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Everything posted by Fiorenza2

  1. Hi guys, Thanks for all the advice on the EMGs. In the end I bit the bullet and went for a brand spanking new Fender Standard Jazz with a maple neck. After the prices dropped to a more reasonable £510, I thought the time was right. Plus trying out a Stagg Jazz bass in a band situation further cemented the fact that a Precision bass really wasn't for me (I could hear myself clearly for the first time in a band situation with the cheapo Jazz). I'm really happy with this MIM Jazz, and I wish I'd figured out earlier it was a Jazz tone I was after, as I probably could have saved money by not investing so much into my P with new Wizard pickups and various different string configurations. Having said all this, I'm really tempted to try out some EMGs some time in life, if not only to see what all the hype is about . But for now, I'm more than happy with the stock pickups in my Jazz, which really surprises me, as those are usually the first thing people change when they buy anything MIM. The bridge on the other hand is a totally different story...(any suggestions for cheap bent metal style bridges which don't have saddle screws that bottom out constantly?) Once again, I am grateful for the great responses of the Basschat community. Phil
  2. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1145091' date='Feb 28 2011, 09:49 PM']I put an EMG in one of my precisions in the mid 80s, but took it out as it sounded a bit characterless and muffled almost as if there was a compressor killing all the attack and dynamics. I put it back in a few years ago after reading that they can take more than a single 9v battery. Powered by 18v it sounds transparent and almost like a passive pickup but bigger,. Its worth trying the double battery trick - you can make a harness from 3x9v battery snap-clips for mere pennies from Maplin. I found that I couldn't actually fit two of the usual 9v batteries in my precision and I didn't want to route it out at all, so I stuffed a load of button cells (obtained by opening up a couple of 12v car alarm 'plipper' batteries) into an AAA holder and soldered on a snap-clip.[/quote] Having done some research, I've come to the conclusion that the EMG X series sound pretty much the same as the standard series does, but if the standard EMGs were run at 18v instead of the standard 9v. So as I see it at the moment, I'll be paying £30 extra for the luxury of not having to rout out a spare channel for an extra 9v battery, or having to use the button cells from a 12v battery. So my question is, does the extra 9v really make THAT much difference? As after some reading, some people claim it does, whilst others some to think there's no difference at all. TBH, I would purchase the X-series P in a hearbeat, were it not for the ridiculous price of £100, money that I feel could be spent far more effectively towards a nice used MIM Jazz or equivalent... Cheers, Phil
  3. Thanks for the reply, I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place at the moment as I've got a few gigs lined up, which could really do with a more modern tone/edge, and I'm thinking about sticking in some odd slap parts. My original plan was to buy a Fender Jazz bass, and having saved up enough money, I was stunned to find they had risen in price by about £100 pounds (MIM Standard) since the VAT increase for no apparent reason. Since I've had next to no luck finding a used one, I'm probably going to go with EMGs as a compromise between what I want and what I can afford. The EMG X-Series doesn't seem to be discussed much on the internet, which seriously raises questions as to how much of an improvement they are. At the moment, unless a nice used Jazz bass with a maple fretboard pops up in the London area, I'm probably going to end up buying some EMGs for my Precision. Unless anyone has any better suggestions? Cheers! Phil
  4. Basically, I'm getting more into slap bass and "modern" bass tones, so I thought it would probably be time to move on from my current P-Bass + Flats combination to something a bit more suitable. I was told EMGs sounded great, and after giving them a listen on the EMG website however, they sound pretty fantastic. I'm not sure if that's down to Bobby Vega, the guy who does the samples, and his setup, or the actual pickups themselves. I'm also debating whether or not the "X-series" are worth £30 more than the normal ones. Judging by the clips on the website, I feel they are, but the pickups were put in two different basses with different setups, so other factors may have affected the sound. And not wishing to sound cynical, but EMG may have made the X-Series sound better than the plain EMGs on purpose so that punters pay the premium for the improved preamp and what not... Is it worth getting EMGs, or should I just get a new bass (Jazz/Stingray/etc) already? Links: [url="http://www.emginc.com/products/category/23/2"]EMG P[/url] [url="http://www.emginc.com/products/category/243/2"]EMG PX[/url] Thanks guys, Phil
