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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Three Coins in the Fountain - ol' blue eyes
  2. Yamaha make absolutely fabulous basses and this is their best ever IMO.
  3. Neither do I at that price. This looks in great condition. A proper bargain. I do wish more 80s manufacturers had done the Status/Jack/Superheadless route of a full body rather than trying to go all Steinberger-minimalist. Mind you, the body on this looks a bit bigger than the Steiny cricket bat, which can only be a good thing.
  4. Agreed entirely. Well, the EQ section seems ok, but it's the core sound. I've tried to like them, I really have, but I just... don't. And also agreed entirely here too. Although in my case it's got to better my Shuttle 9.2.
  5. We've had 9, so... Ten Green Bottles - trad.
  6. "...and now, Hugh is going to sing 'Nice 'n' Sleazy' to the tune of 'Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun'..."
  7. The 1st Picture Of You - The Lotus Eaters
  8. Worth absolutely every penny. I have Elixir nickels on my Sire V7, they've been on there for over 2 years now and whilst admittedly there haven't been all that many gigs in that time, they are still almost as bright as when I put them on. I've got Elixir steels on the ska bass and they've lost none of their zing either, despite the bashing they get. I love the way they feel, really smooth and fast.
  9. Agreed. They need to be aiming for 50-55lbs tops, minus the cover.
  10. Cheer The F*** Up, You Beautiful Loser - Atlas
  11. Yes... at one time (yes, back in 1985 ) Trace offered their cabs, or at least some of them, as a choice of 4 or 8 ohm versions. Possibly a trick missed there.
  12. The 1000w handling is clear... is that "8 ohm"? Not intended as a one cab rig then.
  13. Of course, there have been predictable whinges on farcebook... "why do they keep trying to reinvent the wheel", "a proper Trace (what the hell is that?) has a UV light", "the classic interface is the original and best", ya de ya boo hoo. Generally the sort of people for whom time stopped in 1985.
  14. For the sake of my credit card, all I can say is thank god this isn't a 5. Or my V7 would be off out the door. This is a ludicrous bargain folks.
  15. Yes, those wheels would suggest that this ain't no featherweight neo wonder. And for that reason... I'm oot.
  16. I will DEFINITELY be looking to try that head out. I've been saying for ages that I'd love a class D SMX and this looks pretty close. The dual band comp is back! Stick a graphic of some sort in the FX loop and it's almost there. But it probably (hopefully) wouldn't need it. And it's got rack ears! woohoo Yes the 'TE-1200' looks crap but I reckon 5 minutes with some T-cut would get shot of that. Not bothered about the cab TBH, swivelling badge or not. But that amp could be my game changer.
  17. That's because they don't want to show us up as the rank amateurs we are. If Mrs Rich set fire to some of hers, we'd have no windows. @Witters, please don't tell her I said that.
  18. Two out of my 8/9 piece ska band are female. Two out of my 12 piece soul/party band are, with another 4 in our regular dep roster. They're musicians, that's all that matters. What they keep in their trousers is neither here nor there. And as for that ridiculous M'boro venue... anyone who says women can't sing rock needs a.) their ears cleaning out and b.) a slap.
  19. Yes, I bet they'd be very keen on the whole "Facebook have repeatedly been warned and notified of this individual's actions, but despite these numerous reports they have as yet done absolutely nothing about it" line. Definitely worth a try.
  20. Thanks but it's no problem... my office is in Chippenham, I go there two or three times a week, and my home is only 20 mins or so from Weston. My son & D-i-L live in Swindon, so I can go blag a brew from them when I pick the gtr up from @andyonbass.
  21. Glad To Be Gay - Tom Robinson Band
  22. I have edited things a bit to clarify @Nothingman's post.
  23. I like the look of the claw bridge, but I think it would work best on a more contemporary bass design. Looks a bit incongruous on a P/J bass really. That goes doubly for the torpedo bridge -- I can see that working best on a Ritter or maybe Marleaux bass. Agreed 100%. Hiding the ball ends would complete the illusion. I'd half forgotten about the 2Tek bridge. Looks like it weighs a ton... great for helping with neck dive (e.g. my Thunder 1A), but not if the bass is already heavy (e.g. my Thunder 1A).
  24. I thought it would be worth bumping this to the top, as there are probably a lot of newer members who have not seen this brilliant resource and would possibly benefit from it.
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