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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Did a party in an L shaped room. Only way we knew something was going on was from the stink of the chocolate fountain. Still, it paid quite well.
  2. [quote name='MisterT' timestamp='1492809645' post='3283474'] Became a bit 'black' for my liking - always revolving around opression and such. I've never judged funk (or people for that matter) on colour, but the program did and I feel sorry for whoever thinks it's a colour thing. Hope that's not too controversial but it's weird being white and being conditioned into thinking you like 'black music'. WTF? [/quote] Just watched this and am very saddened by your comment. To me the political context in the documentary was incredibly important, and to see Fred Wesley getting so genuinely choked so many years later recalling the audience chanting "I'm Black & Proud" really sums up how important the music was to the civil rights movement and vice versa. Fabulous music too.
  3. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1492610441' post='3281612'] Not sure where you are in West Sussex but Stewart Ward (Mr Session) is in Basingstoke so not the longest drive. He will (as stated) give you excellent service but DO NOT ask him about valves - even as a joke!! [/quote] I'm at the most easterly point of West Sussex!! The amp sounds fantastic. Not really interested in the upgrade at the moment, a footswitch is the next step. And yes, love his whole attitude on the website regarding valves.
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1492435011' post='3280189'] Sorry about that. I'm not blessed with good taste, so can't really judge whether stuff will please or not, although I do try, honest..! Thanks for commenting, of course. [/quote] Hey, I don't like Stockhausen or the Doors, and some of the stuff I do like, well... So nothing to do with your good taste
  5. Very well constructed - would not have worked out the secret. Sorry, despite it being both clever and artistically sound I didn't enjoy it at all
  6. Didn't realise CITES covered crossing the border into Lincolnshire Sorry, couldn't resist. Now with my more useful hat on, I'd have thought opening up a dialogue with Pedulla and a reputable UK luthier you would be able to get hold of a headstock decal.
  7. AoC or AoB should be added to the denominator - Age of Car or Age of Boiler being possibly the most likely cause of an unexpected large bill. Oh, and for the self employed, TTTB - Time to tax bill.
  8. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1492245979' post='3278900'] Recourse is different and wasn't the point I was making. There is nothing stopping you asking where your shipment is. I've done it before with a bass that went into hibernation somewhere en route from mainland Europe with positive results. [/quote] That's great to hear, but I've had the misfortune on several occasions where this wasn't the case.
  9. [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1492162735' post='3278345'] Yes I believe he has..and you're right only the sender can talk to the courier. However now that a case has been opened PayPal asked me to no longer contact the seller. [/quote] Good luck, hope it gets resolved for all parties. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1492166464' post='3278397'] Surely that depends on where it was last seen? If it's made it to the shores of Blighty and then gone awol, I would be included to get keep badgering whoever has received it here. I've done this before when basses have been "status unchanged" regardless of whether I arranged the courier or not. [/quote] No, as the recipient your only recourse is with the person who shipped. Frustrating, but I don't know of any couriers where this isn't the case.
  10. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1492101449' post='3277998'] Nightmare! Have you contacted the actually courier to see what was shipped. Where it is etc. They will have the weight if not the dimensions. Then you can determine if a bass was actually shipped. [/quote] Unfortunately it is only the person who booked and paid for the courier who can talk to them. Leads to some very frustrating situations. alembic1989 has the sender contacted the courier?
  11. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1491982661' post='3276863'] Not a thing I'd do myself but I imagine a decal saves answering the " Why haven't you got a Fender ?" question. Some folks do listen with their eyes and who wants to spend time defending their choice in gear. [/quote] Yep, gear snobbery, not necessarily from the owner.
  12. When you get a bigger dressing room than the puppets.
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1491850862' post='3275891'] That said, if you don't believe in tonewood then why not go for ebonol and a plastic-foam, lightweight body. [/gripe] [/quote] Because ebonol makes a horrid clacky sound when the strings touch it (on a fretless) - yuck. I would seriously love to take part in a scientifically controlled tonewood blind test.
  14. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1491660852' post='3274636'] I'm sure they have paid someone to do some SEO on their videos. I wouldn't blame them for everything. [/quote] This. I'd imagine (without checking adwords key word tools) that all things bass related makes for a very small, very crowded pond (ok, I know, bass aren't pond fish), so the SEO has to look for different angles (aargh, another fish pun)to get these videos up the rankings.
  15. Newtone Strings. British and custom service. Can't post links on my vintage phone - newtonestrings.com
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1491134228' post='3270705'] Does this bother you? If so I would ask for an actual new bass. As fair enough old stock etc but 2012 is a bit too much imo. I mean it could also effect its value if you chose to sell it on also. [/quote] I wouldn't have thought the OP would have any grounds to do this (even if he did want to). After all it isn't as if a Fender has a Best Before date, and if it did it would be 1965
  17. Been long proven that Disco doesn't suck [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/281682-disco-faves/page__st__150__p__3141013__hl__disco__fromsearch__1#entry3141013"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/281682-disco-faves/page__st__150__p__3141013__hl__disco__fromsearch__1#entry3141013[/url] Will have a listen - always appreciate your stuff, and like a lot of it too!
  18. Now get posting some of that fabulous music you choose!
  19. I've been toying with the idea for a Jazz to go with my fretless P, but it will need modding as I've fallen in love with Nordstrand Big Singles pickups.
  20. Seen some very cool footage of him recording some great keyboard lines with John Mayall whilst reading a book!!
  21. Love the idea of having a piece of mahogany in the shed for 30 years! Great build.
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