There's a few manufacturers with names that are open to a range of different pronunciations. Here's a few with my interpretations, and I'd appreciate corrections if anyone has any.
Wal - I used to think it rhymed with 'pal', but then I heard Pete the Fish rhyme it with 'doll' so I guessed that must be correct.
Sei - I've heard it variously pronounced as 'say' and 'sigh'. I'm 90% sure it's the former, but I'm fully expecting to be 100% wrong.
Lakland - from what I understand, it's 'lake-' rather than 'lack-'. Yes..?
Maruszczyk - I'm reliably informed that it's 'maroosh-chick', I hope that's right because whenever anyone asks what make my gorgeous strap is, that's what I tell them. Knowing my luck it's probably pronounced 'eggbox' or something.
Babicz - OK, definitely stumbling in the dark a bit here. I'm guessing at 'ba-bítch'..?
Mayones - is it 'may-owns'? Or 'mayo-ness'?
Sadowsky - I'm assuming 'sad-of-ski', yes?
Anyone else got any other pispronounced worms?