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Everything posted by mario_buoninfante

  1. Ah ok got it. Pretentious/offensive/provocative/troll mode ON, uh? Your second post is based on fried air. And your first one is just provocative in the most boring way possible. Have fun If fun is the right word
  2. Ok, seriously now. Slim necks aren't faster than thicker ones. It's subjective. All good so far. Then things went south when you tried to sneak this in Not sure how that is THE main point, since it wasn't even mentioned initially and there is no obvious/direct link between your first post and this mentioned above.
  3. I think you might be wrong, thin necks can definitely be considered *fast. You ain't said faster * fast = connected or attached in a way that is not easily unfastened
  4. I might have been out shopping when they were delivering "The only irrefutable way to slide your hand/thumb on an electric bass - vol. 1"
  5. as an Italian I'd rather have an olive oil one
  6. Well, Picasso could draw like Raphael and that knowledge allowed him to break the rules and come up with Cubism. The guy didn't just wake up one day and invented a new style.
  7. At the risk of sounging a bit too stiff, I think that harmony alone is not the right term to use. Harmony is one of the pillars in music together with melody and rhythm and refers to something specific.
  8. Learning how to walk the bass will give you that and I genuinely believe that there is no substitute for that since it requires: 1. Improvisational skills - walking bass lines are created on the spot 2. A level of understanding of harmony 3. Good rhythmic skills 4. Stamina - walking the bass is not that easy 5. A good melodic sense in order to make sinuous bass lines that effortlessly move between chords
  9. Interesting you get noise with P basses. Have you got to the bottom of it? Any noise source in your place? eg neon lights
  10. tuning the guitar in Eb doesn't mean they moved away from 440Hz. they transposed
  11. That is a great way to put it! I agree 100%. Also, semantic is quite important. Words are important, and we shouldn't take the meaning out of them, or just attribute them a meaning they don't actually have. I think here we've been confusing "music business" with music itself (the art).
  12. just saw this at the National Museum of Musical Instruments in Rome - not from the 80s though
  13. maybe we can file that under "improving"
  14. Some good info here too
  15. plus the processing time, that might not always be sub millisecond
  16. BTW I was assuming you have the sound module and are looking for a way to load/change sounds on the fly, but I just realised you might mean you're after a sound module that does that.
  17. You'd need to make sure that the sound generator you want to play via MIDI accepts Program Changes MIDI messages, and at that point you can use a MIDI controller (anything from a pad controller to footswitches, as long as they send the right MIDI msg) to load the preset/sound on the fly. In order to better understand the details, you'd need to share more info about the sound generator.
  18. Are they P basses?
  19. Not reggae, but heavily influenced by dub. Bill Laswell's use of envelope filters to get that sub sound is great! https://billlaswell.bandcamp.com/album/tala-matrix
  20. Most likely just semantic, but all the things listed above aren't music. I agree that being a pro musician has all these competitive aspects though, similar to other jobs.
  21. I think music is art. And as such, there might be some competitive aspects, but I wouldn't say it's a competition (eg car races).
  22. But, glad to see they are making more lefties anyway.
  23. Not after a bass atm, but I always liked to see (ehm... have) a Fender Boxer, lefty! Not sure they even made it lefty though.
  24. Not only the best bassist, but also stronger than Lemmy... just saying https://youtu.be/0puHj2viLc0
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