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Everything posted by goingdownslow

  1. I'd have this like a shot if I didn't already have one. Far better quality than the Gibson SG bass. Better intonation than my '64 Gibson EB3.
  2. [quote name='Jonesy64' timestamp='1402843098' post='2477163'] Getting on great with mine....had its 5th gig last night. I have pretty much settled on the bass around 2-3 o'clock, mids and treble at noon, the mids selector on the second click, [/quote] Having the mids on noon doesn't cut or boost anything so it doesn't matter what the selector is on.
  3. I use Pledge Cedar Oil, 99p from Home Bargains, on my Bubinga Thumb Basses. Leaves no build up and a silky smooth finish.
  4. I find people to be biased towards their own opinions.
  5. Only watched a couple of minutes but it looked like she was using all five of them.
  6. I have not been back inside mine since I first adjusted it. While it is sounding ok I'll leave well enough alone, but if I had reason to adjust it again I will also go down the route you have gone and change the trimpot.
  7. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1399716012' post='2446884'] Afraid I have got to stick with the syringing. Along with ear wax, I get a lot of dead skin down the old ear canal due to psoriasis in the ear. [/quote] As I suffer from excema and have itchy ears I wonder if this is also my problem.
  8. I have always had problems with my ears since a kid. Eardrops soften the wax but it never seems to come out and having a history of holes and perforations I can't have them syringed, the water runs down my throat. I have it removed by [url="http://www.theearcarecentre.co.uk/What-is-Microsuction-.html"]microsuction[/url]. It is the worst thing I have had done, I would sooner have a root canal filling. It doesn't hurt, it is just so uncomfortable, like having a Dyson in your ear. I find it hard to sit still and not grimace. It starts off silent and as the wax is being removed the sound is awful and getting louder. My last time a couple of months back took two sessions on one ear as it was that compacted. The world is a much noisier place afterwards.
  9. No bass clef on the one I had. The Les Pauls are two basses I now regret selling. [attachment=162224:My Gibsons.jpg]
  10. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160399-do-it-myself-gramma-pad/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/160399-do-it-myself-gramma-pad/[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159688-first-gig-last-night-with-my-auralex-gramma-pad/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159688-first-gig-last-night-with-my-auralex-gramma-pad/[/url]
  11. I have tried an SG Bass a few times and can not get on with the long heel at the neck joint. Why Gibson changed from their original neck pocket design I don't know. Epiphone still use it.
  12. If these are the specs for the [url="http://www.dawsons.co.uk/ashdown-mag-210t-deep-cabinet-250w?gclid=COeF0NT7-L0CFUoCwwodXpsAZg"]Ashdown 2x10T[/url] it being 4Ω cab, I assume it has two 8Ω speakers in parallel. So if one of the speakers is 8Ω the only off the shelf way of getting 6Ω is adding a 16Ω speaker to the existing wiring. Ok it is really 5.3333333Ω but that is 6Ω to the average joe who does this type of install. Edit: ignore this as they also do an 8Ω 210T cab.
  13. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1398281502' post='2432512'] A 6 ohm 2x10? How does that work? [/quote] [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1398281741' post='2432519'] No idea. The guy who fixed the cab ssaid it's now 6ohm B-) [/quote] Hmm.... an 8 and 16 in parallel? Sounds a good fix.....
  14. Nice one. Hope you enjoy the amp as much as I do mine.
  15. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1397948064' post='2429005'] Did you set the bias yourself using a 10kHz signal and an oscilloscope, or did a tech do it for you? [/quote] [quote] I take it those are the voltages across the eight big chunky 0.47ohm 5W resistors that sit in the middle of the heatsink?[/quote] Yes. I set it myself giving the pot slightest turn and checking the mV each time with a mutimeter. At one stage I had 40mV, so shows how sensitive the pot is. My 3Pro had a sizzle from new, could only hear it at low volume, I thought it was part of the sound till I read the posts on [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/svt3pro-bias-setting.437406/"]HERE[/url]. I hesitated for a while before doing it as I wasn't sure if I was going down the right track as it being a new (USA) amp I didn't think it would be the bias, then I thought no harm in checking the voltages. I was surprised but chuffed at what readings I found, knowing then that this was the cause. Armed with a small screwdriver and being wary of what I had read about the pot being sensitive I took my time. Did it with amp cold with no signal and no load on. I stopped when I got the average reading as posted above as I thought it being close enough, set the amp on my cab plugged in bass and the amp was clean as a whistle, and with what I thought was more punch on gigs. Reading up the SVT Bias threads on TB gave me the confidence to have a go. It is also possible that a batch had been set wrong at the factory as it hard to think that it drifted that far out. Good luck with whatever you do. Edited to say, whatever others have posted, I turned the pot clockwise to increase the voltage.
  16. Regarding the bias, it is worthwile measuring the voltage across the resistors just to rule it out. Costs nothing. I checked mine and found... Initial readings, (mV) 1.6 - 3.0 3.7 - 2.8 3.6 - 2.4 3.2 - 3.2 average 3.025 - 2.85 and after adjustment... 14.9 - 26.1 30.4 - 23.5 27.3 - 20.1 22.5 - 23.4 average 23.775 - 23.275 It sounded ok before but was like a different amp after adjustment.
  17. Those sleeves all crumpled up around the elbows must be uncomfortable, if he is warm why doesn't he take his jacket off?
  18. My 3Pro is also 7 years old and still on original valves. The only thing I have done to mine is adjust the bias on the Mosfets, sounded like a different amp after that.
  19. I tuck the strap under my belt and it stays were I position it. It does not work if you wear an overcoat on stage or if you are shaped like this... [attachment=159852:New Species.jpg]
  20. Having a battered '64 EB3 and Epiphone Elitist EB3 I thought I would give one of the SG basses a go in Dawsons last week. £650.00 for the faded 125th Anniversary model inc. case seemed a good price but I could not get on with that long heel on the neck to body joint. Why they did not retain the original neck pocket joint (the Epis still have it) is beyond me. So I left it in the shop.
  21. Not for playing, for decoration only... [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_20_sb_standard_seri_deko.htm"]A Jazz Bass for £31.34[/url] Edit - Now sold out. Not surprised at that price, must have been worth it for the parts alone.
  22. I set the bias on my SVT-3Pro, it was well out, made a big difference. Only needed a multimeter and screwdiver, but not for the faint hearted. Read up on it here... Bias Thread
  23. I bet he gets laid every night though...
  24. And of course he advised you there have never been any issues with the PF-500... Edit- Make sure you get a bottle of replacement smoke, there is someone looking for some on another thread. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223947-pf500-died-yesterday/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/223947-pf500-died-yesterday/[/url]
  25. Unless you managed to collect all the smoke I don't think they will be able to do anything as Ampeg do not supply replacement smoke.
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