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  1. To go out of one’s way to avoid/evade/minimise tax contributions speaks volumes to me about the “evolution” of society. To be able to contribute and help fund basic social needs such as health care, housing, safety, education, transport, sanitation, etc is a privilege and one that should be celebrated. I hate this world more and more.
  2. Or you can buy it for more money.. But with same skilled stringing approach for that peace of mind you need buying from the other side of the world. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/187046247157?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=m7z77tJNRj-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=apR0TlihRse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Take that filth away from here! My clicking finger is very very twitchy Lordy that’s a lot of quality bass for little money 😳
  4. Make America Globally Alienated
  5. The 12” version is the one I was always interested in. Might be up for this if my jazz bass sells. You’re not that far from Bath.
  6. Production of hatred, division, lies, fear, uncertainty and toxicity is quite high presently. But I know what you mean.
  7. I’ll let my mate know. He’s building a 4x8 and was after some drivers. I’ll PM you if he’s still interested. Thanks for getting back to me.
  8. Psychodahlias need your bottom end! I’ve just finished the album with the band and it’s time for someone to take over the low end job. We managed to get no 1&2 slot on the New Dawn revival chart with last 2 singles. Led by songwriter frontman Jim Penfold of Hollywood Killers fame. PM me for more details and contact information. Cheers John
  9. I had a combo version. Excellent quality parts and manufacturing. Flexible eq and all the power you need. Just a tad heavy for my buggered shoulders. GLWTS
  10. I’m loving my gnome v1 with matching 2x10 4ohm cables. Bijou, but loud enough for mine and others needs.
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