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Posts posted by SamIAm

  1. On 22/10/2022 at 13:35, tauzero said:


    I'm a bit concerned by that gunge on the screwdriver. Have you tested for Covid?

    A set of screwdrivers with at leat 30 bits (IMNHO) are essential to build anything worthy!


    S'manth xx (An ITU nurse of 5 y and a geek of 35y!)

  2. Happy to try to help.


    If you are considering to replace it, then I can highly suggest installing something like Ubuntu Studio.


    I'm running currently on a Lenovo X260, an old beast, but it seems to be snappy! Under 8 seconds from start to being to login and Ardour 7 runs sweet as a nut!


    And despite being a dedicated Mac Girl, the UI is ... well ... pretty damn good!


    S'manth x


    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Linus27 said:

    To improve your playing you need to listen to other bassists from genres you don't normally listen to and learn to play their bass lines. You need to be a sponge and soak up as much influence as possible. You don't need to become an expert in how to play other genres but just pick up how bassists from those genres approach writing bass lines. For example, if you play rock and listen to stuff like Foo Fighters, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Nirvana etc. then go listen to some reggae and start learning some Bob Marley tracks, or go and learn some early The Police tracks. I guarantee you'll learn something new that will start to come out in your playing. Just be open to all genres of music and listen to the bassists that are well known and regarded and listen to what they do. You don't have to like the music but as a musician, you need to be open to everything.


    The other thing to do is look at your bass lines and start the root an octave up to just add a bit of variety. For example, if you are doing a walking bass line starting on the A on the E string, then the C# and E on the A string and then the F# and A on the D string. Try starting by playing the A not on the E string but on the D string. So look at the notes you are playing on your bass lines and sed if you can play any of the notes elsewhere. This will create a bit more variety and movement in your lines. Even better if you can slide up to a note or play one as a harmonic instead.

    thank you for such insight!


    I wonder if you might have a suggestion for my particular challenge!?


    Old ears and so often find it hard to actually pick out a bass line!

    Tone deaf ... I would love to just sit in a jam session and bash, but I never can identify the notes/chords (Always seem to have to rely on lead sheets)


    Other in my band just seem to be able to pluck stuff out of the air, but I fail to recognise it and thus my "input" is rubbish.


    How to "ear train"!?!?


    S'manth xx

  4. 1 hour ago, PaulThePlug said:

    Checkout some pics of Ibanez EDA and Afirma series...

    Maube a halfway house... I would guess if the body / neck is one piece or thru neck... then.. maybe a raised fretboard for slap... rather than the full amout of a bit of neck and fretboard of a bolt on neck.

    A top mounted fretboard may help to radius, flatish (my Acoustic Bass is about 400mm) and if you need to access / replace etc. and a top with a more recessed bass side and expossed lower with a step ala EDA for the Pop.

    My initial idea was a single bit of wood for all of Phoenix.

    I had considered recessing the "body" section to effectively raise the fingerboard.

    I now wonder if I should just bite the bullet and add a seperate fingerboard, it could look amazing and would make my truss/carbonfibre rod supports easier to install .... hmmmm, will need to ponder!!


    S'manth x

    • Like 1
  5. On 07/10/2022 at 00:35, tauzero said:

    If you really want to play slap, for ease of popping, you'd need to have room to get your finger under the strings.


    Wilkes put slap plates in his fretless basses, like this:




    IIRC he also put a piezo mic under the end of the neck to pick up the percussive sound. All wasted on me when I had a Wilkes as I didn't (and don't) play slap.

    Piezo under the neck, that never would have occurred to me and will solve the challenges I've been facing in trying to figure out where to put them!


    S'manth xx

  6. 2 hours ago, songofthewind said:

    Down with that sort of thing! The correct number of strings is four. 


    Maybe on a Uke or a Cello ... but on a Bass ...  I think in this case we do not see eye to eye (or is that string to string)

    Simple maths ... 5 fingers ... five strings lol


    S'manth xx (Often wrong but hopefully amusing at times!)

    • Haha 1
  7. Wish I could offer a sensible suggestion but that setup is SO far removed from any I've used it would be like Greek to me!


    You do say a couple things that spark some thoughts ...


    "I've noticed recently" - has anything changed on your system recently?

    "Limited RAM" - How limited?  If you are having to swap to disk a lot it will bash system performance.  Are talking 2Gb or 16Gb of RAM?

    I wonder if trying a different DAW might be worth considering, for instance Ardour which is quite fab.

    It might be worth running an OS that is less demanding on resources, several linux variants are very Windows like in behaviour but use a fraction of the H/W to do more!


    The latency numbers you mention seem high to me, I recall that 1ms of latency is about the same as a foot of distance for sound to travel ... so that's 50feet of delay!  https://www.homemusicproducer.com/what-is-considered-good-audio-latency/


    Sorry for the vague nature of these comments ideas but it might spark something


    S'manth xx

  8. Simply gorgeous!


    On an earlier point about locking strap thingies.


    I recently got a Hohner Headless, (as per my profile pic).


    It would sit wonderfully level on the two strap buttons, with the tuners kept safe from floor contact.


    I then fitted an S-Lock, whilst the strap button on the bass is not that different from the original, when I've got the strap on the strap mechanics protrude about 12mm an the whole rig leans at a jaunty (even worrying) angle now!


    Not sure if any of the fully recessed strap lock systems might avois this issue.


    S'manth x



    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Waddycall said:

    I’ve got a fantastic Ray34 that I’ve modded with Delano hybrid pickups so it’s  a Jazz and a Ray in one bass. I love everything about it but the weight (and the colour matched headstock). Recent neck/arm/wrist problems resulted in me buying a lightweight shortscale which is much more comfortable to play but every time I plug in my JazzRay it sounds so much better. I’m thinking if I can make it lighter it could become my number 1 again.

    any suggestions how I can do this? Tuners are an obvious one.  Would chambering the body help? It’s already heavily modified so I’m happy to take a router to it again if it’s worth it.

    im wondering if the weight of the neck would be the limiting factor?

    i already use a wide strap so I don’t  think there’s much to gain there.



    I've considered body chambering in Phoenix to help keep the weight low, but I'm a bit concerned I might then end up with an unbalanced bass with bad neck dive!


    Is pimping up your shortscale (strings/pups/electronics) worth considering to try to get the sound you want?


    S'manth x


    Totally unable to sleep last night, my idiot brain just would not switch off and most of what it did was nonstop nonsense.  Mindfullness meditation, counting sheep, reading the most boring medical articles ... nothing helped and I just grew more exhausted by the minute.  I even got dressed in the middle of the night and started packing my gear i the hope that it lull me off to sleep and I would then awaken, perhaps a little unkempt, but ready to bash away


    But ... I am not sure I'd have the energy to waddle to my car,  I know for certain I would not be able to drive safely!


    So sadly no S'manth at today's bash :(


    Hope you all have a great time! xx

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