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Posts posted by Rich

  1. To be honest, the only answer we need to the OP question "Why play a 6 string, or a 7?" is:[quote name='metaltime' post='169648' date='Apr 4 2008, 09:56 AM']why the hell not[/quote] Some people love 'em, others don't. Nobody should have to justify playing one if they want to play one.
    I simply fail to understand why so many people seem to be quite so anti-ERB (or for that matter, anti-4string). At the end of the day, surely we all play music because we love doing so, not because we think it's clever? Can't we all just get along?:)

    [size=1]If anyone wants me, I'll be in the corner playing a George Harrison album and going "om".[/size]

  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='168929' date='Apr 3 2008, 09:52 AM']I don't have a party piece although I do get the occasional break down to groove over which usually met with total indifference from the audience (although there was one exception recently when I got a cheer, but only one mind.). I'm crap at soloing because its not what motivates me, its the team work that I tend to get off on.[/quote]
    Generally, +1 to all that -- I'm happiest in a pocket/groove/bus driver's seat. That said, I do have a party piece... it's a slightly modified version of Hellborg's version (stay with me here) of 'Little Wing'. If you haven't heard Hellborg's take, do yourself a favour and track it down. Anyway, said party piece only very rarely gets an airing these days, although it used to be my solo spot back in the days of my fusion trio. It has a certain amount of flash twonkhood, but it does demonstrate the potential of the bass guitar in terms of bass, melody and chords, all in the same piece. Thus proving to the civilians that our instrument is capable of faaaar more than just standing at the back going 'plunk plunk' (which I dare say is how a lot of them see us).

  3. Things I regret not buying when I saw them (some of them going back a few years):
    [*]SWR Stereo 800 power amp, new - £200
    [*]MM Stingray - £250, yes really :)
    [*]Shergold 8-string - £175
    [*]'70 Dodge Challenger - £850 (OK, a bit OT but I bloody wish I'd bought it!)
    Things I regret not doing:
    [*]Not learning to play the piano my parents had when I was growing up.
    [*]Not going up to London with my drummer mate in 1987 to follow the dream... he ended up playing for a living and toured Japan with the James Taylor Quartet, I ended up working in a bloody office :huh:
    [*]Not learning to read music. Yes I know it's still not too late, but I could have done it 20 years ago.

  4. Played Gloucester Guildhall's 20th Anniversary Bash last night, top gig despite Dave the voice suffering from man flu... he struggled on, brave soul :) sound was great, but the drum riser had been put well off-centre... so just for a change, me and Moo the keys had lots of room and the horns were squished up... boy did they complain about it too. Hah! Welcome to my world boys :huh::lol:
    The only downer was getting to bed at 3.30am...

  5. CK and Jon Shuker discuss their secret plans for world domination

    The following picture is entitled "Respect Is Due" :)

    In the stripey shirt is the legendary John East of J-Retro fame

    Basses of the day for me: the maple singlecut five that Jon Shuker turned up with, and CK's awesome Celinder Jazz.
    Oh, and the good Doctor's gorgeous Pangborn Warlord... a lovely slice of 80s retro in wood form ;) Now I remember why I so very nearly bought one back in '86 :huh:
    Amp of the day? Gotta be that Sunn..!
    Well worth spending 5+ hours on the road for. Gents/laydeeez, I thank you. Photos tomorrow!
    My bass of the day? Well there's two really... the beautiful maple singlecut Mr.Shuker turned up with (dood, it's MINE I tell ya), and CK's awesome Celinder Jazz. Ja-HEEzus, that thing is a Phunk Monsta. :)

    And I propose a big vote of thanks to Mart for coming through with the sarnies. Top chap!

  7. Hi Folks,

    I know there's been a 'gear' thread and a 'lifts' thread already but here's another thread to get a quick list together so we can see who's going to be there tomorrow. To start it off, there's us three coming up from the south:

    1. Silverfoxnik
    2. WalMan
    3. Merton
    4. Johngh
    5. OBBM
    6. G-77
    7. Rich (hopefully)

    So, feel free to add your name and help move this along. See you all tomorrow.

  8. [quote name='woodenshirt' post='165715' date='Mar 29 2008, 08:44 AM']Looks as though I might be able to make it to the Bash.

