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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1503833216' post='3361091'] After ranting Dave's video proved such a popular thread on here, I thought I'd share this as this guy made me laugh twice in this short video. I've not come across him before but he is certainly a character. I love the bass too. [/quote] Really love the final bridge pickup tone he gets, but no idea how you would use it.
  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1503832916' post='3361088'] The band, called Euphony, haven't been gigging this year due to them all (that's now eleven of them if and when they can all make it) having other things to do in various parts of the country. They haven't played London or Brighton since last summer. But old farts were allowed, although I've had to pay like anyone else. If you're interested though, you can hear two EPs at Bandcamp, from 2013 as a six-piece group and 2014 as nine-piece group ... [url="https://euphonybrighton.bandcamp.com/album/mistakes-ep"]Mistakes EP - 2013[/url] [url="https://euphonybrighton.bandcamp.com/album/outside-in-ep"]Outside In EP - 2014[/url] ETjr and his muso mates did steal from my vinyl and cd collections but the thing is they were also listening to a massive variety of world music and European classical music now so easily available on the internet which is an echoed of the earlier comment about listening to everything. [/quote] Thanks Dave, will check those links out this evening.
  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503705389' post='3360495'] I've always found that a little bit intriguing; five voters have cast fourteen votes. Perfectly legitimate, of course (voting is not [i]yet [/i]obligatory...), but it seems that, every month, someone decides that there are less than three pieces worthy of note. Maybe there's another explanation..? Dunno; just seems odd to me, that's all. [/quote] Sorry, 'twas I. I felt two stood out above all the others this month. Nothing to do with bad arithmetic.
  4. Wow, love it. Great colour. Jon is an amazing builder, still plotting how I can commission a second build from him one day!
  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1503666226' post='3360137'] Lots of influence from Dub in Drum 'n' Bass and related genres and sub-genres. ETjr plays in a 'Gypsy Dub' band. [/quote] Sounds great - is he local to you, do they gig? Would an old fart like me get in to one of their gigs?!
  6. I'm sure Luke won't mind a little deviation! I agree with you, all that switching has had to be thought through. At least it can't be accused of being style over substance!!
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1503576539' post='3359306'] 'Uncle, I want to play bass, who should I listen to?' 'Well, I could certainly make plenty of suggestions, but who have you been listening to that has made you want to play bass?' 'I like Drum 'n' Bass ' 'Well, you'll want to learn to sample and to use a synth, as well as pickup bass guitar and/or double bass, but let's ask your cousin, who is a Drum 'n' Bass promoter as well as a musician ..... ' '..... apparently he's got a long list of stuff for you but he says Skream's Dutch Flowerz is all you need to know in four minutes.' Or is Basschat just too rockist for this stuff? [/quote] I liked that - would have preferred something else to happen, but was like an updated dub. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1503570306' post='3359231'] If that's all ET jr. needs to know, then he may be asking the wrong questions ... [/quote] Your avatar likes it Jack - I swear it was dancing in time
  8. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1503609146' post='3359725'] Car crash chic. Where did you find that specimen? [/quote] Quite amazing that someone has put time, some thought (ok not much) and effort into that!
  9. [quote name='MrDaveTheBass' timestamp='1503574585' post='3359284'] Did Sting nick your parking spot? [/quote] No, but he did ask me which one was the gents loo at a bash, having just seen a woman come out of the ones with urinals in. He was wearing Moroccan style fancy dress, complete with Fez at the time.
  10. You won't get heard at all what with the Alfa not getting you to the gigs Sorry, love Alfas really, just couldn't resist!
  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1503315262' post='3357061'] you've not listened to any covers of Bob Dylan songs then, especially Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower [/quote] Absolute tosh. Next you'll be saying Adele's version of To Make You Feel My Love is better
  12. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1503330913' post='3357325'] Quite, and I would hope it's obvious from my opening post that this is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. Thank you to everyone that's contributed to this. We'll lose the flags henceforth, [/quote] And I applaud your posting of the question and the manner in which you did it. If more people acted that way there would be a lot less misunderstanding in this world. (Bloody hell, I'm starting to sound like a hippy now man)!
  13. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1503319107' post='3357137'] As I stated before we have NEVER had an adverse comment or raised eyebrow about any of it. We do know what the flags about and I'm trying to gauge if our punters see it for anything other than decoration [/quote] That doesn't mean you haven't offended anyone though. Well overdue ditching this. Sounds like you have more than enough to create a great atmosphere.
  14. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1503244548' post='3356651'] [media]http://youtu.be/Res3-YX4X8g[/media] [/quote] Even as a huge Elvis Costello fan I have to agree this is the finest version of a wonderful song. However, is it a cover? It was originally written for Wyatt, with Costello recording it slightly later.
  15. Interesting set of results. Are the other non-users staying just not looking at the this thread? I can't believe I'm in that small a minority.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1503082360' post='3355641'] The same could be said of drum parts, which are instrument-specific. It's just the nature of the beast, really. [/quote] Not really, as they are standard notation minus specific pitch. The nature of the bass/guitar beast is that they could be written in standard notation, but bass/guitarists choose not to use that form.
  17. My (slight) issue with tab is that although it does basically the same thing as standard notation it only does it for one specific instrument at a time, and only for stringed instruments. It feels a little isolated, almost like guitar and bass players consider themselves guitar and bass players, not musicians.
  18. Do you (like many bands) play everything just that little bit faster at gigs?
  19. Everyone knows That only a rose Will bear the prettiest petal. But nobody knows After so many goes Which bass is the best for metal.
  20. What about the matching suit? Would probably require a bit of a change in musical style though!!
  21. I bought a Hartke HA2500 in an emergency (only thing I could get in time for a gig). I also bought a Citroen Picasso 3 days before Christmas - similar circumstances. Both gave a very poor user experience, and I'm so glad they are both now just unhappy memories.
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1502887620' post='3354180'] That, and the excellent bargains to be had in the Marketplace section. Oh, and, of course there's 'Bad Jokes'. Not forgetting the Basschat Composition Challenge. And the Gardening. And the football topic. (No, on second thoughts, skip that...) There are even some 'running jokes' that recur from TIM to TIM Soooooo much to enjoy... [/quote] Just misread composting...must get back to listening and voting, missed the last couple.
  23. Pal of mine does the solo fingerpicking very nicely - not quite the singer songwriter style that you are after, but still pretty cool. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYcUIa4TYgE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYcUIa4TYgE[/url]
  24. Look forward to hearing these later in the year Pete.
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