  5. [quote name='Commando Jack' post='1120070' date='Feb 8 2011, 01:42 PM']If the pops and clicks aren't in the recorded files then its only the outgoing sound that you have to worry about. Are you sending your output through the Mackie as well?[/quote] Hi, I'm pretty sure the fault is with the output, as like you said, the recordings themselves have no clicks whatsoever. I'm tempted to use the headphone out on my laptop, but the headphone out from the Mackie sounds [i]infinitely[/i] better. I'm probably just going to have make sure I turn off any background apps that I don't need, as that seems to remedy the problem to no end. Hopefully Mackie will release some driver to sort these problems out for Windows 7 64-bit sooner rather than later! Thanks, Phil
  6. Hi guys, I ended up getting a Mackie Blackjack, as I've had good experiences with the Onyx preamps before, and was attracted by the high quality headphone amp that it comes with (the inbuilt soundcard in my laptop is abysmal). I'm fairly happy with it, but there seems to be some driver issues with my OS, Windows 7 64-bit. I'm not the only one with problems, so hopefully this is something Mackie will sort out sooner rather than later (although Mackie haven't replied to any complaints on the issue), but I can live with it for now. Basically, depending on how many background apps I have running, I tend to get crackles/pops etc. when playing back or recording in Reaper. It seems to calm down a bit when I change the API to DirectSound from ASIO, but I feel the sound quality worsens. Will using something like ASIO4ALL sort this out? The crackles don't seem to be in the actual recorded files. Thanks again, Phil
  7. Thanks for the info, As much as I'd like to have a firewire mixer, my laptop doesn't have any firewire ports, nor does it have the facility to accomodate one of those expansion cards which chould give me firewire connectivity, so it looks like USB is my only route. I've been eyeing up the Alesis iO2 Express, but I'm worried that there being only two inputs might reduce its versatility should I want to record more than 2 sources. With a mixer, even though it might only have 2 preamps, I can buy extra preamps if I need the extra inputs. Also, does anyone have any experience with Lexicon recording units? I've heard they are all right, but some tend to overheat. Is it worth paying the extra £27 for the 2 extra line in inputs on the Lambda unit over the iO2 Express? Cheers, Phil
  8. [quote name='redstriper' post='1082024' date='Jan 8 2011, 12:50 PM']I like the Alesis multimix and I've used a 16 channel firewire version for 4 years with no problems.[/quote] I've been looking at the Multimix's, and apparently the lower end USB models, which are all I can afford in the senses of price and space, seem to suffer from excessive noise problems. But the mixer's built in USB connection seems a far more elegant solution than the mixer and phono-USB dongle option.
  9. Hi guys, I've decided to treat myself to some recording equipment to use with my [b]laptop[/b] so I can maybe get some YouTube covers up and going, as well as for some quick demos. I've been doing research, and I've come to the conclusion that a USB interface such as this is probably my best bet: [url="http://www.dv247.com/computer-hardware/lexicon-lambda-4x2x2-desktop-recording-studio--35654"]Lexicon Lambda[/url] (The Lexicon seems to strike the best balance between value and performance/versatility.) On the other hand, although I haven't seen this mentioned as much, I could purchase a mixer, and then a cheap USB - PC interface, such as this combination: [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/soundcraft-notepad-102--68859"]Soundcraft[/url] (Apparently the preamps on this and the other mixers in the Notepad range are extremely good) [url="http://www.dv247.com/computer-hardware/behringer-uca222-ultra-low-latency-2-in-2-out-usb-audio-interface--61721"]Behringer USB interface[/url] Not only is this cheaper, but it appears to be more versatile, as I can also use the mixer with my big home PC, which has an M-Audio soundcard in it, as well as for live situations. It also has more inputs than the bog standard 2 input USB interfaces, albeit only two inputs have a preamp. The only real disadvantage is that it doesn't have MIDI, but I can buy a seperate MIDI USB interface should I ever want to record MIDI instruments. This needs to be relatively portable, as I'm going to take it all to university in 8 months time. Also, would it be worth considering the mixer's [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/soundcraft-notepad-124--68860"]bigger brother[/url], which is a lot more expensive, but has 2 more preamps and more inputs? Any other suggestions for USB interfaces and the like are more than welcome. The maximum I'm willing to put into this is about £130, but if I'll spend more if it makes sense to do so. Thanks a lot! Philip
