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Everything posted by arsenic

  1. arsenic


    [quote name='Moos3h' post='640117' date='Oct 29 2009, 03:13 PM']Can we call you 'Terry' or something? It'd be easier.... Cheers, The Real James[/quote] Er....Thats me... How about Tarquin.....can't be many of them here Welcome to the forum James (The OP)....... .....................now I'm cofused............who am I again...... Ther Real Terry
  2. I really feel for you.... I know sitting down at a gig doesn't look cool, but, your health is important. The suggestion of trying an EUB could also be a valid one - if the style suits the music. I have a similar situation, neck joints shot to hell, and all but lost the use of my left arm and hand. I had to quit playing in a band due to the pain and lack of movement, and I was gutted. It has taken years to get an operation to releave some of the pain and get some use back in the hand - but I will probobly never get the full use back, and I am under no illusions that I will ever be able to play in a band again..... But......I am trying to, essentially, trying to re-learn almost from scratch to adapt to what I can do, and have started talking to Paul (Prosebass), to have one of his new hyperlight short scale PicoBass' built. This looks to be the best option for me...maybe you could have a chat and see if there is anything he may be able to sugges, as there seem to be several very light bass' in his build history. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best.
  3. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='638295' date='Oct 27 2009, 06:34 PM']It is normal I'm afraid. I always phone and do a stock check first these days[/quote] +1. I always do a stock check these days, especially after seeing something as in stock on a web site, placing an order, and getting an e-mail at the end of the "Usually despatched in x days", time period, to say they had sold out and would contact me "when" it came back in stock. nearly two weeks of arguing to get the money back, because they kept trying to fob me off with the old, "don't worry, it will be back in stock tomorrow" c**p. I eventually had to phone and demand to speak to the manager, and argue for nearly half an hour to get any kind of result. Personally I think that taking money for something that is out of stock is unethical T
  4. +1 again.... Though if you are OK with going second hand, there is some nice stuff in the Bass' for sale section - especially if your budget can stretch to some of the MIJ/CIJ Fenders in there.... Or the rather tasty (well to me anyway) G&L L2000 Tribute T.
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='635194' date='Oct 24 2009, 11:44 AM']+1 I said this to the guys. .......and is in the process of converting a song of ours called "Man in Demand" to be all about god. [/quote] Why does this remind me of South Park, the episode where Cartman was taking well known songs, crossing out the word "baby", and inserting the word "jesus", to make it big using the Christian Music Industry......... It does seem a little odd that they have not "come clean" about the religeous aspect of this competition. Anyway, as has been said, you appear to be going into this with your eyes open, although you, yourself, seem to be a bit dubious about the whole affair.....I suppose the best you can do is to take whatever you can from the experience, and, if it were me, watch your back. T. P.S. - I am not having a dig at the promoters/organizers, but I would be concerned about rights, royalties and mis-representation.
  6. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='624629' date='Oct 13 2009, 12:27 AM']that's a tough track![/quote] It cetainly was tough, for me anyway....I probobly persevered(?) because it was my all time favorite Jam track....I only wish I could have got that Foxton sound. After loosing most of the use of my left arm/hand for 2 years.....it's unlikely that I will ever be able to play that sort of stuff again....must scout through their stuf again and see if there are some easier ones to play around with. T
  7. The one I really loved to play way back was Private Hell....really must try it again and see if my fingers can manage it now......
  8. arsenic

    Hi There

    Thank you for that Musky....I have had it for the last 36 or 37 years, but as a kid, as long as it played OK, that was all I was concerned about, but over the years I have become more interested in getting to know about bass' and the companies etc...and taking care of them....as I said, it has suffured the ravages of time and me as an ignorant kid, but I love it to bits...would love to get it playable again, because my son has requested it when I shuffle of this mortal coil. If I remember correctly, it cost somewhere in the region of £30.00....which was quite a lot back then. I will drop something into the JapCrap spotting thread and see what turns up T
  9. arsenic

    Hi There

    Thank you for the welcome. Here are some pictures of the angelica (as mentioned by Musky), and th Aerodyne The Agelica is made in Japan,(stamped into the six screw neck plate), and is solid wood, not ply-wood with quite a thick finish....although the neck is starting to resembla a banana, and truss rod adjustment does nothing. I'm not sure waht to do with it - pimp it, leave it or restore it......pimp and restore would cost money - but what price sentimental value??? - electrics would be cheap and easy, but the neck would bump the price up....but that is a topic for another time and place. Apologies for the poor quality but the house is quite small, its raining outside, and got bored waiting for the batteries to recharge for the decent camera, [attachment=34120:Angie_2.jpg] [attachment=34121:Angie_3.jpg] [attachment=34122:Angie_4.jpg] [attachment=34123:Angie_and_AP_1.jpg] [attachment=34124:Angie_and_AP_2.jpg] T.
  10. arsenic

    Hi There

    Hi there. I have been watching this forum for some time, and now that I have finally got around to registering, I thought that I should introduce myself: I'm 46, live in Wolverhampton, picked up my first bass at the age of 11. This old Angelica Deluxe telebass /51 pbass style copy is still with me, (actually this bass got my son into playing bass - so it's really been a two for one). I don't have much info on this bass, but bought new in 1972 - maybe one of the Boosey and Hawkes imports. I played for many years, constantly in and out of bands. - aquired a 1973 (I think) precision in 1980, sadly, now, long gone. For the last 11 years I have not played due to health problems, and for the last nearly 2 years I have been virtually housebound, have spent most of this time in agony awaiting neck surgary to cure the loss of use of my left hand/arm, and battling depression. During this time my better half bought me a Fender aerodyne P-bass in the hope that when I recovered from the operation, the Jazz style neck would help to exercise my fingers. Now a few weeks post op, and learning to play again,(after a fashion - Doc has said that I may never recover much of the dexterity, feeling and movement in my left hand and the arm may be permanently weakened, so I may be looking at a move to a shorter scale), and I am starting to rediscover the joys of my first real love - the downside is that I now have chronic GAS, and no money. I don't think I will ever be able to play in a band again, but home noodling is fun - right??? - and maybe some home recording??? Anyway....Sorry for the long Introduction, but I wanted you all to understand why I want to say: "Thank you to all members for keeping me entertained during a really rough period of my life, I owe you a lot". Regards T
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