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Everything posted by oldslapper

  1. I know I know, alredy had this conversation with "domestic mangement".. would like to keep, but decided on having a complete purge...(of everything bassy) and starting again. See what there is to buy when I know what I've got to spend, as opposed to usual practice of buying, then seeing how much I have to spend. Luckily my band mate owns a guitar shop so won't go short of a guitar or amp in mean time. This forum has reignited severe GAS!...somebody help!
  2. Yamaha RBX765a 5 string. Functional 5 string active bass, wide-ish neck I find yamaha 5 necks bit wide, good pups and active eq. £150 +pp or collection/deliver within 25 miles north dorset.
  3. 2000 built warwick streamer standard in green stain. Single pup, passive, coil tap. Nice simple functional bass, used over my active 5 string corvette for main gigging bass. Some dings on back from gigging, but can't see from front. "Proper" warwick neck and finger board, not yer eastern rockbass. Please note posts below concerning nut. It doesn't affect the intonation, tuning, set up, etc. As stated common prob, that's not a pob. £190 +pp, or pickup/delivery (within 50 miles of North dorset).
  4. Yorkville bassmaster 400 amp head. 4 ohm. Solid build amp, used as main gigging amp, never let me down. Kept in rack at all times. look up reviews on harmony central. £129 + PP, or will deliver up to 50 miles from north dorset. The rack and tuner NOT included. [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Bass+Amp/product/Yorkville/BM400H+Head/10/1"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...M400H+Head/10/1[/url]
  5. Yorkville 1x15 cab, 8 ohm emminence loaded driver. £100
  6. Having clear out of evertything bassy. Yorkville Eminnence loaded 410 8 ohm cab 500 watt load with HF horn. £150
  7. OK so this is the last of my clear out. Genz Benz NEOX 400 210 Combo. Still under warranty, will come boxed. It's 425 watts into 4 ohm 2x10 neo cab, so all 425 from one box. Gigged once, sounded great, lots of compliments from our grumpy sound engineer. However, I really want seperate head and cabs again, as I suffer from "stack envy" so got a head now after cab. Anyway after cash, or 4x10 cab with no HF horn, or adjustable HF horn + cash my way. I've promised "domestic management" that this is it, no more buying and selling... ....sorry I mean So £550 cash, or yer cab + dosh. Can deliver up to 50 miles from north dorset, or arrange courier...only ever used parcel force, so may need help on that front. Will accept transfer from bank, or paypal balance too.
  8. Welcome Martin from a newbie me'self! Hope you find the forum as useful as I have, you'll find lots of experience, wisdom, wit and .......gear!....that's the most dangerous bit though, never go to the "for sale" bit alone John
  9. Hi welcome from a newbie too. Great gallery pics, there's a lot of love in this bass! I'm sure you'll find a shuttle here somewhere.
  10. had one of these.....miss it soooomuch, why did you leave?? why,why?.....oh yes, the lure of an expensive pretty custom Jazz that never delivered like this baby.....someone buy this please i can't bear the pain.....somuch cheapness indeedy
  11. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='627868' date='Oct 16 2009, 01:39 PM']Bump for either bass?[/quote] PM'd
  12. [quote name='farmer61' post='624784' date='Oct 13 2009, 10:45 AM']Come on, great band and I want out of there by Feb at the latest......... [/quote] Good to chat Ju, love the jukebox idea!
  13. Hi, experienced player, currently playing regulary in functions band around south west, but would like to play also with some original material, possibly writing/collaboration. Play guitar and sing too. Dorset/Somerset/Wiltshire based preferably. Have fun, get creative. Influences Funk, Folk, Jazz, most things that have a good tune! Play electric and upright bass.
  14. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='391550' date='Jan 26 2009, 12:29 PM']I’d still tout the discontinued Warwick Std range as the best budget basses out there, and at around £200 for a used 4 string Streamer Std, they’re amazing value IMO. A German built Warwick with the ovangkol neck that gets used on the high end bolt-on Warwicks for £200 – how can you possibly go wrong with that? Mine feels better than a few Thumb BOs I’ve tried, and also better than some FNA Streamers I’ve played as well. Quite weighty though… I’ve also played a few MIM Jazz basses that I thought were fantastic. It’s hit and miss with anything mass produced though, and I think it’s more likely to be ‘miss’ more often than ‘hit’ with cheaply mass produced instruments, but there are gems out there.[/quote] +1 on the old german Streamer std, 1 pup, 1 vol (coil tap), 1 tone pot. I gig this baby over my active corvette at 4 times the price paid (and never needed a back up). Yes I get GAS and drool over gear porn, but I still come back to the simplicity of this guitar. I'm not an expert, but IMHO I believe in getting tone from fingers as much as my knobs (ooh err missus). If you find a bass you love love the bass you're ith, no matter the name on the headstock? Yamaha do great basses for the money. I used a BB614 regularly in one band and that is an amazing guitar, 2nd hand fleabay £150 tops?
