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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Good point, however it still has its rubber feet attached, which are standing on the bottom of the case. So contrary to how it looks, there's actually plenty of air underneath it.
  2. My poor addled brain read that as "picked up a used, Japanese, Sadowsky Metro Express for a fiver". Just for a second it was the deal of the century
  3. NWD (New Wireless Day) -- incoming Sennheiser G3. Ludicrous, ridiculous deal I couldn't walk away from.

  4. Today's office with the Soul Destroyers... two one-hour sets, one either side of the match itself. Predictably the crowd were a lot more lively in the second set *coughcough cider* and we went down a storm. And Bath stuffed Glaws too. Result. 🙂🔵


  5. Ta folks, I've gone with 4 for the moment. Might change my mind and go 5... We'll see. And yes, I can see the damn tape is lifting already 🙄😄
  6. Well, I managed to pick up something vaguely similar on fleaBay. Not machined, just screen-printed, but they still look ok. I therefore have 5 options. 1. Leave it as is. 2. Both new badges. 3. New badge on left, blank on right. 4. Vice versa. 5. Nothing. Thoughts?
  7. There are a lot of bits of the US I'd have loved to see, but sadly it's now permanently off my list. Even if the Dems get in on a landslide in 2028. Just nope.
  8. A setup demonstration would be a good idea. For a lot of people it's a really dark "I wouldn't know where to start" art, I know there are youpube videos etc but there's nothing like seeing it done right in front of you. Charity donation for definite, but the endless tea is already included in the entry cost, as is the food. Oh god, the food. Dammit, I'd managed to get this far without thinking of the food, and now you've gone and done it.
  9. 1. Rich - Trace Elliot TE-1200 amp, Barefaced Super 12T cab, earplugs , Shuker custom 5, other stuff TBC. 2. Woody - Rickenbacker 4004-L5, maybe Sei Flamboyant, Same old basschat 12" with some amp, other stuff TBC 3. Pinball (tbc) - Got some interesting basses 4. Sean - Mesa 400+, Laney Nexus Tube 400 , MJW Taranis 200 (Matamp clone with extra channel and EQ), 2 x BF TWO10, Spector TBD, Valenti #005 Super P, Yamaha BB2024x, plus a mini walk-in bass surgery if interested Excellent idea.
  10. Yeah, go on, torture me with that gorgeous bass again why don't you
  11. Bullet In The Barrel - It Bites
  12. Had an intermittent fault with one of my homemade cables at the weekend. Did some investigation, and on inspecting one of the plugs I found that ONE STRAND of the screen had escaped the solder and was just touching the core terminal. It may only have been the one strand, but it was enough to cause a short. 
    Note to self: in future, tin the bloody wires properly. *slaps self*

    1. godathunder


      heatshrink is your friend in these circumstances, especially for speaker cables where this sort of fault can cost you an amp repair (further partronising advice available on request)

  13. So there it is... ...and it's never too early to start an attendee/gear list 1. Rich - Trace Elliot TE-1200 amp, Barefaced Super 12T cab, earplugs , Shuker custom 5, other stuff TBC. Also, start digging those raffle prize donations out!
  14. Here y'go. I used to be a draughtsman, does it show? I don't have one for the Streamliner so I can't measure/draw it.
  15. Sadly I don't think it will. It's tailored exactly for the Shuttles.
  16. Going Underground - The Jam
  17. If I had 12.5k to throw away, the absolute very last person on earth I'd give it to would be Mr Witz.
  18. The Selecter 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 Such a pity Gaps is gone
  19. Thank you, I was just about to go and find the story behind this to quote here, but now I don't need to yes, it doesn't look like he's quite so bothered about the drugs after all. No surprises there.
  20. That's a proper stunner. Gorgeous. Congrats!
  21. What's the power handling?
  22. Genz-Benz factory rack-mount kit for the Shuttle range of bass amplifiers. Absolutely as rare as rocking horse manure, you cannot find these for love nor money. Note that this will only fit the Shuttle amps, NOT the ShuttleMax amps. Has some rack rash around the screw holes as you’d expect, but the front face is absolutely pristine. Comes with the requisite screws for attaching to the amp, but not the rack screws. **AMP NOT INCLUDED**
  23. Genz-Benz Shuttle 9.2 bass amplifier. Superb sounding and VERY LOUD amp. Fully functioning apart from slightly scratchy master volume pot on startup, which seems to be quite common with these amps Power output: 500 watts @ 8 ohms, 900 watts @ 4 ohms Dimensions: 63mm H x 250mm W x 265mm D Weight: 4lbs / 2kg It has a valve preamp (a standard 12AX7/ECC83) and a very powerful & flexible tone shaping section featuring shelving controls for bass and treble, a semi-parametric control for mid frequencies, and three pre-shape buttons consisting of bass boost, mid cut, and treble boost. This amp has served me faithfully for quite a number of years, and I’m only selling it because I fancied a change! See my other ad for the rare-as-hens-teeth factory rack-mount kit, as per the photo. **NOTE THAT THE RACK-MOUNT KIT IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE, BUT IS BEING SOLD SEPARATELY**
  24. @Steve Lawson's set was amazing. I saw him many many moons ago and he's come on stratospherically since then both in terms of gear (oh god, that Elrick ❤️ ) and 'composition'. His sonic landscapes are quite astonishing, complex and tasteful.
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