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Le Chat Noir

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Everything posted by Le Chat Noir

  1. The VT is still for sale if anyone is interested!
  2. A few people are interested via PM, so I think I'll hold out for more... cheers for the offer though and good luck with sellnig the Xciter!
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='726454' date='Jan 27 2010, 03:47 PM']Thats a no i assume?[/quote] Sorry Dave, I meant to reply to you - I'm not interested in the exciter, thanks though!
  4. [quote name='umph' post='726444' date='Jan 27 2010, 03:40 PM']they go deep but weigh a tonne and aren't that loud. There are more practical designs out there if you want deep and small or small and loud[/quote] The weight of the 212 is quoted as 22kg, that's about half of the 4x10 I'm used to carting about so no biggie To be honest, with most cabs I find it's the shape rather than the weight that makes it easy or hard to cart around. Hmm... will have to see if I can find somewhere to try 'em
  5. This is still available!
  6. [quote name='yorick' post='726433' date='Jan 27 2010, 03:28 PM']Rehearsed and gigged the SP210 cab which i own, and to be honest it's phenomenal. The frequency range and volume i can get out of it is awesome.[/quote] Thanks for your quick response, good to hear from someone with first-hand experience I'm looking at the SP212 in particular, did you get to try them all out or did you buy online?
  7. It's strange, every thread I can find regarding Orange's isobaric cabs discusses why they shouldn't be good [i]in theory[/i]. I prefer to judge musical instruments and amplifiers on their actual performance, not on the theory behind them - I stick by the old maxim of 'if it sounds good, it is good' Sadly there's nowhere near me that has the blighters in stock. Has anyone actually given these little beasts a go? I bought a Terror Bass and I love it, so thought it'd be pretty sweet to have a mini Orange stack - if those cabs sound good, that is! They're quite expensive to invest in totally blindly though. You can see my fairly in-depth demo of the Terror Bass here: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-rN4glWmTs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-rN4glWmTs[/url]
  8. Cheers guys. I tried to make the video how I'd like to see an amp demoed, because I get frustrated by the common mistakes people make. Firstly, there is no point in demoing any amp, but particularly a bass one, using only a consumer grade camera's internal mic!! Secondly, I'm looking at videos to hear how an amp sounds, not to see how many notes the demonstrater can play in a short space of time. I'm a rocker at heart and I'd rather hear one note played with emotion than 100 played with none. Seems like a lot of guys on Youtube are there to stroke their own egos, not let the gear speak for itself. In the end, this is a simple, no-nonsense rock amp that demanded a simple, no-nonsense rock demo Thirdly, I do prefer repetition of riffs rather than random noodling, just because it makes it so much easier to be objective about the differences between settings. Anyhow, again, I'm glad you all enjoyed it - and took the time to say so, I appreciate that
  9. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='718768' date='Jan 20 2010, 10:04 AM']Is it a 3 eq SR4?[/quote] Sorry, missed this post! Yeah, it's a 3 EQ - all knobs were on full for this video
  10. [quote name='lozbass' post='718879' date='Jan 20 2010, 12:21 PM']Just thanks - excellent! A really concise, objective and informative review (in fact, a much more useful review than many 'professional' reviews I've seen). More of this would be great on BC (but I suspect most of us don't have the facilities).[/quote] Thanks dude! It's only my second video review, so there's still room for improvement - camera angles, lighting etc could all be better. Also it's weird, I don't ever get self-conscious on stage, but stick a camera in my face and suddenly I'm all nervous! It frustrates me that even famous amp companies don't work on getting proper videos of their products online - more and more of us are buying gear over the internet without being able to try first, and even really bad videos get thousands of hits because people are desperate to hear what things sound like! I'm just a guy with a modest home studio and a couple of mid-level consumer grade cameras, so if I can do it, why can't companies with big budgets get it together?
