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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1481282293' post='3191153'] Carry on with what you're doing but make it more so then you'll be the one who gets noticed and is talked about. The others will start to feel a bit left out and, with a bit of lick, start trying to out perform you. Instant stage show. [/quote] Having seen Bertbass in action I must say this is great advice!
  2. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1481133906' post='3189966'] I heard the horse and cart's making a comeback too [/quote] But cars are probably an improvement, can't say the same for streaming or downloads
  3. [quote name='sirmuppet' timestamp='1480785885' post='3187164'] I checked those out. They look pretty cool. Haven't heard much about them [/quote] Just put OBBM into the forum search bar - they are very highly regarded on here. Only cables I buy now (not that I've had to buy many as they've not needed replacing)!
  4. From those styles you just listed I'd go for a P. I'm sure you will get plenty of other opinions though!
  5. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1480535166' post='3185224'] What about this one..i thought it was lovely [/quote] Has he not had that bl00dy toothache fixed yet? edit - yes, it's cute and cool at the same time.
  6. +1 to reverb - home practice on a completely dry amp can sound a little dull.
  7. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1480406288' post='3184021'] He also has (had?) the charcoal grey metallic listed on the website - that was pretty tempting too. I wonder if he's going to get a rush on Westfield P-bass sales Trying to justify why I wouldn't need another one... do basses get lonely? [/quote] Could be the new Sue Ryder basses 😃
  8. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1480359441' post='3183708'] I was well impressed with the service - Steve was so helpful and was willing to ship the bass despite not usually doing mail order over the net, and he packaged it up so well - best bass parcel I've ever had. I had been searching for a Westfield B1000 and his site never turned up in the Google search results (hence obscure... for certain values of obscure ). I actually came across the site because he is listed as a Cort retailer on the Cort website (I had been looking for a stockist of B4s) - went there and first bass in the list was the Westfield. [/quote] I can imagine the SEO for Westfield could be a little difficult what with that well known shopping mall! Steve's delighted with the positive comments, and a little bird tells me he has another identical one in stock...
  9. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1480345549' post='3183550'] an obscure music shop website (Bedrock Music in West Sussex - [url="http://bedrockmusic.com/"]http://bedrockmusic.com/[/url]). [/quote] A proper, old school, independent music shop, Bedrock. Steve will love your description - we're good mates, I'll show him your post when I see him on Sunday!
  10. Thanks everyone - will hang on and keep looking for a used MXR.
  11. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1480185428' post='3182393'] Worst experience I ever had was at the end of the first set, the drummer got up off his kit, walked to the front of the stage and keeled over. Ambulance was called and the paramedics did the full CPR deal then carted him off to hospital. A coronary, which happily he survived to gig again! Not much you do to prepare for that though, is there? [/quote] Sadly this happened during a rehearsal to a pianist I played in a big band with. A loud crash and I looked over my shoulder, laughed, thinking he'd fallen off his chair, then the horrible realisation of what had actually happened. Unfortunately he didn't survive. Lovely old boy
  12. Thank No. 8 - pedal is the first thing, and is in line, not in fx loop. Yes, turned sensitivity all the way up. Good to hear that it does work with the P and flats though. Got the day off, will set up and have another play around. Cheers, Mike
  13. I know Youtube demos are severely limited by the sound quality, but I've listened to a lot of envelope filter reviews, and to my ears the MXR is by far my preferred (non-boutique) pedal, but running it a close second was a much cheaper Mooer. I had the opportunity to try one last night at rehearsal and was very disappointed. I got very little effect from the unit, and although it was all very quick, I did try running through a lot of settings. Now, the big question, how much influence does the bass have on this type of effect. Nearly all the demos are done on Jazz basses with roundwounds, I play a fretless P Bass with flats. Am I trying to achieve the impossible with this set-up? Thanks in advance.
  14. and follow it up with the Bitter Suite compilation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyyjuQqVMlU
  15. Must dig my vinyl copy of this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuppOIjWaJI
  16. Brilliant picture, and some great looking kit on stage!
  17. [quote name='CrackerJackLee' timestamp='1479633060' post='3177898'] Carol has shown the union receipts... Motown hired her... They paid her for something... You can't prove your conspiracy theory... But she paid taxes on those receipts...! One gets tired of hearing bass players three time younger than her complaining about her without proof... LOL! They're young enough to be her grandchildren... and they have no accomplishments to compare... Carol Kaye was in demand by the greatest producers and artists of our time... She played on the records she got paid to play on... and she has no reason to lie... why would she...? Paul McCartney learned from her playing... Back in 1969 I bought her books to learn how to play bass... Where were you people in '69...? or 1957, when she started recording hit songs..? All I see here is jealousy... What do you know about Berry Gordy's business arrangements...? And this thread was started as a TROLL THREAD...! Spreading lies about a good woman who pioneered the bass guitar... None of you will ever add a fraction of her achievements with Leo Fender's Bass Guitar... Like Southern California, Leo Fender, Rock 'n Roll, The Beach Boys, Chuck Berry and Carol Kaye, none of you will ever come close to copying America's achievements... I can see and hear why you are jealous of Carol Kaye... You want us to worship British Rock bass players... but really... can you hear the soul in your music...? you're all so stiff, there's more rhythm in the beat of a copper... [/quote] I don't think you read my post. The original wasn't mine. I responded as I felt you had misinterpreted the final paragraph. Have a second read and see that the OP could quite easily be being supportive of Ms Kaye.
  18. [quote name='CrackerJackLee' timestamp='1479625043' post='3177866'] Why would you start a post on Carol Kaye to malign her? You must be an insecure and jealous little creep... jealous of her bass playing... When the Fender Bass was still a new instrument, Carol Kaye was playing bass like a boss... Motown hired her in L.A. to record Motown Hits... do you think they paid her for nothing...? You don't even have facts... you're just a rumor parrot... Johnny... I've never heard of you...What hits have you played on...? You must be the A'HOLE of Australia... Carol Kaye, the woman, played bass on hit records for super stars even before you were spawned... And except for this post, you will die a legend in your own mind... [/quote] Wow, nothing like making something fit your own agenda. The way I read that last paragraph the OP's question could easily be rhetorical. They are saying she has no need to make these claims if they are not true as she has already proved her worth with other, fine and verified recordings.
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1479589585' post='3177753'] Not so radical as all that, I'd say. There are many 'reasonings' that are entirely valid, I'd say. [/quote] Well I'll leave it to someone else - just remembered why I stay out of Off Topic.
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1479588943' post='3177745'] Not particularly. [/quote] OK, won't try and reason with such a radical view.
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