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  1. Thanks to all who have replied. So when I get into debate with the guitarist I can now tell him the reasons why it is called what it is. lol
  2. Happy new year to you all!. Before I posted here I searched google but it always thought I was asking about a 7th chord eg C7 etc. My question is what is the correct terminology for a chord that comes 7th in a key. I have heard it called diminished, half diminished and minor 7 flat 5. So which is it ?
  3. Sorry mate for being away for so long. Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. I bit the bullet and now have the book. As you rightly point out it certainly is ‘in depth’
  4. Hi all, I have been playing bass for a while and can hold my own following chord sheets in the church band. I have my favourite shapes and often play the tonic, major 3rd, 5th and I like to put a 4th in. I usually play the first three notes of the minor scale if a minor chord obviously. I want to develop my abilities using pentatonics and know the 5 shapes but struggle to flow fluidly around them. Do you think the Janek Gwizdala book would be a big help or is there something better I should be looking at. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi my knowledgeable friends. I was looking at a YouTube lesson regarding the Dorian scale. It seemed to suggest that this mode could be played over any chord progression and it made reference to countless tracks that had used it. So say you were playing a 1,4,6 progression in A major the Dorian mode would be a B Dorian. Now Bm is not in the progression and the only chord that is minor is F# m. So could you or should you not play B Dorian. I know there are better options to pick but it was simply this notion that Dorian could be played over any changes.
  6. Once again thanks all for the suggestions. I think its a trip to demo a 'Terror bass'.
  7. Thanks for the responses all. I will definitely go and demo some amps but with so many options and manufacturers I am trying to narrow the field. I have never heard an Orange bass terror, the name 'Terror' brings aggresive rock sound to mind so I've never considered that!! I'm probably wrong. I have heard a few Mark Bass amps so they are a possibility. There seems to be a lot of love for Tonehammer on the forum would that emulate a clean, warm, creamy, bluesy sound.
  8. Hi all, currently playing my mm stingray through the above amp and 2x10 Genz Benz Focus cab. Plenty loud enough for what I do and the tone is to die for IMHO. I have a Laney 1X15 that I add if I ever need to go loud!!! I descibe the tone as warm and creamy. I do not overdrive it to get a dirty sound, not really required for church music! The valves I have in the power stage at the moment are KT100 which also do not break up too early. The simple matter is it is getting a pain to carry the amp up and down stairs to the car and back etc. Has anyone any suggestions of a much lighter solid state amp that is in the same ball park tone wise as the AD200. Anything that sounds Hi Fi or glassy would be out of the question. What should I go and demo? Thanks
  9. Bought a musicman tort scratchplate from him. Great to deal with, responds swiftly to pm's, The scratchplate exceeded my expectations in terms of quality. It doesn't look like its been on a guitar and for a great price. Thanks mate Dave
  10. If Rasta hasn't claimed this I will take it for the asking price. I have pm'd you
  11. Hi, I am going down the 2x10 route also. I can't understand why no one on the forum mentions or recommends the Genz Benz Focus range. Other forums are very complimentary if you are looking for value for money at the lower end. I rang and spoke to the chap at bass direct. He was very positive and said that while you can tell the difference between Vanderkley, Bergantino and the focus cabs the price difference more than made up for this. So when they get some more in, mid Jan, according to their web site I will be going down that route unless someone here tells me I'm making a big mistake!
  12. Thanks all for your input. To respond to your comments. It was your thread I was reading with interest Ultima and all the best with your purchase. Mr. Foxen I don't need very loud for Church use but I do occasionally get asked to do weddings, charity events etc where a bit more umph is needed but these are few and far between. I wasn't sure if a 2x10 would suffice on these occasions. Sorry for my ignorance but I'm not sure what you mean when you ask 'Do you want any drive from the power section?' chris b- No the cab would not stay at church it would need to be portable, brought home and taken back upstairs so I assume a 4x 10 is out of the question then Lozz. I have seen the one you are advertising. As for price, the fact that the Genz Benz Focus are being advertised at about £255 for the 2x10 and £365 for the 4x10 was about my maximum. I would love a Barefaced and have actually had a couple of emails with Alex but the price is a little out of reach at the moment. Thanks also Hamfist for your comments. I am currently using a Laney Richter 1x 15. Cheap and cheerful which I dont think is showing the amp up to its best!!
  13. Hi, I need a different cab but here starts the dilemma. The reviews on the Genz Benz Focus series suggest they are good sounding, relatively light and they are certainly in the right price bracket. I think I would like the 2x10-T ,for its portability, but can only find a you tube clip with Ed, the bass whisperer demoing a 4 x10. I do not really need a 4x10 for the venue I play ie Church but would I regret not getting one in the future. By the way my amp head is an Orange AD200B Mk3. This is obviously rated at 200watts, it measures at slightly under actually! How would this match up with the cabs mentioned above? Another spanner in the works is a thread where lots of people are raving about the GK 212 MBE. Which is also priced right at the moment,How does this compare with the focus series? OR would I be better saving a bit more and getting a second hand Markbass which seem to come up quite often in the for sale section. I say Markbass because weight is an issue at 57 years old I can't carry like I used to. Your thoughts appreciated
  14. Great info and help. Thanks for the photo Mr Foxen I can see what you mean!!! Looks like I will be saving for the Super 15
  15. Thanks for your input folks. I do not really want another cab with a 15 inch speaker although I am sure the OBC115 is great. I like bottom end but want something with punch hence either 2x10 or 2x12. Would the AD200 really look silly on a Super 12? Width wise there is a 7cm difference I'm not sure that 3.5cm overhang each side would be too bad. The rubber feet on the AD200 would sit OK. Depth there are no problems.
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