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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. in the bottom left there is an icon that says change theme click this and select "basschat" and it will go back
  2. ive got 5 of the things, i always wonder why, then i just came to the conclusion i like buying basses
  3. i think the ergodyne style seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet, ive got 2 of them and i think the closest thing ibanez do to them are the SR models. i don't think they do the luthite bodies anymore
  4. for all the running and jumping into the crowd ive done in the past, the most embarrasing moment came at a gig in london, we played through the first song and something didnt feel right and i couldnt hear the bass...... silly ol' me had forgotton to turn the mute switch off, schoolboy...
  5. ive turned up to gigs where they've expected me to use a small amp, which is why i always have my rig in the car just in case. ive learnt to wing it without monitors now, a lot of places ive played have had either inadequate sound guys who can't get the levels right or don't have monitors at all
  6. always carry a spare bass, i found out the hard way what happens if you only have one on you 3 hours from your home and it breaks pre show
  7. I can personnly set up my rig in less than ten mins, most venues i play half hour is a luxury, normally we are expected to do it in 15 mins or less. 3 hours seems excessive to me
  8. [quote name='spinynorman' post='1343085' date='Aug 17 2011, 01:36 PM']From time to time I look at other bands' websites for "inspiration". The section that always makes me cringe a bit is the band member biographies. They seem to fall into 4 types Straight facts, usually related to gear: "Fred plays a Fender bass...." Life history: "Started singing at the age of 4 ... played lead guitar with the Running Snots in Lewisham from 1982-1985...." Lists: "Favourite food: pizza." Whacky, off the wall, humorous: Generally just demonstrate why these people are in a band, rather than doing stand-up or writing sketch shows. Has anyone got a decent model for these? Are they even needed, or just there to boost band members' egos? I wish I knew.[/quote] if i do them for a band i usually keep it simple, tell them where we are from and what we are influenced by, nothing over the top. if i have comments from radio/newspapers/mags etc then i add them in to sell the band, but i dont fart arse about with pointless "favourite colour" type rubbish at the end of the day i keep it about the band, not about its members
  9. i missed this last time, will endeavour to make this one
  10. i used to have it pretty low, now i have settled to have it about stomach height, i find it makes riffing easier than when i had it low
  11. as im in an originals band, i tend to play whatever im likely to play in the set, or girls aloud - love machine if i'm bored
  12. i can do it, but for some reason i don't like doing it, i almost feel like you have to compromise both parts to be able to do it
  13. ive found the classic series to be incredibly light. i have the 4x10 and not only is it light it has handles for easy lifting and a hand/wheel combo to roll it! tidy
  14. I dont think ive ever practiced my moves as such. I just go with the music. I throw myself and the bass round if ik in the mood. Whilst sometimes i miss a note, i firmly believe a crowd will prefer a band that enjoys it. If they want note perfection then we have cd's for sale
  15. the majority of the time i play no frills bass playing, i do what is required to drive a song and hold the rhythm down, but if i am given space i like to vary runs and walks etc ive always been of the view that the bass provides a foundation for everything else to build off, and i treat it as such, but theres no harm in having a fancy foundation from time to time
  16. ive used ernie balls for the past 5 years, and ive never had any complaints, bout 17 quid a set i think. the coated ones are good too, bit more expensive but ive just changed a set that ive had on for 18 months, and they weres till kicking
  17. the only advice i will give, is that at times it can be frustrating to the point you just want to break stuff, but keep chugging away and the rewards are well worth the hassle
  18. good on you my friend, i bought a load of recording stuff to do it all at home, and i find recording and mixing to be very fulfilling. i hope it will give you the same enjoyment it gives me and many others
  19. just learnt lifer by down for my band
  20. any song from feeder's echo park album, dirt simple but great fun to play and listen to
  21. it feels a bit like the people who are worth having in bands are either taken or don't want to be in a band, so all that is left are people who like the idea of being in bands but can't grasp the idea of how a band works... or completely incompetent characters
  22. i wouldnt mind, but im not even after a mike portnoy, just need a drummer who can drum... in time preferably
  23. or is it getting more and more difficult to find the right people for a band these days? i mean im working on putting a new band together, i have one guitarist and i'm seeking a second but we can cope without. the big problem ive got is finding a drummer... it really seems to be an uphill task. it appears that all the muso's in cambridge want to be in covers or metal bands... its almost like unless you know someone you are doomed to search forever... is anyone else find this or is it just me?
  24. i currently use an overdrive effect and full on distortion effect, i play in a metal band so need the extra chunk to compete with the guitars, it doesnt change the way i play, just gives me more oooomph when i need it
  25. i run a pc and laptop with cubase on both for home and mobile recording, and i very rarely have any issues that are not self created
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