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Everything posted by waldemar

  1. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1425063233' post='2703618']I'm sure I've read somewhere that these oddities are extremely well put together.[/quote] If you ignore the paint, then everything's original and hasn't fallen off during the 30 years of life this bass has seen. The neck/pocket fit is about the tightest I've seen, but the bridge is slightly out - hence me wanting to re-drill and pop on my spare black Schaller in its place. No buzzing from the electrics either. There's no getting away from the 'cheaper' feel that you get with a body that's this light, but yeah - I'd say it was a pretty well put together piece of kit. Wal.
  2. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1425055317' post='2703492']Part of me thinks it's hideous...[/quote] Heh, yeah - it's a Marmite bass for sure. Not normally what I'd go for but I couldn't resist its quirkiness...
  3. Heh, didn't even know these existed (until I spotted and bought one a couple of weeks ago...) Basswood body (very light) and excellent headstock shape/graphics - otherwise it's pretty much a P-bass with a bit of added neck-dive. I quite fancy swapping the bridge out for a black Schaller 3-D and replacing/upgrading the p-ups/pots/knobs etc. Condition of the paintwork is very bad, but not worth spending money on re-spraying until I plan on hanging it on a wall, which I probably won't... Not a bad score. [attachment=185062:01.JPG] [attachment=185061:02.JPG] [attachment=185060:03.JPG] [attachment=185059:04.JPG] [attachment=185058:05.JPG] [attachment=185057:06.JPG] [attachment=185056:07.JPG] [attachment=185055:08.JPG] [attachment=185054:09.JPG] [attachment=185053:10.JPG] Wal.
  4. >My mates own that pub, the eagle. Pretty cool place. +1 - a darn good venue too, played there Friday just gone..! I'd be up for attending, I reckon. Usual caveats apply. w./
  5. This? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lot-of-6pcs-Plastic-Hex-Nuts-black-for-1-4in-Cliff-Jacks-/161388253596?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item25937d519c Or just head to a local Maplins and buy the cheapest component you can find that has one included, like this: http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/635mm-mono-jack-socket-with-solder-tags-hf90x w./
  6. No probs Mark, Thanks again for letting me have a go at these for you. Really enjoyed making 'em..! These revised smaller trees look much better than the earlier effort which, like you say, were a bit on the large side. Having a curvature across the top surface also keeps 'em more in line with the originals. All the best! Wal.
  7. Hi Rich, I'm not familiar with the "3x Z, 2x X and 1xY datum" technique (I've no engineering background and I undertook this CNC build as a hobbyist) perhaps drop me a PM with a bit more info if you have the time and inclination. Would be nice to learn something new. Cheers. Wal.
  8. Apologies for a. resurrecting such an old thread and b. steering it a bit OT... Well, the CNC bass project hasn't as yet come to fruition. Why? Because I've been busy making the CNC vertical mill which in turn will help me make the CNC router which will make the bass, by which point I'd have been able to buy several of my dream basses, but where's the fun in that..? A couple of pics attached and a vid of a test cut here: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR9hAaXSzto[/media] Might even get into a spot of engraving... Stay tuned for another update in, I dunno 3 more years...? Wal.
  9. Bump. Would trade for an overdrive pedal of some sort - what ya got..? w./
  10. Had an email yesterday with an attached mix. Here it is: [url="http://snd.sc/Y2mDDH"]http://snd.sc/Y2mDDH[/url] I ended up going through a SansAmp Bass Driver DI (now I want one). I think it's a bit treble-y at volume (especially the crash at the end) and the bass could do with lifting in one or two places, but generally I'm impressed. Your thoughts, gentlemen? w./
  11. Just as a follow up... I got in touch with Brandoni, they said that they had something similar to what I was after at £60 delivered, so I took a punt. Case arrived earlier today and in general I'm very pleased with it and more than happy with the service I got from Brandoni. At £60 delivered it's not an expensive case and that does show a little. The interior lining is quite thin and not well glued in one or two places, but that's no big deal and easily fixed. I have a feeling that the faux leather finish will mark quickly - I've already put a small nick in it putting the case into the boot of my car. The carrying handle's quite funky and feels comfy to hold and the latches seem alright. I guess only time will tell with regards to their strength and durability. I imagine that this case will accommodate most basses, I'll probably keep a bit of foam in mine to take up the slack lengthways, as it is an inch or so over-length for my P. Big thanks to BassBod for the heads-up, nice one man. Pics attached. [attachment=128160:P1010096.JPG][attachment=128163:P1010103.jpg][attachment=128161:P1010098.JPG][attachment=128162:P1010100.JPG][attachment=128164:P1010104.JPG][attachment=128165:P1010105.JPG][attachment=128166:P1010106.JPG][attachment=128167:P1010107.JPG] w./
  12. >the best part of building basses from parts is all the research and looking into the specifics of each individual component. Or the nail-biting wait/gnashing of teeth when you've winged it..! w./
