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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Like A Prayer - Madonna
  2. These Boots Are Made for Walkin' - Nancy Sinatra
  3. Parklife - Blur
  4. Death Disco - PiL
  5. I love vinyl and have still got all my old stuff from my yoof. My missus has got a whole load of her old vinyl too, plus some that her first hubs CBA to take when they split up -- lots of old prog, Budgie, Yes, early Genesis. His loss I have two nice turntables including one with a USB connection so I can rip them to mp3 if the mood takes me. I can't imagine that I will be buying any new vinyl, especially at those prices. I'll stick with what I've got and live in the past.
  6. Oh yes he was. 20 frets giving a range of E to E flat. Would it have killed him to add another fret?
  7. I pride myself in being a degenerate.
  8. If you believe the price of the item is too cheap/expensive, then please PM the seller as to why. Posts that ridicule or undermine the seller, or comment on much you think it's worth, or where it can be obtained elsewhere for less, have been and will be removed. As a side issue... if you see something like this happening, don't just make a comment along the lines of "why aren't the mods doing something about this/I got done for this/it's not fair"... report it. Then maybe we will stand a fighting chance of doing something about it. We aren't psychic, if we don't know it's happening we can't address it! Thank you.
  9. Thunderbirds Are Go! - Busted
  10. N-N-Nineteen Not Out - The Commentators
  11. Surely there are other factors at work here too though... the total number of puns, coefficient Ptot, and their funniness, variable xJCarr where {JCarr=not funny} is an unvarying constant.
  12. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah - James Baskett
  13. Moth into Flame - Metallica
  14. But don't eat all the cheese scones before I get one, or I'll give you a slap.
  15. Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World - The Flaming Lips
  16. Don't make any more puns please. The moment's scone.
  17. New culinary discovery... kabsah spice. Made a fabulous chicken dish last night using it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rich


      @Rumple oh blimey, I hope you like it! :D 

    3. Rumple


      Ingredients seem to differ, the one I went for is:

      Black Pepper, Cloves, Cardamom, Saffron, Black Lime, Bay Leaves, Nutmeg.

      Should be nice.

    4. Rich


      Sounds broadly similar to mine. The cloves, cardamom and nutmeg are incredibly aromatic. Mine has turmeric rather than saffron.

  18. The Size Of A Cow - Wonder Stuff
  19. Hi Paul, Welcome to the forum and hell yes what an absolute bargain. The CHB-1 is one of my favourite basses and I'd love to have one, especially at that price!
  20. Brum On Feel The Noize - Slade
  21. If we assume that active controls go from +10 to -10, then my main basses are as follows Shuker: bass +2, mids 0, treble 0 Sire V7: bass +3, mids 0, treble +1 Ska bass: bass +4, treble -3 Thunder 1A: bass +2, treble +1, pickup in series mode
  22. Hair on the G String - JS Bach, arr. August Wilhelmj
  23. Well thanks a bunch you lot. Now you've got me fleaBay-searching for 'light weight power amplifier'
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