  11. [quote name='jonthebass' post='718804' date='Jan 20 2010, 10:55 AM']Great video, great sound and great review. Thanks for doing it Fella. BTW, what mic is it you're talking into?[/quote] It's a Heil Sound Fin - certainly stands out from the crowd! It has little leds in it that light up with phantom power Sadly it tends to bamboozle enigneers live, it has more output and top end than a 58 and so they always complain about feedback issues and I often ended up with no vocal in my monitor... so now I'm back to the old 58 for live use
  12. Thanks for all your nice comments guys, glad you liked it! Yeah, it does get a dirty edge very early on... it doesn't really do completely clean at all, definitely a rock amp. It's very lightweight, can lift it with one finger! It comes with the same nice padded bag as the guitar version - no need for anything more than that Apologies for not trying it with a passive bass too, I wanted to keep it short-ish. I do have a passive bass, but the Stingray sounded nicer and really complimented the natural grindiness of the amp so I went with that. Perhaps sometime I'll do a second video! Yeah, treble all the way up sounded rubbish, but I thought I might as well demonstrate the full range of the tnoe controls With all of them down it's effectively muted, so it's nice to show exactly which frequencies each knob boosts/cuts
  13. I bought a Terror Bass a few days ago and I love it! I had to buy it online as nowhere stocks them around here, so as I have cameras and a little home studio I thought I'd try my best at a decent video demo for others in the same situation. I tried to be as thorough as possible in going through all the tone controls and the sound is recorded with 'proper' mics into a decent DAW, so hopefully this will prove useful to anyone interested in this amp who can't get to a shop to try one! I tried to keep the same riffs throughout to show the differences between tone settings more effectively. Full recording chain: Musicman Stingray bass guitar Orange Terror Bass head Ashdown ABM410T, fitted with Eminence Deltalite II 2510 drivers (miced with Shure SM7B) Ashdown ABM115, fitted with Eminence Kappalite 3015LF driver (miced with Audix D6) API 3124+ preamp RME Fireface 800 I'm not a virtuoso bassist by any stretch of the imagination and don't feel the need to show off by slapping, popping and busting out stupidly difficult hooks. I am but a humble rock bassist, and this is a rock amp, not a super-clean slapping machine! If you want clean slap tones, I suggest you look elsewhere! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-rN4glWmTs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-rN4glWmTs[/url] It's not totally processed at the time of writing... it will be in high def (and thus better audio) once Youtube's fully processed it - but it's half one in the morning now so I can't wait up any longer
  14. [quote name='whimsy23' post='718635' date='Jan 20 2010, 12:42 AM']Identical rig to mine (drivers excluded). Not overly keen on the cabs, but the head is fantastic [/quote] Ironically, I'm now thinking of keeping the cabs but selling the head! Got an Orange Terror bass and it sounds fantastic through these cabs!
  15. Would you be interested in some kind of trade for the Bassbone involving a Sansamp VT?
  16. [quote name='spaz91' post='717185' date='Jan 18 2010, 09:38 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=73167&st=0&gopid=717184&#entry717184"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry717184[/url] I could give you a combination of some of those if any take your fancy.[/quote] Sorry, none of those things take my fancy! Thanks for the interest though!
  17. I'm not playing bass in a band these days, but I needed a good SVT-type sound for a recording session so I picked up a brand new Sansamp VT. It sounds fantastic! however now I need the money more than I need this pedal sitting around, so I'm hoping someone will buy it off me It's really like new, with all original packing present and correct too. I put velcro on the bottom for my studio pedal box, but can easily remove that if you'd prefer. Will add pics soon, but like I said it's basically new! ****THIS ITEM HAS NOW SOLD
  18. Sorry dude, I simply can't scrape the money together, not much interest in my Ashdown, so I'm going to pull out of the race for now If it's still for sale in more prosperous times I'll still be interested! On a side note, the price difference new for these in Europe vs the US is criminal! They sell new in the US for $1,699 in most shops, which is just over a grand in pounds... whilst the only European dealer I could find is Thomann at 2366 euros, or 2136 quid Mesa always seems to double its prices for the UK and Europe, but I guess Americans suffer the opposite with Marshall, Orange etc!
  19. [quote name='stevie' post='708792' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:30 PM']I'm sure this rig is stunning, but I suspect you would be more successful reinstalling the original drivers and selling everything separately. Not everyone is going to appreciate what you've done here.[/quote] A fair suggestion, thanks for your input... I'm happy in principle to reinstall the drivers for the 410T, however, the 115 driver blew - seems a common issue as I've noticed a few other ABM stacks like mine with aftermarket 15 inchers! If anyone is interested in any parts of the rig, either 'restored to factory' settings or otherwise, drop me a line!
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='708836' date='Jan 11 2010, 02:04 PM']Not yet mate, but you never know! Just to add to the above posts guys, I'm now only really looking for a straight cash sale or PX with at least £300 my way as I've had to extend my PJB budget this morning. A Walkabout plus some folding would be perfect as it would provide something the PJB doesn't really do all that well. An old Trace or similar combo plus cash might also tempt me, bit of a trip down memory lane! C[/quote] Just to let you know, I'm still solidly interested as I think this combo would be ideal for me... trying to offload some stuff for fundage as we speak!
  21. Bump as I've added pics now.
  22. [quote name='Beedster' post='708210' date='Jan 10 2010, 09:16 PM']Hello mate, thanks for the reply. I'm not really into the Ashdown TBH. I can look into a courier, although it would likely be expensive. I could also meet half way (I'm in Canterbury, so somewhere on the M4/M5) Cheers Chris[/quote] OK Chris, will try to get a quick sale on the Ashdown... will get back to you if/when I have the funds!
  23. Would you consider some sort of swap deal involving cash and an Ashdown ABM EVO-III 500, possibly with cabs (I have ABM 410T and 115 which have been loaded with Eminence Deltalite II 2510 and a Kappalite 3015LF in the 15)? EDIT: If I manage to sell that stack separately, I'm willing to meet your valuation of a grand - would you be up for couriering it if I did get the cash together?
  24. [quote name='jonnyj' post='707831' date='Jan 10 2010, 04:32 PM']Yes.[/quote] Any idea on a price including shipping, and would you accept Paypal?
  25. Would you consider shipping in the UK?
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