  10. Hey all, Firstly, AFAIK, the DSR applies on eBay in this case, so all I'm trying to do is get my money back on a bass I don't like. I'm sure from the seller's POV I'm being unreasonable, but the fact is he has to honour the DSR. Secondly, eBay have replied again. Basically, there's nothing they can do at all. They can't force him to give any money back, and the best they could possibly do is maybe give him a warning and such. Apparently when the listing is done, they can't enforce anything... Originally I'd thought what most of the posts say here, that eBay sides with the buyer pretty much, but after waiting 5 days for 2 dissapointing replies I can say my opinion of this has utterly changed for now. I'll just take it as experience and a lesson learnt. Thirdly, I'm apprehensive about sending the bass back just like that. Whilst I'm not keen on keeping it either, the last thing I want is no bass nor money. The seller hasn't replied in about 5 days, so I'm assuming sending the bass back just out of the blue may not make matters any better for me. Finally, whilst I am a frequent visitor of the BC classifieds, and have made a couple of offers, there's been nothing really that's floated my boat recently, hence turning to eBay... My mistake, due to impatience and immaturity of wanting things NOWWWW! Lessons learnt etc. I'm sorry if I came across as a bit of a tw*t but I've got GAS and I need the money to cure it! Thanks again for the help guys, Phil
  11. Thanks for the responses! Si, his returns policy was indeed listed, and it included the 10% handling charge as well as asking the buyer to pay for postage in case of a refund. However, according to the person I contacted at the Office of Fair Trading, the seller isn't allowed to charge the 10%, regardless whether or not he actually put in the policy. Shipping is entirely different though. Thanks for the suggestion Steve! If I get no reply within 24 hours from the seller, I'll send the written letter just in case. Thanks for the link too, far more informative than the one from the OFT. Sorry for not making it clear as to how the bass was sold. It was initially listed as a BIN or Best offer. The bass was originally up for £625(!) so I offered £400, and he accepted. The bass is in fact used, but I get the impression it was used a handful of times before being placed in a case and then forgotten about until recently, as it is in near mint condition (there is very slight wear around where you'd place your thumb on the neck pickup, which was there when I got it). I don't think I can link it, as it was made "Private". However, if anyone wants more detail, I'd be more than willing to provide it. I contacted the seller roughly 3 days after I got the bass TBH I'm keeping my fingers crossed at the moment. I'm just a bit surprised eBay hasn't really done anything yet... Hopefully that will change in due course. Thanks again, and I'll keep you guys posted on any updates Phil
  12. Hi all, I recently purchased a bass through eBay, but as soon as I got it, I knew it just wasn't right for me. No worries, I thought, I'll just return it. After all, I got it from an eBay store with nearly 3000 feedback, and 100% positive for the last 12 months. When I contacted the store regarding a return, they gave me strange response; either I retain it for a bit longer and then send it back so he can pay off some "huge" tax bill, or, I send it back now and he puts another eBay advert up for it, and then when it sells (for hopefully more than I payed for it), he refunds me in total. He also requests I pay a 10% handling charge on top of the postage. After contacting the Office of Fair Trading about this, they told me the seller couldn't charge me 10% for the handling charge regardless of whether or not it was stated in the T's & C's. I proceeded to tell him this, and for about 2 days now he hasn't gotten back to me. I also contacted eBay themselves, and their initial response was something ridiculous like "wait for the seller to contact you", whilst I had clearly stated that I had received a response from the seller and that it was unsatisfactory. I replied to eBay again, explaining my case in greater detail, and have yet to receive a response... The bass in question is a 1991 Ibanez SR1000E in dark blue, and I (over)payed 400 quid for it...(It is in mint condition however) I'm not sure if I'm allowed to list who the seller is, and I'm not sure if it would help anyway. Having said this, he's got plenty of gear up for sale that is worth more than double the Ibanez, so surely it's irresponsible of him to trade whilst knowing he could not offer an immediate refund on most of his items? Anyway, all I want is a refund on the bass ASAP, and not to have to pay anything that I don't need to, such as a 10% "Handling" charge. What I'm worried about is I either send the bass back, and get no money, or that I am stuck with a bass that I simply dislike. I'm not really sure what to ask, so any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading, Phil
  13. Hi, How much does this beasty weigh? Cheers! Phil
