Just to get back on topic... back in the late 19th century, bubinga asked:
I would say yes, it's worth doing because you might learn from it in one way or another. Certainly all the artists you mention there have got some great basslines going on, whether you like the actual songs or not. I'm not desperately in love with a few of the tunes that my bands do, but they are un-boring enough to play and get a good enough punter reaction that I am happy to stick with them.
Of course, it sometimes happens that there is something in the set, or proposed set, that you really don't like and that will teach you nothing except how much you don't like the song... I remember many moons ago, 2 members of a band I was in were mad keen on doing the Mavericks' "Dance The Night Away", the bassline of which is the same two sets of three notes repeated over and over and over and over and over and over again. Add this to the fact that I really hated the song anyway, and it was absolute veto time from me.