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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1495193053' post='3302011'] The number of times I have seen bands mis-judge the length of their pre-recorded intro and the amount of time required to get on stage and plug in their instrument, so consequently get on far too early and then proceed to stand around on stage looking faintly embarrassed while they wait for the appropriate moment for the first number to start. [/quote] Could you make the introduction a little longer... (c)Eric Morecambe
  2. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1493377701' post='3287887'] There are two reasons to re-badge a bass: Snobbery. Fraud. [/quote] [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1493457476' post='3288431'] I put the decal on my bitsa because for me, it completed the look of it. Care to tell me where the 'snobbery' lies in that? And quite frankly, 'fraud' is not an accusation that should be thrown around lightly. [/quote] Brand snobbery, pure and simple. As for fraud, of course it is a major reason for people to use a fake decal. It's the first step anyone would take in trying to pass something off. I don't think 12StringBassist was lightly throwing accusations around, just stating the obvious, which, in turn, has elicited a very strange response from a moderator.
  3. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1495008852' post='3300315'] This is the amp that persuaded me that guitarists didn't need valves, although it's still a minority opinion. [/quote] It is quite a convincing argument. I'd happily gig it, and it sounds a lot better than the Blackstar in our local rehearsal room. Not sure what it would be like for high gain overdrive, but for crunchy blues/classic rock it is perfect.
  4. Happy Birthdays are for clown whore entertainers only
  5. Ah, the curse of Smoke on the Water! Try sitting out for the first 8 bars and then come in (with the correct line) and hear the difference it makes. Just a hunch, not coming from any great level of expertise, but to me this could be a good way of understanding how the two parts work together.
  6. Fair enough, but that puts a very different perspective on your original post, and much more worthy of the moan!
  7. In fairness to the promoter, you have specified "at least". With the amount of confusion there is over watts and impedance, even without a language barrier, the 500w 4ohm could be considered more than you requested in that it would potentially deliver more volume.
  8. Both tracks excellent. Fabulous arrangement and Sibyl Hofstetter has a wonderful voice. I'm going to echo what Dad3353 said though, in that I found the low-fi elements a little harsh, and would have personally felt a cleaner, smoother mix would have suited the vocals and the compositions more. Just a personal opinion of course, and not enough to put me off a couple of great tracks.
  9. Please tell me it's for a wedding? 😎
  10. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1494450496' post='3296172'] I know this is a different performance: ... but as a member of the audience, would you feel cheated that the band clearly aren't playing live? [/quote] Don't think they are - but all that audience noise during the performance would really pi5s me off.
  11. Mykesbass


    [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1494687932' post='3297882'] i'd love to post in off topic but have been banned, hence the post here [/quote] That's some achievement
  12. Mykesbass


    The same way people post "off topic" posts in "general discussion"
  13. If it is acoustic you are after, the short time I ran your local(ish) Guitar Shop I was impressed by all the Aria 12s I had. So was one punter who did a straight swap with a Yamaha 12 that retailed at 3 times as much! Sandpiper (small body) if you can find one was a very sweet guitar.
  14. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1494352224' post='3295286'] on the London underground, [/quote] You want to try a Friday lunchtime train from Liverpool to London - what a racket!
  15. I know it's probably very un-hip to admit, but I loved the big production of the live footage. Yes, lovely sound with that foam block.
  16. A nice little demo from him a bit later too. Thanks for posting.
  17. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1494076491' post='3293054'] In fairness, the Crusaders (previously the Jazz Crusaders) were a world renowned band long before they started having guest artists "fronting" them. It is not as though they (the Crusaders) needed the exposure that such artists bring. [/quote] I was really making the point that the relationship between them and their guests was symbiotic, and that they were as lucky working with Randy Crawford and she was working with them. Oh, and thanks for the history lesson, but I thought you may have realised from the mention of Hugh Masekela (who the Jazz Crusaders backed on his US number 1 Grazing in the Grass) that I would have known who this "world renowned band was.
  18. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1494075099' post='3293040'] . . . . plus the great Bobby Womack [/quote] I knew there was another important one missing - thanks Chris!
  19. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1494070664' post='3293007'] Randy Crawford was lucky to have The Crusaders as her band for that - doesn't get much better! [/quote] Crusaders where quite lucky to have the guest artists they did fronting them - Randy Crawford, Bill Withers, BB King, Joe Cocker, Hugh Masekela. Wouldn't kick any of those out of my band!
  20. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1493491687' post='3288779'] This one of favourite places in Amsterdam. [url="http://www.amsterdam.info/music/cafe-alto/"]http://www.amsterdam...usic/cafe-alto/[/url] It can be a bit hit and miss to be honest, one night I turned up and it was about 3 hours of free form jazz improv, but it's normally pretty good. [/quote] I just did a search for the bar where Hans Dulfer, father of Candy Dulfer (Lily Was Here and Prince sax player for a while) regularly plays, and it turns out to be the same place Cato recommends. Well worth a visit.
  21. These strap and lighter bass suggestions may just mask the problem. I've just taken up Pilates to sort out my hunched shoulders and have been shocked by how badly out a lot of my posture is. I'd say get yourself checked out rather than buying a quick fix.
  22. Thanks to Paul and Harry for making this happen. Now the happy owner of a Traynor YBA200, a bit of a project to get it back from poor health.
  23. Is this a follow on from the Pick Yes or No question that often appears on here?
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