  15. Sooooooo close geographically....yet so far wife-agraphically (does such a word exist?) Someones goin to be a very happy bunny.
  16. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='623486' date='Oct 11 2009, 09:27 PM']Anyone hankering after some quality graphite?[/quote] looks tres nice, I've just shifted a custom jazz with status graphite neck to pay for my Genz Benz neo.....I miss the neck. Only have 1 x 4 string though, passive Warwick.
  17. [quote name='Laurence' post='622623' date='Oct 10 2009, 07:47 PM']Hey Welcome to Basschat![/quote] Thanks Laurence, nice bass in the piccie by the way.
  18. [quote name='Moo' post='621901' date='Oct 9 2009, 06:30 PM']Hi There. I liked your lessons, but the long drive was too much, and charley got a more local teacher through school. The Jazz thing is not realy happening now. I joined a rock band, which has now gone in a funk direction due to suggestions from the pubs we played. The funk set goes down realy well. - We are a walking 70's/80's Disco, which amazes the younger clientel that such tunes can be played by a band. I am still doing sound for 'Bluesnights'. Our next Gig with Geof Aichson (SP?) got a bigup on Radio2 and is nearly sold out. How is your teaching going? You keeping busy? Moo.[/quote] Hi, yes teaching built up over past 18 months now to full time with bass work too, which is cool. Teaching split 50;50 bass/guitar, but always prefer bass. I'm slowly converting my function band to dance/disco, the drummer is into it, but the guitarists want to rock out......I'll have to show them some nile rogers!! Glad Charley got a teacher nearer, is he still pursuing upright bass too? This forum is great, i didn't know about it until i did a search for genz benz. I'll try and get down to the blues night soon. Nice to hear from you, John
  19. Blimey! I'm a newbie and read this all the way through just now, what a great community you are. Honest and open and respectful when you disagree with someone too. Nice one guys. Why is it always the bass players that hold everything together?? Sorry you had this hassle, but glad it worked out and the dude paid his due + now he can move on too. I recently got ripped off on ebay, wish I'd had the force of BC to sort it. Keep swinging low.
  20. [quote name='Moo' post='619922' date='Oct 7 2009, 08:04 PM']Hi Old Slapper. Welcome to basschat fellow Dorsetite. Are you the teacher My Son and I had a couple of lessons with last year? Moo. (AKA Mark Warder)[/quote] Hey Mark, I believe I was, must be longer than a year, very early down the teaching avenue, hope you got over my fumbled attempts at coaching! Good to hear from you, how's the jazz playing? Do you still go to the blues nights? I must visit sometime, our singer goes and he says they're great.
  21. [quote name='markl' post='593001' date='Sep 8 2009, 04:11 PM']Hi guys long time lurker, first time posting, found out lots very useful things here so thank you all for that. Got a MIM Jazz deluxe and a rather beat up BC Rich Warlock with a trem fitted , from the "old days" but I'm very attached to it for sentimental reasons. Off over to the effects thread have some pressing power supply questions......[/quote] Hi nice to see another Dorset bass player, I'm a newbie meself having had a few months nosing around the site....huge community. cheers, John
  22. Great to hear from the dorset bass fraternity, thanks for the welcome too! Haven't been in the area long, but Dorset has a good music scene (IMHO) from rural acoustic nights to larger (Bournemouth/Poole venues) anyone see Chic in the summer?, awesome, even without the legendary Bernard Edwards. Anyway nice to hear from you and I'd be chuffed if anyone can post any bassy events happening in the area....I'll do the same.
  23. HaHa yes they are, posting some gert bigguns now. Thanks for pointing that out!
  24. Yorkville BM400H amp in new SKB rack unit with Korg rack tuner. Yorkville matching 4x10 500 watt 8ohm cab and 1x15 300 watt cab, both loaded with Emminence speakers. These are Canadian built indistrucatable amps/cabs and are have great EQ/shaping. The amp has always been in a rack so is in excellent condition, the cabs are blue carpeted and one has some wear on the bottom corner of the carpet. I am too old to be gigging with this rig, and am doing more upright playing anyway, here are some links to the Yorkville website and some reviews. [url="http://www.yorkville.com/products.asp?type=71&cat=33&id=85"]http://www.yorkville.com/products.asp?type...at=33&id=85[/url] [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Bass+Amp/product/Yorkville/BM400H"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews...orkville/BM400H[/url] £350
  25. Hello fellow low downers, New member here from Dorset. Just saying hello...there that was easy. Influences: Dee Murray, Macca, Stanley Clark, Pierre Brock, Percy Jones, Rocco Prestia, Bootsy, etc. Playing for 30 years. Teach bass in schools and at home studio with private students. Will teach guitar if needed, but always try to convert students to the dark arts. Play in function bands and odd live/recording session work. Currently playing warwick 4 & 5 string guitars, EUB and (thanks to Mark from bass direct) am a genz benz owner. Have my old Yorkville rig to sell now, so will post that at some time. Great to here from you bout stuff. Looks like a great place to chat and exchange ideas.
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