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Everything posted by goingdownslow

  1. Bass Player. 16 issues, 1990-1993. Bass Guitar Magazine, 8 issues, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9. To be collected from Maghull, Merseyside.
  2. [quote name='Merton' post='163581' date='Mar 26 2008, 09:32 AM']If you like the Trace sound, then go for the separate pre+power amp. £500 is the most I'd pay though. If the 250W is a head, it's overpriced IMO.[/quote] Like this one [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14570"]Here[/url]
  3. Or in the UK. [url="http://www.thelightbulb.co.uk/product/detail.php?id=681"]http://www.thelightbulb.co.uk/product/detail.php?id=681[/url]
  4. You also want to check the circuit for the lamp first, it contains a starter switch like a standard fluorescent fitting, (at least mine does 350smx), it could be that that needs replacing. [url="http://www.screwfix.com/search.do;jsessionid=B0J3ZFKSMBFYACSTHZOSFFA?_dyncharset=UTF-8&fh_search=starter+switch"]http://www.screwfix.com/search.do;jsession...=starter+switch[/url] They can be got singly for about 50p.
  5. Due to now only using a single cab I no longer require the services of this. [attachment=6136:SMX_front.jpg] [attachment=6137:SMX_rear.jpg] 300w + 300w with twin power supplies. Top condition. Looking for £450 Too heavy to post so collection only. Merseyside area.
  6. I remember Simms Watts having a Tri Tone bass cab, was 4x12 config. It had a 3 positon tone selector switch on the back, bass + click being one of them, forget the others. It was often removed as it used to burn out.
  7. Hi Guys, I was brought to this thread looking for ideas on walking bass as I am having a go at "Serenade To A Cuckoo" by Jethro Tull, (I know it is older than them but that is the style needed), for a request on a jam night. I found a lot of your thoughts very absorbing and they have given me thirst for more knowledge, so I have just ordered two of the books mentioned in this thread and now can't wait for the postie so I can learn to tread the path.
  8. Also worth a read:- [url="http://sonido.uchile.cl/articulos/tenbiggestliesaudio.pdf"]http://sonido.uchile.cl/articulos/tenbiggestliesaudio.pdf[/url]
  9. I put a set of short scale Elites on my Gibson EB3. 45 - 105. Gives a good open E.
  10. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='44491' date='Aug 12 2007, 04:34 PM']the E string outer wrap starts [b]after[/b] the nut[/quote] I have noticed this myself on some strings, and that the silks are not wound to an equal length on the E,A,D & G string. I can't think of any reason for this not to be so, as whether they are on a 2 a side headstock (eg. Warwick) or 4 in line (eg Fender), the length from the ball end to the nut is the same on all strings. (ok, within a small amount maybe, like allowing for the shape of the Warwick tailpiece). The silks could be wound so as they all end level before the nut. I used to use Elites on my Warwicks and the silks stopped just before the nut, then one set I got, the silk on the E string went over. I thought this may have been a bad string so took it back and the dealer opened all the sets of Elites he had and they were all the same, shorter distance between ball end and silk on the E strings. Sloppy workmanship. Do Elites still have the red or black silk on their strings? I think I have bought a set that were plain.
  11. [quote name='thumbo' post='38183' date='Jul 28 2007, 05:03 PM']It is clearly in no way a threat to the sales of all-valve SVT heads, valves are a different ball game.[/quote] Why mention valves, I assume it is more likely aimed at the SVT 450.
  12. Cheers for the replies guys. Compactness, ease of setting up and transportation was main criteria, as well as giving a good performance.
  13. Not exactly bass related but...... What do you guys use for lighting in venues that don't have their own. I'm looking for something not over the top, (eg, scaffolding ) and to fit in my car with rest of equipment. This is a new area for me, we are a 4 piece rock/blues band, don't want anything techno, just a dash of colour to set the mood. Just having a brief search and saw this [url="http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/P/8681/i-SOLUTION++i-COLOUR+4+PACK+WITH+STANDS++%26+CABLES"]http://www.stagebeat.co.uk/P/8681/i-SOLUTI...NDS++%26+CABLES[/url] Anyone had and experiences ? Cheers, Pete.
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