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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. Just had my guitarist use it at a rehearsal tonight - it sounded fabulous. Now just need to persuade him to use it at gigs!
  2. https://m.facebook.com/pg/NikHuberGuitars/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1289378897787869
  3. [quote name='IJE' timestamp='1483530540' post='3207907'] Thanks for the replies! There is some bare wood on the body due to age and wear so cleaning is tricky. I'll try some of these ideas over the next few days and update! Pictures to follow [/quote] May sound crazy, but you could try Grangur's bicarb suggestion but dust it on dry, and leave for a few hours. It does an amazing job absorbing smells in fridges and shoes!
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1483476169' post='3207540'] [b][size=3]Woolly[/size][/b] [size=3][b]Musical[/b][/size] [/quote] Oh dear, if that's the case, give me wooly every time!
  5. [quote name='Jamieboy' timestamp='1483478229' post='3207586'] .....GAS being a given, of course. [/quote] Think I've been here too long - can spot it a mile off Have fun finding your 4 string!
  6. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1483476433' post='3207549'] ^^^ I left in 1979 - as a matter of interest, the company was Peter Simper, based in Bath. Did you work for Larens? [/quote] Ah, no. The other Ray, Levy, not Laren. Saying early 80's, I've realised I started in 77 - I'm older than I thought 😖
  7. Pickguard? Sometimes old plastics can hold on to smells. Also, may need a bit of a clean underneath it.
  8. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1483468695' post='3207407'] A long time ago, I used to site Juke Boxes for a major operator. [/quote] When, and who? My first ever job (Saturday and school holidays) was dinking records for jukebox operators. Early 80's. May have supplied you as there weren't many others doing this.
  9. Right temperament would trump experience any day for me.
  10. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1483363258' post='3206493'] Can I play devil's advocate for a moment :-/ is there a reason you can't get back to basics with the five string? If it's not broken why not just spend the money on a set of new strings & things that'll make practicing easier, like an audio interface, transcribe software & some new headphones. Just an idea. P.s Yamaha all the way! :-) [/quote] Yep, I'd say my playing is fairly 'back to basic' - Blues and old Soul, all of which I do on a 5 string. I really like playing around the 5th position, so find the 5 great, playing E at that position on the low B. Also love having a low D. Unless of course you're having a gas attack 😃
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1483281519' post='3205860'] So if you're already happy with the core tone of your bass (as I am - Fender Road Worn P with La Bella flats) then the M81 will preserve and subtly enhance it. Plus you can add more punch in the mids, iron out any frequency lumps and bumps that a crap-sounding room may introduce, produce a full, tightly-controlled bottom (fnarr) and dial in an airy (but not brittle) top end, keeping 'your' tone intact, yet rendering it sonically epic. [/quote] [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1483288773' post='3205947'] Thanks for your usual high standard of review, sounds like a great piece of kit. I have the M80 and think it is superb, I know exactly what you mean about the distortion channel but by chance I found it to be very useful if used with the controls set very low. Instead of sounding distorted, it then just adds a pleasing, slightly overdriven/valvey sort of effect, well it does to my ears [/quote] Another happy M80 user - I completely get where you are at with the above description on the clean sound discreet, but also, like Gary Mac, on a handful of songs I just use a tiny amount of overdrive blended in, which I'm also happy with. Nice to see you back, Happy New Year!
  12. Couldn't be more different from my very traditionally styled Shuker, but I absolutely love that!!
  13. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny9Jitb86eQ[/media]
  14. I can see why, but would think getting the balance right across them would be very difficult. I broke a roundwound D once and put a fresh one on to carry on playing - it was so loud and bright compared to the rest of the played in strings it made it difficult to play. Had to change the others in the break.
  15. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1482871704' post='3203269'] It was 4 of these [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0146CE9QS/ref=mp_s_a_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1482871566&sr=8-35&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=action+camera"]https://www.amazon.c...s=action+camera[/url] [/quote] Thanks!
  16. Really nicely done. Only thing I'd throw in to the discussion - I'd have liked to have seen an audience. And yes, what where the cameras?
  17. Well just a quick noodle at home and it sounds great. Need to roll a lot of top end off, and yes, Japanaxe, the blend of both channels is great. Couple of proper Ipswich Celestions! Happy days!
  18. Thanks for the latest replies. Funky Ghost - I like that one. Will check what the UK price.
  19. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1482746432' post='3202445'] Wasnt Chas the bassist on the early Joe Meek singles? [/quote] Yes. Japhet mentioned the Outlaws in post #8 who were the backing band for Heinz "Just Like Eddie" along with lots more of Meek's work.
  20. Flatwounds are sweet but duller than rounds. Sorry to disagree with Japanaxe, but I don't think they will make any difference with noise from your right hand, they will however, stop any string squeaking from your left hand. D'addario Chromes are very nice, used them a lot on an old jazz guitar I had.
  21. Ooh, just bagged one of these on Ebay - fancied one for a while and this one seemed like a sensible price. Will post a review once I get my mitts on it.
  22. Did this for a while until we got a second guitarist, just to fill out under solos/ I used the pog and an EHX splitter, ran th eoctave up through a cheap (Joyo) guitar distortion pedal into a Roland Cube 40. Biggest problem I had was getting the balance right in the mix. Guitar would sound way too loud against the bass when I set up, but once the band started playing it needed cranking up. sounded OK once everything was sorted.
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