab, but all too often ive turned up to gigs and been expected to provide my whole rig, one band even wanted to use my bass.... im sorry but if you don't bring your own gear and have made no effort to arrange gear then why should us sensible ones be expected to save the day. ive seen people show some complete disrespect to other peoples gear. quite frankly i don't like to lend cos i can't afford to replace my rig if someone breaks it, at the same time i couldnt afford to fix someone elses if i broke that, as a result i always take my own amp and cab regardless, and insist on using all my own gear unless its a real pain in the arse
monday night gigs are more often than not dead in my experience, any gig that stipulates that you need to bring people to get paid is a non starter for me. if its a long distance to travel i wouldnt bother
[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1360709535' post='1975351'] Do entries have to be hosted on Soundcloud? My piece for this month may have a visual element to it, so could I use YouTube instead? [/quote] i think as long as its an easy link i don't think it matters, think sound cloud was only used as its accessible to all
band names... the hardest mission ever
RockfordStone replied to RockfordStone's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1360686611' post='1974682'] Rural Boss looked the best to me from that list, but I saw mentioned in a BC thread the other day a piece about the WW2 fighters buried in SE Asia, and thought what a great name for a band - The Burma Spitfires. Any good? [/quote] Bob Sluzarre and the Burma Spitfires? -
band names... the hardest mission ever
RockfordStone replied to RockfordStone's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1360685888' post='1974662'] Bob Sluzarre. Now that's cool. [/quote] i could go with Rob Stone... a bit cooler -
band names... the hardest mission ever
RockfordStone replied to RockfordStone's topic in General Discussion
My real name is Rob Slusar, which is so totally not cool, unless i had a stage name -
i'm currently going through the process of writing a bunch of new songs which members of my last band wan't to help me record and gig with. as i would like to do both with them, it looks as tho we may form a band to do it. the question is trying to find a band name, which always seems to be one of the hardest things to find. i don't want to do the project under my own name, which i guess i could do as the main song writer and front man, but i don't have the ego to pull it off. the easiest option would be for us to continue as the old band, which technically hasn't ended, but i like the idea of doing it fresh. ive tried using song names, ideas from my head, and album names, but all the ones that sound good already seem to be taken. how did you guys come up with band names? any useful tips on helping us come up with one? thanks in advance