  13. Warmoth parts are sweet sweet. [url="http://wrbl.tumblr.com/post/33715224608/i-bought-this-c1980-fernandes-copy-of-a-57"]I used one of their bodies to replace a badly re-sprayed affair.[/url] Cut and finish was ace. w./
  14. Cheers BB, Had a look over at their site, their 'Peardrop' case sounds promising - no pics, but I'll shoot them an email. Also spotted these guys over in the States: http://phantomguitars.com/ Very close to what I'm after but it's in blue-grey tolex. Hmm... The colour might grow on me. It's certainly a nice looking case. Cheers mate. w./
  15. It's not my thing, but there's no doubt that you play what you're playing very well indeed. Great tone and timing. w./
  16. Try these guys: http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Bass-s/1944.htm Decent prices, excellent service. w./
  17. These guys router cut directly from a .pdf vector file that you supply: http://www.terrapinguitars.com/ Or if you're not bothered about 2/3-ply and a bevelled edge, then you can always buy a piece of single ply acrylic in the colour/thickness you require and get that done on a laser cutter (once again, the design needs to be a vector .pdf). I'm going to be doing some battery/cavity covers soon enough (within a month, can't be more specific than that) on a cutter I have access to, so if you've got the design ready and want to send me an acrylic blank then I could always run that through for you - but like I said, [i][b]NO BEVELS[/b][/i] - and people likes them bevels, so it's probably not what you want... w./
  18. Hello all. I bought a bass off a fellow BC'er a while back, and he very kindly threw in an old hard case he had gathering cobwebs in the shed. The case came with a warning that it was, to all intents and purposes, a load of rubbish and not to be trusted but would at least protect my newly acquired bass from rattling around the boot on the way home... I got the case back, re-glued the fluffy insides, bought new latches, handle and rubberised feet and for some time now this case has served me admirably. The tear-drop shape means it fits perfectly in my boot (crossways) and - as far as I'm concerned - it looks the business. I want another one like it. But no one seems to make 'em like they used to. It looks like this (pic off an ebay ad): [attachment=126719:vintage_case.jpg] ...and I've seen other similar offerings (priced somewhat hopefully...) like this one: [url="http://compare.ebay.co.uk/like/300821152484?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&cbt=y#"]http://compare.ebay....var=sbar&cbt=y#[/url] But nothing in this style is being made new - not that I can find, anyway. There's this, I suppose: [url="http://www.fiberglasscase.com/guitarcases.htm"]http://www.fiberglas...guitarcases.htm[/url] But, I'm not about to fork out $800 on a case... Any ideas? Anyone got something like this in the attic they fancy moving on..? Thanks for any suggestions. w./
  19. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1359827786' post='1960909'] [url="http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=iUmtBZrOBog&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiUmtBZrOBog&gl=SE"]http://m.youtube.com...mtBZrOBog&gl=SE[/url] Ltd bass. [/quote] Hahaha! Amazing. I've got [i][b]nothing whatsoever[/b][/i] against people who spend a lot of money on their instruments - except those that believe the more they spend the better they'll play, who really ought to watch this vid... w./
  20. I'm hearing you man. Best basses I've ever owned (and probably will ever own...) are two £100 planks (Jap J & bitsa P copies) that I've fettled and loved until there's really not much more I can think of that'll make them play any better... I'll still stop by a music shop on the odd occasion to try something out (or to drool over a special) but always leave with a huge smile on my face knowing that what I've got at home does it for me. The other side of the coin is that I can't stop buying crapulent £100 basses and spending the same again doing the buggers up...
  21. Hiya Ian, As it happens I'm often down that way as my dad lives in Stratford-upon-Avon. PM me your number and I'll drop you a line when I'm coming down next - you can decide then if you want me to bring it along with me. w./
  22. Forgot about this but it's still for sale kinda bump...
  23. Very friendly and communicative. I'd be happy to buy from Martyn again. Cheers! w./
  24. Hey Mike, Great vids, great band - I thought I recognised one of your sax players, turns out it's none other than Matt Telfer - say hi to him - we used to go out riding our motorbikes together when we both lived in Stratford upon Avon twenty or so years ago... He never let on how big a jazzer he was back then, one time we checked out what he had playing on his walkman during one particular ride... Bat Out of Hell... Hehe. Warmest regards. Wal.
  25. Cheers all. A few opinions there, all with merit - I spoke to our keyboard player earlier who has had a fair bit of past experience in the studio and he reckons that in the time we've got it's not worth dragging in new gear and just going with DI. Yep, if we had the place for a week then different story... I'll have a chat with the engineer beforehand - to be honest he'll probably be thanking his stars by the time the vocals are down... Most certainly will post back once the results are in... w./
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