    I work for a sandwich manufacturer and might be able to sort out some sarnies for lunch, can't promise anything but if someone lets me know how many are likely to be attending then I'll see what I can do.

    Would people want free sandwiches? :)

    Just an idea,

    (Hopefully) see you all there,

    Mart.[/quote]Bloody marvellous idea, that would be great :huh:

  9. [quote name='7string' post='163987' date='Mar 26 2008, 07:07 PM']By the way, Tony Franklin on the first Blue Murder album and Marco Mendoza on "Screaming Blue Murder" prove that a fretless can hold it's own in a heavy rock setting!![/quote]And Steve DiGiorgio proves that fretless can hold its own in a thrash setting :)

    Fretless is brilliant, it's like a whole new instrument.

  10. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='163420' date='Mar 25 2008, 10:32 PM']I tried some "vintage" 70s mustangs in Denmark street and for some reason the ones I was able to try were very knackered and/or very overpriced.[/quote]Overpriced stuff in Denmark St.? Surely not! :)

  11. We had this when we headlined an outdoor gig in Gloucester a couple of years ago. Everything was running late and the curfew was getting closer and closer, so in a gallant effort to allow us something approaching a decent set, the main support (a fairly well-known US blues chap) was kind enough to... overrun by 10 minutes. Why the organisers didn't pull his plug, I do not know. Anyway, he left us a truly wonderful 35 minutes... needless to say I would not now piss on this bloke if he was on fire, never mind play on the same bill as him.

  12. Tobias Pro-6 6-string... sort of wish I'd kept it, although it just wasn't getting used and still wouldn't be.

    Oh, and this very lovely Sei... it was a gorgeous bass, although the Bartos were distinctly underwhelming... if I'd kept it, they would have gone in favour of some EMGs or Delanos or something. If I hadn't sold it, I wouldn't have the Shuker now... so I don't regret selling it. :huh:

    Strangely, the bass I regret losing most was an old Columbus Jazz copy... I lent it to a bloke I thought was a friend, never saw him again. Mike Hague, give it back you pikey hippy bastid. :)
    Sure it wasn't the greatest thing in the world, but I liked it.

  13. [quote name='StevieC' post='157865' date='Mar 15 2008, 10:14 AM']Nick Heywood - Take That Situation (Bet you'll have to look that one up!)[/quote]
    Hey, what a cracker. And surprise surprise, it's that Palladino chap again :)
    Speaking of whom:
    'Music For Chameleons' and 'We Take Mystery (To Bed)', Pino-powered Gary Numan tunes.

    'State Of Mind', by Fish. Sublime bass by the godlike John Giblin.

  14. [quote name='OldGit' post='159415' date='Mar 18 2008, 09:29 AM']What is wrong with [b]winding it around your arm [/b]and using a Velcro strap?[/quote]Nothing wrong with the velcro strap, but winding it round your arm?? Noooooooooo... :) :huh:
    THE quickest way to tie your cable in knots, not to mention twisting it unnaturally. Wind it up into one hand... it doesn't take much longer than doing the round-yer-arm thing, but it preserves the cable's natural twist and stops it tying itself into knots the moment you release the velcro.

  15. Guys, many thanks for all the input. Much appreciated. :huh:

    Blimey, looks like I'm getting a fringe benefit from putting the volume pedal there! ;)
    Actually, my original thinking was that if I use the looping thingy on the Headrush, I'll be able to vary the level of the various things I add to the loop whilst retaining the overall looper output at a constant level. I suppose I could have attained this by putting the volume pedal first, BUT I wanted the Deep Impact in particular to get a good high-level uncoloured input as this is how they seem to work best.
    My volume pedal is a stereo Boss one, so the sneaky wiring I referred to isn't actually all that sneaky really..!

    [quote name='cheddatom' post='155754' date='Mar 12 2008, 09:08 AM']I would want OD just before delay, but you have no other dirt to go before your modulation, so if you like it there fair enough.[/quote]Yes, I'd been thinking about that. I couldn't decide whether to overdrive the chorused/phased sound, or to chorus/phase the overdriven sound! :) Is there any conventional wisdom on this, or is it personal taste?

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