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  1. When is the best time to change strings before recording? I thought if you changed them on the day of recording you would have problems with them going out of tune and they would be to "metally" sounding, same with changing them a few days before. Would it be correct in changing them say a week in advance, giving you time to break them in whilst also maintaing the clarity you get from new strings. What method do you use?
  2. so from the feedback i have had i guess i'll stay with Mr Optima!! Also what would be the difference between the chrome plated and gold plated strings?
  3. Hey guys. I normally use Optima strings ( chrome 45-105), mainly because i know the main dealer and i get them cheap . They [u]seem[/u] to do the job but what does everyone else think about these strings? Also, i want to try out new strings to compare but can't afford to go out and buy a load, so can anyone share their knowledge with me and give me some advice on what would be best. I know different strings suit different styles of playing and what sound your going for and to acheive this you have to find whats best for you, but as i said i'm a poor man . I play with my fingers and the sound im trying to acheive and the style im similar to is dirk lance (incubus-science) and josh paul (suicidal tendencies-free your soul and save my mind). So i want nice lows when keeping it to a tight groove with warm highs when doing a fill or doing a bit of tapping/slapping. I've got the equipment to pull the sound off, just need the right string and gauge for something like this. Any advice welcome!
  4. thanks guys! From this and the feedback ive read on this site i will definatley go to obbm.
  5. thanks guys! From this and the feedback ive read on this site i will definatley go to obbm.
  6. I've read through a few topics about these two guys, they both seem extremley good at what they do. As i need new cables i want to get good quality value for money cables. Just need some advice/opinions on what to go for. Thanks
  7. haha, that is well funny!!
  8. chud

    Tuner to Amp?

    Hey guys, finally bought the korg dtr 1000. As you know im terrible with the workings of gear! Basically, i can't get my korg to work with my ampeg, im following the instructions. They are telling me to connect the output at the rear of my tuner to the tuner out of my ampeg, im doing this and have tried various ways but i can't get a signal from my tuner unless i directly plug my bass into it. I've tried the same but plugging into the rear input in the tuner and still nothing. Obviously the main reason i got this is so i can tune my bass easy with out plugging in and out. It's most probably something really easy but i havn't got a clue! Please get back to me asap, much appreciated.
  9. chud

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    cheers chris
  10. chud

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    Thanks dude, do you think there will be a problem with the 2 systems close together overheating?
  11. chud

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    Sorry guys, i should have been more specific with my question. First of all will it fit in the rack? If so will it cause any major problems with overheating with the ampeg etc?
  12. chud

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    hey guys, im thinking of getting the Korg DTR 1000 as it looks pretty good. Just a question, as i dont know that much about gear. I think ive got a 4u rack case, its holding an ampeg svt4, it looks like i could fit the korg in, im just double checking with you guys before i buy the korg that all is good. Thanks in advance.
  13. You can't go wrong with musicman, they cover everything, as long as you got a good amp you should be able to cover a wide spectrum of genres, plus the musicman are really nice to play
  14. How about my markbass ta 501 that im selling? Lightwight and packs a hell of alota punch!!
  15. I've got this cab and it is truly amazing, best cab ive ever tried!! People, get in contact with him and strike a deal now, an amazing price for a cab thats been discontinued and in very good condition!!
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