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Everything posted by oldslapper

  1. Doesn’t have to be exclusively Fender, but I can’t help but roll my eyes at their model naming. It always suggests to me that there is an alternative series. Professional Series: Amateur Series? Player Series: Just Looking Series? Black top: White behind? I guess there’s only so many times you can rebrand a P bass? 🙄
  2. Available, great instruments these.
  3. No, all sorted on the keys front now.
  4. Well I might be resorting to a sale as it’s a pretty narrow trade option I’m looking at. So cash might be my only option to buy an LB100
  5. Lovely Jazz bass in excellent condition. Strung with new Nickel Rotos Here’s the spec: CONSTRUCTION: bolt-on SCALE: 34" PICKUPS: 2x G&L Alnico single coil pickups BODY WOOD: Poplar & Ash Top over Poplar NECK WOOD: Hard Rock Maple with vintage tint satin finish and Maple or Rosewood fingerboad NECK WIDTH AT NUT: 1 1/2" NECK RADIUS: 9 1/2” NECK PROFILE: medium C FRETS: medium jumbo, nickel TUNING KEYS: Traditional open-back BRIDGE: Leo Fender-designed G&L Saddle-Lock™ ELECTRONICS: one volume control for each pickup, master tone. No case sorry. Can post neck off for free. Can meet up within reasonable distance of Bath/Bristol/Poole. Pics added, nice metallic sparkle.
  6. Let me know if it doesn’t work out. I’m very tempted.
  7. He says it’s a 2010 but I’m not convinced.
  8. Blimey that’s over £100 an inch. I’ll leave that there. See if anyone picks it up 🫵😇
  9. My interest in buying/listening to music waned in the early 80’s. Didn't like the synth explosion, killed my interest. I really like what newer acts do with drum machines/loops and synth bass now though. Sorry. 70’s punk/new wave and disco/funk was my favourite era.
  10. Many, too many. But this always haunts me: Classy bass, indestructible, shed load of tone on tap, best fret board I’ve played, blah blah. Sold it to buy something shiny that got moved on quicker than a Tory prime minister’s term in office.
  11. Ooh that’s lovely 🥰
  12. Using a double bass and electric bass into one amp input question. In the past I’ve had EA and Genz amps with 2 inputs, but I like my current head. I’m looking at the Ashdown bass exchange, or a mini mixer I already own. Any other suggestions plz? thanks. John
  13. My 3a had 2 split Ps. Monster tone. Bought new in 1985, toured it for a couple of years and sold it for rent money in 1988. Sorry about the unnecessary history lesson 😂
  14. Forgot about this. Offers considered by PM
  15. Want want want. Thankfully I don’t have Farcebook otherwise I’d be - Bankrupt - Divorced - Castrated - All 3
  16. Lovely that, thank you. Inspired me 🙏
  17. If you 🫵 dare list an unlined maple board fretless neck (with a P width nut), I will unfriend you on facebook. I don’t have Facebook, …but that’s how serious I am.
  18. Oh no! Me: Don’t look, just don’t look Also Me: 🫣
  19. I thought that until I saw this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/295458583057?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UWyyvdG8QT-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=apR0TlihRse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  20. Thanks for all your suggestions and insight, very helpful. However, the gas has passed without incident.
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