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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1353318405' post='1873460'] Crikey, we arent looking to put a poll up until January, dont feel you cant sit on it for a while if you want to.... [/quote] i might do that, but you will have to remind me or else ill forget
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1353244073' post='1872892'] Yup, right answer. Actually I do all my mp3 encoding in Foobar2000 (which uses LAME too), and tagging with a different program again (name escapes me and I'm not on the machine in question) that lets me embed ISRC codes into the mp3s. [/quote] thanks guys, i did work it out in the end, i think ive finished the mix, going to listen to it tonight with fresh ears before posting
  3. don't give up easily, took me a couple of years to fully understand cubase enough to work it easily. the thing to remember is that largely all DAWs function in the same way, but you have to stick with one and grasp its concepts. ive been using reason over the weekend and believe it to be a good easy one to start with. just stick at it, it will all of a sudden click and all make sense
  4. ive got a nice sounding mix of this, if i could only convince reaper to mix it down onto mp3....
  5. going to have a crack at this now, testing out reaper for this. lets see how we go
  6. does reaper have midi drums built in? thats one of the main reason ive stuck to cubase recently
  7. i have considered reaper actually. but ive been using free versions of cubase for so long, im scared of change i think...
  8. thing is, i wouldnt be against paying for good software if they price it reasonably. i use an old version of cubase, if i was to buy a new version it would cost me 700 quid, unless you are a pro studio you just can't afford that
  9. im torn between mixing this at the weekend or recording on of my songs..... what to do...
  10. not that im endorsing downloading, but you can find the software online for free.....
  11. cheers man, thanks for the kind words. there are many issues with drums in there haha, ive moved about a lot of it to make it less out of time, but at the same time i wanted to keep it sounding a bit raw. its a shame the band is sort of no more, but i registered the name when i started it, so im planning to release new music under the name
  12. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1353005772' post='1870463'] the only link that worked for me was WalMans track... and WOW! i haven't a hope if that's where the bar is. [/quote] hes right, not all those links appear to work
  13. i think its based on the song, i think the mix quality is just an added bonus
  14. camcorders are actually really handy for recording, if you put them in the right place the mic doesn't cause an issue
  15. i'm going to have a crack at this over the weekend, really interested to see how people will interpret this. should we not have a link to his original mix on here, so we can get an idea of the vibe he has for the song?
  16. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1352972128' post='1869870'] It's quite hard to actually find other peoples recordings in this thread, so i was thinking, when you record your competition piece, we should all put a link to that piece in our signatures, that way it's easier to find, and you also know who created the piece. [/quote] in fairness, when the voting starts next week, charic puts them in one vote post so they are all there easy to access, but your idea is good. it might also that way spread it around the forum
  17. Basically i did an ep for my band earlier this year, recorded mixed and everything by yours truly im giving it away free, if you wan't it you can find it at this link http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2175335/Paper%20Soldiers%20-%20Free.zip the songs are basically made up of 3 seperate recording sessions, but ive managed to pull them together to make some useable songs. leave me some feedback
  18. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1352821838' post='1867884'] Personally I' more into the idea of mixing what is there rather than re-producing the files into a different song, a so called re-mix. [/quote] agreed, i think it would be nicer to hear someones own interpretation of what is there, rather than changing it into a new song
  19. i would be up for a monthly mix off, most definately would, drop me a pm and ill get involved with your scheming too! im trying to get more involved with stuff on here rather than just be one of those who sits and don't contribute
  20. i can also recommend http://homerecording.com/bbs/forum.php http://www.gearslutz.com/board/ http://forum.recordingreview.com/ lost of people on these forums that know their stuff, even if you are not a regular poster you can learn from them
  21. i actually went and brought a stereo with the other week for the very reason it had a turn table. i find more satisfaction from actually listening to a record than just playing back an mp3... feels somehow more real
  22. last time i was happy with a band was 2009, we were writing, recording, gigging and having fun playing music we totally loved... then the drummer left to go travelling (which he never did in the end) and left us in the sh*tt*r... not be in a band ive really been into since
  23. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1352668397' post='1865964'] Righto here's mine. I've been listening to a bit of Leftfield this weekend hence the move into electronic music. [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/macabraea"]http://soundcloud.co...rnats/macabraea[/url] [/quote] Im liking the beat to this one good work
  24. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1352658005' post='1865742'] There's been some really good entries so far, here's mine [url="http://soundcloud.com/stevemcevoy/steve-mcevoy-mr-shellsuit-and"]http://soundcloud.co...r-shellsuit-and[/url] I could have continually twiddled and re-recorded bits and gone round in circles, but enough's enough, time to upload it and move on. First part was done in Sibelius and then transferred into Reason to record the remainder. Hope you like it [/quote] really like this one, i love how it changes up half way through, nice work man
  25. Before you mix down, enaure your master fader is peaking at 0 as said above, or it will be quiet. I usually have it peaking around 0 in the mix then master it up yo add 2 or 3 db if needed
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