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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. the other option is you put a post up in your area for people who will come and record you. you might be lucky to find someone who will charge a smaller fee and all you have to pay for is the time in the rehearsal room. may old band paid 1200 quid and we got 5 days with a well known producer in a decent studio, for 500 quid im sure you could find a decent persont do it for you
  2. if you can wait till this evening i can send you one?
  3. i enjoy rehearsals much of the time, its when people don't show or lose interest that they get tedious
  4. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1355132624' post='1894343'] This makes me think about offering a service to people here to provide some live drumming to their tracks... a sort of long-distance collaboration. Or something. No doubt it's been done before. [/quote] someone i used to know does it, there is a call for it
  5. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1355102156' post='1894180'] That track I did for the Nov competition was done with EZDrummer in Reaper. It's really good. All about dropping in their loops and editing in the MIDI piano roll, I'm a total noob and found it really easy. [/quote] thats what im thinking of doing, im not looking to create a top 10 record, but id like some decent drums that in an emergancy i could release demo's to the world with half decent sounding drums
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1355080049' post='1893819'] Also check out steven slate drums [/quote] ive had a look at this, i think its between SSD and Ez Drummer at the moment
  7. ill be using the programming from keyboard approach, both bespoke and using some of the beats from the programmes. i downloaded the ez drummer demo, but it didnt even provide a whole kit, which is more than useless. im looking for something that sounds good enough to potentially use on a release, i have some demo ones, but the sounds are not as great, which you expect from free stuff. ill give the other ones a look
  8. does anyone have any experience of this. im looking to get a good drum instrument for Reaper in the new year and from what ive seen and read it heard it seems a good bit of kit for the money. i particularly like the loops you can drop in rather than fully programme if anyone has used this and would recommend it let me know what your thoughts on it are. alternatively any other recommendations would be great. cheers
  9. im going to have a try at something this weekend..... can't promise nothing tho
  10. ill have a play with this later. i suspect its because im not using the gx directly. i think i am going to use my line 6 pod for recordings in future, i think i prefer the tones from it
  11. previously, in cubase, i operated podfarm without issues, using my tascam interface, and only my line 6 gx plugged in but not enabled, so the ilok feature was covered. never had any issues. now i am finding in reaper, all tho i am using an unaltered setup, that no matter whether i use the input or individual track effects, pod farm is not working. from what i can tell the signal is not being routed through podfarm, so i get no sound at all from it, yet when i turn it off, i get the dry input sound so i know sound is going into reaper. im wondering if its because im not going in directly through my line 6 device so its not routing properly for some reason?
  12. so i am trying to get pod farm to work with reaper... but it doesn't seem to like it. it won't run a signal through it. does anyone else use this combo? is there something im doing wrong or does reaper just not like podfarm?
  13. i want to go to this one, trying to find someone to go with me
  14. i can't seem to get any inspiration from the photo this month other than thrashing out a punk christmas based song (which i don't want to do) i don't know what else i could do
  15. i signed up to the unsigned guide for a year, they sent me a book with loads of contacts, which i started emailing with links to songs and live vids etc. started getting some feedback then the rest of the band stopped showing up for practice...
  16. [quote name='jonunders' timestamp='1354594401' post='1887850'] Hi Joel, How about including articles and reviews written by readers of the mag or from sites like bass Chat. Maybe invite some jobbing bassists along to do interviews with the professionals, or review gear. Please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors. (on nights and its 4am) Jonathan [/quote] this would be a great idea, i don't feel there is enough contribution from the regular player. could be interesting to have someone from the normal world rather than someone from some institute with a scholarship
  17. ive sacked off some of the pointless activities to see if i can make more time for other fun stuff... christmas shopping has been dropped for a start
  18. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1354622823' post='1888161'] Oh good, come over mine and sing for me [/quote] i will if you wan't, i have nothing else to do lol
  19. if i do one this month, i might not sing... might just go instrumental
  20. ive used samples to thicken mine up, but not a straight replacement, only a blend
  21. very rarely, i check it every time i change strings but would only alter the action if changed string gauge which is very rarely
  22. i have recently started recording a to a seperate drive and have in the past recorded when on location to an external drive and haven't had any issues. as long as the hard drive has a decent speed then it should be fine
  23. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1354465938' post='1886264'] Why wouldnt you? [/quote] mainly the lack of time if ive got this month, i don't have a lot of free time, ill probably have a crack if i get chance
  24. im in two minds as whether or not to enter this month.... i have ideas as what i could write... but i dunno
  25. i didnt buy an amp and cab until i was playing gigs regurlarly, and even then it was because i was looking for a particular sound, i spent the best part of 5 years playing with a peavey tnt 115 combo. even if you are looking to go to do gigs etc, an amp and cab combination is not always required, there are some good solid combo amps which will get you far
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