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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1486488553' post='3232230'] Like what? We do love machine, thats pretty gender specific. Hard pressed to think of something we wouldn't do. Sisters of mercy did jolene, that worked ok. [/quote] You're right of course. I only put that caveat in there thinking if I hadn't I'd have been shot down in flames 😊
  2. Surely you need a Steinberger to play cricket with?! 😏
  3. I only really noticed how flat my board is (been playing it for 5 years) when I was struggling with some changes across the strings. Just struck me Tha a little bit more of a curve may have helped. Got the line now, and again not really noticing how flat the board is.
  4. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1486369229' post='3231072'] Theft as well. During a sound check (outside show) in Gibraltar, a Monkey ran off with our MD's, Piano mains lead, along with a slice of his Pizza.... [/quote] How much had you paid it?
  5. [quote name='drake' timestamp='1486334109' post='3231012'] Mate, been playing a long time, losing cables out gigging / touring, damaging stuff on stage etc, all needs replacing in time due to wear. totally get what you mean if you just plug in at home an that, well made stuff will last ages. i dont have the luxury of a tech, so will knock up leads as i need them. [/quote] Didn't think about loss, and guess that will be more of an issue touring than gigging at the Tickled Trout
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1486310113' post='3230768'] Possibly ten years ago, he made a ten foot cable. A couple of years later, one for an Amp and Speaker Cabinet. A couple of years later, some Patch Cables.Then some spares etc. And all still in use? I presume that's what he means. [/quote] Fair point!
  7. [quote name='drake' timestamp='1486303587' post='3230682'] All of the cable "makers" mentioned here build them from commercially available cable and plugs so I dont know why more musicians dont build their own - been doing this for years, good cable like Canare and switchcraft plugs, job done [/quote] Now, not wishing for this to appear like a trolling post, surely the point of cables like OBBM removes the necessity of having "been doing this for years" in that you buy ones that last?
  8. Absolutely stunning bit of recycling. Beautiful work.
  9. I absolutely love my Shuker 5 string fretless P in my avatar.
  10. £80 - snap it up. Gigged the 410 combo for a while. Lovely sound but soooooo heavy. A head with some lightweight cabs would be great. Edit - you could always move it on if you didn't like it - I'd happily head up the queue!
  11. [quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1485964529' post='3228082'] I nominate you for the best thread title of the month. [/quote]
  12. Wow, four of each of these - that's some stack Sorry, couldn't resist - I'm sure a mod will be along to tidy up the duplicate posts soon enough - GLWTS!
  13. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1485958804' post='3228013'] PPL is not as good as PRS/MCPS but I am sure that was a tidy chunk. [/quote] Let's hope so!
  14. Sorry to hear this Michael - thanks for the book all those years ago!
  15. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1485869815' post='3227317'] Noel, our singer, is a forty-something bloke, but it never stops drunken ladies asking for Tina Turner songs, for some reason...I've told him it's him... [/quote] Never really got the issue with blokes doing songs originally by women or vice versa. Tina herself did it with Proud Mary. Obviously there are very gender specific songs that wouldn't work.
  16. Well I never, I pride myself on knowing a load of completely useless stuff when it comes to music, and have been a long time fan of Chas & Dave, mainly for their work outside of the hits, but I quite like them too. But I had absolutely no idea that Dave's bassline, and Jim's arrangement was responsible for one of Eminem's biggest hits: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKISdd2mKzU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKISdd2mKzU[/url]
  17. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1485866046' post='3227271'] I must have missed the original request. Do you still need this Mykesbass? I can hear it clearly and can have a go at tabbing it or rendering it in fly sh*t if you still want it. Beautiful tasteful bit of fretless playing by the great Hutch I believe. [/quote] Thanks Pete, but I was using a historic request to make a point. ChrisB came to the rescue at the time. Yes, lovely part, and very straightforward but at the time I just couldn't hear the intervals!
  18. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1485852758' post='3227126'] Great Post, Mike 👍 [/quote] I see what you did there
  19. A whole host of guitarists and bass players who either play their instruments up high on their chests, or around their ankles. Just looks so wrong and uncomfortable to me.
  20. Guess it wasn't too bizarre, but a bit out there. Used to do a mellow acoustic set in a local pub. Our singer had suggested at the previous rehearsal a couple of Woody Guthrie songs to which the guitarist replied along the lines of over my dead body. No prizes for guessing what we were asked for that night. Poor guy was baffled by the response, but loved it when we busked I Ain't Got No Home.
  21. Was a very broad take on blues, but now nudging towards more soulful repertoire.
  22. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1485796518' post='3226768'] Mike Post I believe. Love the song. Work it out by ear. [/quote] There are some people that can't do this at all, and, in my case, people who just can't get their ears around certain parts. Mine was Bonnie Raitt's I Can't Make Yo Love Me - just couldn't hear the intervals properly. I got the same response, which frankly was as much use as a one legged man in an ar5e kicking contest!
  23. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1485807501' post='3226905'] Speaking of irony, I was always astounded at the number of times we got asked for Easy by th e Commodores as a first dance considering the lyrics are (paraphrase) "I've grown to hate your guts and I can't stand you. Still, one more shag and by the time you wake up tomorrow I'll have cleared the house out and you'll never see me again, you witch." [/quote] Do it in a medley with Band of Gold and Young Hearts Run Free then!!
  24. American Special "[b]New[/b] Colours - Butterscotch Blonde"
  25. [quote name='Harryburke14' timestamp='1485701803' post='3225912'] I remember a bloke asking us if we could do any Lionel Ritchie after hearing an hour of indie and punk rock. [/quote] Could have done Faith N More's version of Easy.
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