  14. Thanks a lot for the quick replies! [quote]I find that the best route to long lasting strings is to wash your hands religiously before touching the bass, and not to handle too much stuff, scratch your head, or rub your face whilst playing. The less grease and that can be transfered to the strings, the longer they will remain bright and pliable.[/quote] That's probably where I've been going competely wrong. I tend to just pick up the bass fairly spontaneously without giving a thought as to how clean my hands are! [quote]I would suggest Elixirs. These are coated strings and do seem to keep their new sound for months. They are bright sounding strings, not sure if thats good or bad but ive recently gone off them. If you want to try some im sure i have a set at home you can have, for free of course. I threw a load of old string sets out at the weekend, i might have thrown them as well but as they are a 5 string set, maybe i didn't. Im pretty sure i last had them on my Duck Dunn (i know, its not 5 string) so they are cut for a Fender type bass so they should fit.[/quote] That's incredibly generous of you! I'm more than willing to try the Elixirs out after the praise they've received here. Cheers, Phil
  15. I recently made the change over to flatwounds, specifically Chromes, after suggestions from forum members, and have been enjoying the focussed tone, and smooth feel they bring, etc. However, what I appreciate the most is the incredible life span they have; I've had my current set on for roughly 6 months, and they sound as good as new. Despite this, I'm getting a new bass soon (probably a Geddy Lee Jazz), and I'd like something to contrast with the classic P-bass + Flats thump, so I'm going to be stringing up the new bass with rounds. Basically, what I'm wondering is if there are any roundwounds out there that will give me the same long lasting tone that flats do, mainly because I'm skint, and I hate having to change strings regularly. I've been looking specifically at DRs (Hi-Beams and Black Beauties) as well as Stadium Elites, which seem to be touted as being fairly long lasting. Any help would be appreciated! Phil
  16. Thanks for the replies! Sorry for getting back so late, I had a busy week with school work and all that. Judging by the responses, I think I'll leave the PJ option for now, and get atleast a set up and strings. Just out of curiousity, has anyone used Greg of Guitar Aid before? The testimonials suggest he's pretty good at what he does, and his rates appear pretty decent. I think it's £75 for a fret level and full set-up, which is the same as the Gallery charges for just the levelling. Plus it's easier for me to get to Guitar Aid. As for strings, I heard some clips of Hi-beams w/ plectrum style, and it sounded pretty grindy. I much preffered a clip of the same setup with Black Beauties. However, the price is a tad too steep for my liking. I see TI Jazz Flats being recommended; would these give me too thumpy of a sound due to their flatwound nature. How do D'addario Chromes compare? I'm looking for something that will give me a strong fundamental as well as some high end clarity when playing more melodic passages. Thanks again! Phil
  17. So it's nearing X'mas, and the parents are asking me what I'd like. After some negotiating, they've agreed to spend around £90 on upgrading my bass. This leads me to two possibilities, neither of which I have much experience with; 1) Adding a J pickup: My current Squier VM Precision Bass has a Wizard Thumper in it, so I was thinking about complementing it with a J pickup such as the Wizard 84s. This would require a cavity route, which I'm planning to get from Guitar Aid (www.guitaraid.co.uk). Is this really worth it, or will the J pickup not add much and just get in the way (I'm one of those plectrum near bridge players you see)? 2) Setup+Fret level: My bass currently has the same action/neck bow recommended by the Fender website. However, this feels a bit high for me, and is the lowest I can get the action before I reach buzz city ( especially on the G string). Would a fret level and setup work wonders? Or is my action fine as it is? I say I play with an average touch. If I were to get this done, it would also be at Guitar Aid (because it's local). I'll also have an opportunity for new strings, and I was think about Hi Beams. Will these be too harsh sonically, as I play plectrum style near the bridge? I currently have a set of nearly dead D'Addario XL170s. Thanks for reading! Phil
  18. Fiorenza2


    Hey guys, I'm a long time lurker (especially of the classifieds) and considering I'm making a bass for my DT A level project this year, I thought it would be a good time to join to ask for advice, etc... I'm in a stereotypical school band with two mates, and we do mainly originals, but we are partial to the odd cover or two. I play a Squier VM Precision (w/ Wizard Thumpers) through a Laney RB2, which suits me just fine at the moment! I'm into stuff like The Beatles (of course, lol), Blur, Suede, Nirvana, and some other random stuff. I've only been playing a year, so I'll probably be asking more than answering, . Thanks for reading! Phil
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