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last time i saw him, he wanted to sell the bass for 500 euros (GBP 340 )... the thumbrest above the strings is exactly the same in wood and age than the other one.. it could be an add done closely to the first buy... the bass is in very good condition. Wood is very clean and there is no scratch or belt damage. i like the color, which is a bit better than mine. the big mudbucker don't move (i guess that screws are used), same thing for the bridge pu (if you put back the original one, all its okay) if you want more details, let me know : as my friend is in hollidays, i have the bass at home for a week ! if i compare with my "new" 4001 (1978), ibanez one is slightly heavier than a real rick...but playability is the same.
[quote name='nick' post='31569' date='Jul 13 2007, 08:17 PM']Bonjour, Here we have a Ibanez: [url="http://cgi.ebay.fr/vintage-Ibanez-lawsuit-bass_W0QQitemZ150141789546QQihZ005QQcategoryZ92204QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.fr/vintage-Ibanez-lawsuit-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] its a friend's bass. he bought it after he saw mine. He first wanted to sell it to me but i just found a real 4001 ! btw, this one sound very punchy. if you play with treble pu only, sound is very "ricky".. i agree that mudbucker is not very defined. he have the whole original plate and screws for the treble pu. But the previous owner put this real rick base plate (he have too the pu chrome cover). overall a very nice bass. i don't know for thumbrest as usual feature, but mine have one too.
something that could be interesting : [url="http://cgi.ebay.fr/Ibanez-Greco-Bass-vintage-70s_W0QQitemZ300123428318QQihZ020QQcategoryZ23300QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.fr/Ibanez-Greco-Bass-vinta...oQQcmdZViewItem[/url] but a bit expensive... some parts missing, not in very good condition too..
what strange looking basses...it looks like a Frankenstein creature : the body from a guy with the head of another one ! and the ugly blend of the triangulars inlays with points dots ?? i would be curious the hear the sound of theses "things" btw, price are another joke...(600 euros !)
very nice bass, congrat ! i really love the "jetglo" color, very classy... btw, the mapleglo that ibanez used (mine is like that) is my second choice for colors, even for real ricks... Fireglo is too flashy imho...
great informations there, thanks again... from our point of vue, i mean from France (lol) Rickenbacker is saw as a big company, such as Fender, and many players here don't understand some specificities.. i lived few years in USA and i saw that it was just a family story. so i understand well some decisions. but some others are quite stupid or too paranoid...btw, i always and still really love theses basses, both for shape and sounds..they ARE the rock'n'roll for me, ..thats why i feel sad when i see theses purists attitudes... i'm not a collector, even if i got some interesting basses in the past (EKO, HOFNER...) and theses japaneses ricky are a real surprise : i only knew my ibanez 2388b...Shaftesbury or Greco are really unknown here.. i really think that theses basses are under rated : quality is really good, particulary the lutherie work for the necktrough ones... it seem to be very difficult to find one now. prices are very high and are close to real ricks ! thats why i said that HAll did a mistake... oh : the seller of the Shaftesbury who had been pulled of ebay just sent me an email to ask i i was interested in its bass ! it remind me the last story i got on ebay... so i guess its the second effect of all what we said : copies are rare and "illegal" so, swindlers are now in the place...
thanks for all theses details.. the other bad thing, with this attitude it to artificialy increase the value of both :: copies and real ricky. its like a crazyness : when a thing become rare or "illegal", prices explodes. if you add the revival for all vintage looking guitars, you get the actual madness with prices. for all parts, from the whole bass to the smallest screw. Many Ebayers are selling some ricks part to part. look at the trussroad plate cover : since rickenbacker ask the original one to replace it (another way to stop copy), you will pay no more than 100 or more, usd for one... you talk about bridges : where is the problem for rickenbacker ? first, if you look their website, there's nothing for sale : all parts are unavailable ! unless you live in front of the factory and are the best friend of one of the employee, no chance to get one ! replacements hiphsots are better (not in look i agree) than original ones, which are well known to be difficult to setup to have the right notes... and as i said, honestly, WHO is making rickenbackers copies theses days ? chineses ? i didn't saw any.. the main copies are now 35 years old, and once again, rare.. worst thing : before this "copy war" i don't think that any company (chineses, or any country you want) really care to make copies of a brand which where a bit condidential. now, i think they clearly see their interest ! any crappy copy (which was not the case of ibanez ones) will reach incredible prices, even if its stay only one hour on ebay... hope i'm clear, as i don"t speak english so much...
some thing i don"t understand well : what element is so prohibited on ebay ??? the word "rickenbacker" or the simple fact to sell a rickenbacker copy ? copies are not ,imho, illegal as far they're not sold "as" real ones... if its the design of the bass which is the problem, why Fender does not apply the same politic ? Rickenbacker is a little factory if i remember well, and have to look closely what happen to their products, but there are some limits... it took actually two years to got one brand new, if you order one from europe, they purely do what they want (when i ordered mine, few years ago, it took a long, long time to receive a bass which was not the one i asked !!!), they apply a virtually red-neck politic on forums, sells and spirit, so i think they would be inspired to not play such a obsessive attitude for copies...and last, i don"t think that there're so much copies available now...so...its become ridiculous...
the Shaftesbury's seller had been pulled off Ebay... don't know if its due to the Rickenbacker police or not.. either it was too explicit for rickenbacker either its another swindler, as for the French last copy on ebay...
its a wise advise... i'd like to keep it, and as you say, i see that theses basses are very rare now. i really love the sound of my ibanez : pu's are very punchy, and, imho, better sounding that real rick ones. as i already played on a 4001 in the past, i can compare. the "rick" sound is quite easy to obtain with the ibanez. it make theses copies more versatile than real rick.. and constructionwise, ibanez are problably almost as good than rick basses... i'll wait.. prices will probably decrease for real ones after the crazyness of theses days...
mmmh..if i sell it, i'll stay away from ebay i think. on a first time, i'll try to propose it on this topic for some serious "connoisseurs !' my friend is selling its 4003 for 1200 euros, which is less than all i see here in France.. (ok, its a friend price and he know that i play many Macca titles !)..
what would be, according to all of you, the "average" price for theses ibanez copies ? i'll maybe sell mine (maybe !!!) to get money to buy a "real" 4003 that a friend of mine plan to let go... cruel dilemmna !!
looks good...i'd like to find one in jetglo ! but i only saw the one in bass center, which is too expensive and look quite ugly with its strange bridge pu...
i totally agree... it was an interesting bass howewer.. i have an early Ibanez 2388b, mapleglo, whith the big humbucker treble pu and the most i play it, the most i love the sound, which is somewhere between a real rick and a Pbass.. theses days, i was looking for a real rick, a jetglo, which was the most common, but prices are now too high.
[quote name='nick' post='11523' date='Jun 3 2007, 07:02 PM']I'm going to watch this. So long as price doesn't go silly, may have a punt. I go quite regularly all over France on business, & selling location (Montsoult) not far from Paris, which is my next visit. I've asked seller if local collection is OK. Then if it's no good, can refuse it. However, all depends on price, which has already crept up to 280Euros.[/quote] hi all.. talking about this selling, i tried to bid on it and did'nt got the auction at the end. end price is quite high and there's a big problem with the seller. i asked him few times some détails and never received any answer. now that auction is over, i received a second chance offer which came from UK (!!!), and he ask to pay via Western Union ! of course, its a true swindling. i just wonder from where come the problem : the seller or another person who picked my email...