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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Rich

    DIY Effects

    Yes, that was my thinking. Just wanted to be sure before I start soldering my fingers to things.
  2. Rich

    DIY Effects

    I'd like to Ask The Audience something. I'm in the process of putting together a loop pedal with a blend control... having experimented in the past it appears that certain pedals have a phase inverting tendency, so I want to be able to work round this if possible with a switchable phase inverter. However, I'm a little uncertain as to where the inverter should go. I'm thinking it would be example A below, but I want to make sure.
  3. No complaints here. That would tick almost every single one of my personal boxes. Although if I was being fussy, I'd prefer a MM pickup in the bridge, and candy apple red rather than dark grey.
  4. And stage lighting. The guitarist from the Soul Destroyers has developed a sideline in lighting, and the array of technologies and equipment available is quite mindboggling. He's spent thousands and is only scratching the surface, although he's doing nicely, got two or three regular prestigious gigs for himself.
  5. Just shows what a mic luddite I am... I'd always thought it was 'stand behind an SM58 and away you go' it's obviously a much deeper science than I ever gave it credit for. Although I suppose it's no different to playing a P instead of a J, for example.
  6. I must stop looking at this thread. The torture has just become unbearable.
  7. Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft - Carpenters
  8. A bittersweet Soul Destroyers one last night. A party gig for lots of enthusiastic people, we played well (although I had some dyslexic foot trouble with my MS60B 🙄 ) but it was our tenor saxist's last gig after 24 years(!) with the band on and off. Gonna miss big Ben. That tenor looks small on him because he's 6'6"
  9. But they are guitars... bass guitars. Even Leo said so
  10. I saw a gig by 'The Commitments' a few years ago. The band consisted of several of the film band-members, including Mickah the nutcase drummer except he was on lead vocals. No Andrew Strong alas. I don't know who the bass player was but someone should have told him that his Alembic Mark King bass (yes, he was wearing it under his chin) and huge Trace stack were totally out of place. Lovely kit, but in that setting it looked and sounded absurd.
  11. You would definitely do well to establish the source of the woodwork. The last time I saw rounded-off J pickups like that, they were on the old Columbus J-copy I had back in the 80s. I paid 25 quid for it. The body was plywood. Personally I would walk away from this. You'd be far better off with a Hardley Bent.
  12. It certainly did the job for me, Packed with features and it works beautifully. Almost as good in fact as the compressor on my old Focusrite Trakmaster, which is still the finest compressor I've ever used (why on earth did I sell it, etc).
  13. Is it wrong of me to admit that that's exactly what I did with Channel 2?
  14. We're an easy target. I remember getting blamed for some weird feedback at one gig, turned out to be the hearing aid loop.
  15. Wearing grey jeans and a grey polo today. I feel like John Major :lol: 

    1. SpondonBassed


      Pass the peas?



    2. Drax


      Remember the days when the worst thing about our PM was that he was a bit boring.. 

    3. Rich


      Yes... who would have thought that one day we would look back on it as the good old days. :( 

  16. Alternative title: "Crap Taste in Hats, Great Taste in Bassists".
  17. A few things: 1. Bugger. Would have been interesting to do an A/B with my V7 to see just how different they are. Really wish I was coming. 2: Also bugger. I'd have loved to have seen either of them, especially the EUB. 3: I had a nasty bout of Crimson Chowny's last year. Luckily it cleared up with a course of antibiotics. Certainly won't be going to that bar again. 4: Really, really wish I was coming to the Bash. Have a great time y'all.
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