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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. "Unplayed, in perfect condition" "This thing just rocks, with a super easy action, and she sounds like a great P bass should" - err, so you've played it then?
  2. I had one, head with single 110 cab. Incredible piece of kit...until just out of guarantee it gave up on me and not a single amp repair person had a clue what to do with it once they opened it up. Yamaha didn't support with parts either, so was consigned to the scrapheap.
  3. Officially you will need to submit the songs to MCPS for a license. They will ask for the publishing royalty upfront (8.5% of the published dealer price). If the songs are all traditional then you will be OK. Check for some other versions of them - they will have Trad, arranged by xxxx instead of a writer's credit. Otherwise, if the writer has been dead for over 100 years the song will have become public domain. I'd guess a lot of acts do ignore the process. MCPS get reports from CD manufacturers, in fact, the manufacturers should not produce the CDs unless a license is in place. If you are running them off yourself or getting CDRs replicated in small quantities then these will not be reported. Chances of MCPS finding out? Probably quite low, but, like HMRC, they are a tenacious bunch.
  4. Just traded amps with Alex - knew it was going to take a while to get together, but good communication all the way and a pleasure to deal with.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1502189659' post='3349831'] I've been having the Devil's own time trying to fine a pre-CBS 5-string ... [/quote] Take a string off a 61 Bass vi then
  6. Nice. I have on original S90 - very similar but 1 volume 1 tone. Bought it 2nd hand when I was 14 so it is now very old GLWTS
  7. Well I enjoyed that. Shame Pride had taken its toll on a potential audience, and was a bit strange the way the pub wanted you finished and out so early, but the band sounded great, tasty bass playing and a huge tome from that Thunderbird. Let me know if you are down this way again. Cheers, Mike
  8. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1501925284' post='3348229'] 'morning folks, one last bump before I saddle up a bass and mosey on down to Brighton. [/quote] Don't forget it is Pride this weekend - shouldn't affect the end of town you're in too much, but may take a little longer getting in and parking up. See you later.
  9. Annoyingly GAS free at the moment, but... [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1501693198' post='3346646'] [b][u]Style[/u][/b] Traditional or custom – Sort of Traditional - Ripper/Grabber No of strings - 5 [b][u]Woods[/u][/b] Body (inc finish) – Basswood - Painted finish, not sure what colour Neck – Maple with Graphite rods Fretboard – Ebony [b][u]Hardware[/u][/b] Machine heads/tuners – Hipshot Nut (material and width) – Not sure Frets – Yes, this time! Pickups – Nordstrand Big Singles or Fat Stacks Pre-amp - No Pickguard (if any) - Big lump of black plastic Bridge – Hipshot Strings – brand, gauge and type – Bit of experimenting here - definitely roundwound, possibly nickel Other - Schaller Straplocks, Neutrick or Switchcraft jack socket. Built by Jon Shuker! [/quote]
  10. I only rarely use a pick, and when I do it is way quieter. I'm going to suggest something completely different to all the above. You are, like me, probably playing too hard fingers style. I dig in big time. I know I'm not supposed to, have read up on the theory, and have even practiced turning up and playing more gently. I just can't stick to it, and quickly get back to digging in.
  11. Rag n Bone Man has created a very original take on the Blues, just like the Rolling Stones did 50 years ago and ZZ Top did 30 years ago. Sure, none of these have reinvented the wheel, but it shows that music is still evolving significantly.
  12. Level 42 probably not the best choice for comparison of modern pop. They came from quite a serious Jazz-Funk background. Pop acts back in there day were bands like Steven Tintin Duffy, Dead or Alive or Baltimora. As with Highfox suggesting Bruno Mars, Level 42 would compare much more closely with him, or Pharrell Williams.
  13. Any good at playing backwards?
  14. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1501270676' post='3343787'] Fantastic. Made during or around the sessions for BB King In London [url="https://open.spotify.com/album/6ES6xzXpxBhcjciskqKCgv"]https://open.spotify...pxBhcjciskqKCgv[/url] Note Pete Winfield on piano [/quote] And Barry Ford on Drums who I saw as a reggae artist at Ken Livingstone's "It's Only Rock & Royal" at the Crystal Palace Bowl on Charles & Diana's wedding day!!
  15. Thanks everyone for some really constructive feedback. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1501143042' post='3342746'] I presume your covers were hits or at least very well known songs? Audiences don't care who wrote the song. All they want is a song they can like. Don't lose your objectivity. If you've written a dull song make it better or don't play it. [/quote] Not all of them, and we've certainly gone out of our way to choose songs that don't get done to death (although there are a couple of those just for balance). [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1501144522' post='3342757'] In my experience you definitely need a very charismatic lead vocalist/front line to carry your audience thru unfamiliar material, however good it is - just playing it well isn't enough. [/quote] Yes, as a band we get good feedback for being entertaining. Nothing over the top, we just obviously enjoy ourselves, and put a solid, professional show on. As with my response to Chris, the songs we already do are not all really well known ones. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1501177237' post='3343141'] We did it really successfully some years back with a Levellers type band, ....I still get a buzz now remembering doing a gig and realising the crowd were singing back our songs not just the well known covers! [/quote] Sounds really great - something to aim for (oh, and if I was playing that sort of material I might even manage to get my wife to come along and listen)
  16. We're starting to write our own material - Blues and Southern Rock influenced. At the moment it will be a case of dropping a few in among more well known repertoire at our pub gigs, but hope to move towards doing more of our own stuff. Anyone else gone down this route? Any pitfalls or any useful advice? Thanks.
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1501012270' post='3341827'] Oh the excitement! [/quote] How did you do that?! (Grrr, PhotoBucket)
  18. Tiny Desk, Daryl's House, and now this. Some great music being made out there. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Just sorting out new photo hosting bump. Here we go: [url="https://flic.kr/p/VSjSU8"]https://flic.kr/p/VSjSU8[/url]
  20. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1500803265' post='3340214'] I've always thought that 'Fever' would be a great choice for a bass accompaniment, and this is marvellous playing by Tal Ronen. [/quote] Wasn't sure when this started, but once they got into it, and all their little nuances kicked in I really liked it. However... [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1500916995' post='3341079'] Sorry you don't like it, I thought it was pretty good. I'll be grumpy right back at ya and say that the original version was Little Willie John in 1956! Knocks Peggy Lee into a cocked hat if you ask me [/quote] ...I loved this, and wasn't aware of it before, so thanks!
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