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  1. Thanks
  2. Thanks
  3. I've checked out some videos for that, and I might have a go but I need a problem with the electronics sorted as well. Thanks.
  4. Hi, I need to get my Overwater setup and checked over. Can anyone recommend a good luthier in Suffolk, Bury St Edmunds region?
  5. Yes you're probably right. Thanks
  6. I was hoping to find someone good with electronics who might be able to help. To be able to change selected parameters in the Helix from my bass would be awesome!
  7. Hi, I'm interested in adding a couple of encoders to my bass and using them to control parameters on my floor Helix using the Variax input. Only I have absolutely no idea how to do this. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm only interested in the control aspect and not the signal path, so no piezo bridges needed.
  8. Hi, I'm an old geezer who started off in the 80's as an engineer producer who like to play bass on his own at the end of the day to relax. I now own an 80's Piano string Kif bass, and 2 x 5 strings, an Overwater and a Sandberg. I use a Mark Bass rig and two active monitors for stereo FX which I use a lot. Play improvised PsyTrance music with a keyboard player and guitarist. My favourite pedals are programmable SansAmp, Aguillar Octaver, Dark Glass duality and MoogerF Filter with pedal. I used rack gear for reverb, delay, modulation, pitch, etc. Just love low growling noises!
  9. [quote name='Laurence' post='616606' date='Oct 4 2009, 04:55 PM']Hey Welcome to the forum![/quote] Thanks. I notice that you list your jazz bass as having Kent Armstrong pickups. My Kif bass has very early ('75 or earlier) dan/kent Armstrong pickups on it. www.intisi.com/kif to look.
  10. [quote name='Duarte' post='616436' date='Oct 4 2009, 12:45 PM']AH! Welcome from a fellow suffolk dweller. Your setup/band sounds very interesting...where do you play?[/quote] Nearly all of our gigs are private parties / events from word of mouth, in tents and barns around suffolk and norfolk. We did play a couple of small clubs in Norwich last year but got banned! Too loud I think. We played the Eastern Haze festivals when they were running, and the last public gig we did was in the Chill Out tent of the Unity Tribe Rave a few weeks ago. Our guitarist left us a while ago and we have been looking for someone to get involved, but havn't quite found the right person, so haven't really been looking for gigs yet, but we play maybe couple of times a month on average, probably less now the summer is over.
  11. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='616435' date='Oct 4 2009, 12:45 PM']Welcome fellow Suffolkite, whereabouts are you, and we need pics of kit![/quote] Hi, I've got a picture of my setup in rehersal. It's not brilliant, but I'll try and upload it. The Bass is my '75 piano strung, Kif handmade there is only one more like it. You can check it out on www.intisi.com/kif The Ashdown on top with the Lexicon MPX1 underneath (plus a motu 828 which is used as a digital mixer with presets sending signal to the Lexicon / DI to PA / Level control to the EV's / Firewire and or optical output for recording), Under that is a three way Yamaha 15" cabinet and under that a Marshall 15" on its side. The two active EV's running from the lexicon thru the 828 on either side. Well I've tried to add the photo using attachments, I hope it comes out ok.
  12. Hi, I'm Doxasta from Suffolk. Play in a live psy/trance band! Have a couple of Basses, a hand made piano strung bass made by Kif Guitars in '75 and and a 4 year old Overwater Evolution 5 string. Very different, but both beautiful guitars. My set up is a bit strange, running an ashdown ABM through 2 x 15" cabs, then running a lexicon MPX1 from the effects out of the ashdown powering 2 active EV's stage left and right. All my effects are from the mpx1 via footswiches that select pre set programs/chains and a pedal for changing parameters. Use a lot of varied delays from short room to multiple ping pong, reverb, chourus, flange, filter sweep, etc. I love it, but am in the process of trying to get things smaller, lighter and better quality but with the same volume and size.
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