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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. for avoidance of confusion.. mine is here https://soundcloud.com/robslusarmusic/no-2nd-chance
  2. ive never tracked a bass line twice, normal 2 tracks, 1 DI and one from the miced amp and then blending the two together. not really any need to double track the bass unless you are looking for a specific sound or effect
  3. its so frustrating... i have a name for this song... but not a song to put it too.... grrr
  4. i have a complete mental blank and forgot every song i know, so i end up playing my own bands stuff.. using the logic that its what i will play most with the instrument so would be a good test
  5. drop box can play wavs back i believe
  6. im fat so i have mine covering my gut mostly
  7. surely just don't log in is sufficient?
  8. definately going to look into this, trying to get my car and amp fixed and these have been taking up my time and attention
  9. i keep seeing k-metering being mentioned.... is this something i should have done for this? or is a preference item?
  10. OldG use sound cloud, its what we are all using, you can upload wav files as well for better quality i believe
  11. monday sounds good, i might give mine another mix at the weekend
  12. id give it a week and maybe do it at the weekend if no one else shows interest
  13. i try to buy music where possible, but i prefer the phyiscal cd, not an mp3 download, which often means unless i want to wait for it for several days, driving to the nearest hmv.. an hour away and paying at least a 5er more than is needed. ive got spotify too so i can listen to that through my iphone, so in most cases i can try before i buy
  14. looking forward to getting stuck into this, been pretty much bed ridden for the past few days with flu, interesting picture for sure
  15. here is my interpretation https://soundcloud.com/robslusarmusic/no-2nd-chance im loving everyones mixes of this, each one has its own charm
  16. Cheers. They are local to me so I'll give them a bell
  17. So it looks as tho I have damaged my cabs horn so need to source a replacement. I have consulted Google but to no avail. Does anyone know who their parts suppliers in the UK are?
  18. ive done a mix of this but when i listen back to it it sounds a bit trippy.. maybe thats good?
  19. so i finally made a decision on this, and ive set up a nice blog site to keep track of how it unfolds... please check it out when you have chance http://papersoldiersuk.wordpress.com/
  20. nice one, well done now find us a picture so we can get january up and running
  21. ive updated my bands one https://soundcloud.com/papersoldiersuk
  22. i think there we a lot more votes last month as people where spending more time drumming interest from other people as they wanted to win the bass. i seem to remember it getting mentions on facebook, and all the other forums on here, so i think that made a difference, its not been as pushed this time around
  23. i think rightly or wrongly there was a lot more interest given the prize on offer. i also don't think its helped by the fact the voting has fallen over the xmas period for this one. ive entered the last 2 months, but this month i didnt have time, and im sure im not the only one. vote wise, i think last month there was a lot more canvasing for votes in the other forum sections, again something i bet we haven't had a lot of time for
  24. ive got a large collection of these, started when i played punk bass and used to rub against my bass... now i just use them out of habit and image
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