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acid bass

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Everything posted by acid bass

  1. Thanks all for your feedback! Very valuable, especially since I hadn't considered how warranty claims might work. I think the first step will be to reach out to one of the US distributors and have a chat with them. FWIW, I ordered a bass from Thomann several months ago and it was incredibly smooth, easier than some of my domestic transactions. Was hoping it might be the same here, but this bass is quite a bit more money and warrants further investigation. Too late, I read the whole thing before posting this. 😉 Didn't want to be that guy who posts something that's been asked about a million times. However, your thread is the one that gave me the most pause because it wasn't purely a matter of being unlucky. It felt like there was a systemic problem with the organization; when something went wrong you couldn't contact anyone, when you finally did it was some teen jockeying the retail counter. I can understand a place messing up your order, but not even having staff to answer customer service calls is more alarming. Seems like a lot of things do go right, but if something goes wrong it goes very wrong.
  2. Hello from the USA! Getting straight to the point, I'm interested in grabbing a Sandberg Forty Eight 5-string bass. These are turning out to be incredibly difficult to find, especially over here. There are a couple of Victor Brandts available, but I don't like the P/J config so much. While scouring the internet for one of these I came across a couple of options, one of which is DV247 music. I've never heard of this place, but researching this forum and other places it seems legitimate enough. I'm a bit torn on how to interpret the reviews though. There's a lot of negative reviews, especially about their responsiveness and lack of customer service. A bunch of negative reviews isn't a problem in itself, the same thing happens to Guitar Center. It's a big box store that does a lot of business; they get a lot right and a little wrong, but the most vocal people on the internet are the people who got wronged. I've dealt with them a lot and they're fine. Not perfect, but fine. Curious whether DV247 falls into this category as well or if there's really a more systemic problem that isn't worth dealing with. Every thread complaining about them has at least a couple people saying they've ordered a ton of stuff and had no problems. That's basically the same as any Guitar Center rant I've seen. My only other options now are to keep waiting or try ordering from another UK seller on Reverb with only 1 review (good review, but still only 1). Thanks in advance for your help!
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